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==================== ABK MUSIC ====================
Music & Samples 1
Mix of samples and music, with the emphasis more on samples. Bonus,
Collect1, Drip, EchoSwish, Explosion1, Explosion2, Footstep, Funky1,
Gameover1, Gameover2, Gameover3, Gameover4, Gameover5, Gunshot1,
Hiscore1, Hiscore2, Hiscore3, Laser1, Laser2, Laser3, Maintune, Misc1,
PLAYER.amos Pop1, Pop2, Really_Funky, Startgame2, Stereobang,
Swordclang, Swordswipe, Timewarp1, Timewarp2, Welldone2. aaaah,
AMOSspeech, bass5, bass9, bassdrum, basstring1, Blast, burp, click,
collect1, Doom, Doom2, Doom3, drip, explosion1, explosion2,
FootstepECHO, gunshot1, Jetes, lazer1, lazer2, Magic, misc1, NightMare,
organ2, Outlaw, Panflute, spring1, Strange, stratguitar, strings1,
stringsmaj, stringsmin, swordCLANG, SwordSWIPE, timewarp, voice.
Luke Miller Music 1
Luke Miller
This disc contains 11 songs which you can use in your own programs
providing that you acknowledge Luke. Also on the disk is Tiler.Amos, a
simple but playable game.
Luke Miller Music 2
Luke Miller
10 more untitled songs from Luke, complete with the AMOS Player by
Martyn Brown.
Luke Miller Music 3
Luke Miller
Another 11 songs from Luke in ABK form along with Tiler3.AMOS and the
music player.
Auto Player
Technical Fred Software
Load in your AMOS music and use this very well documented player to
listen to it.
bladerunners music 1
andrew halsall & dave rimmer
Uses a hardware scroll for the message on the screen and is a simple
music demo but very well presented.
music player
steve bennett
Dennis the Menace features on the music player. Some good music is also
on this disc.
Amos Jukebox 1
Jon Of Electrolyte
Music player with 9 good songs: FRIENDSHIP, INTROBEAT, MAD MAZE, PIANO
Very simple controls consist of function keys 1-9 to choose the music
and right mouse button to control LED.
music disc 1
Another very good demo from Syntex.
zenn music box
Music player. Very good VU meter with 16 channels. Music on this disc
CONANS FIRST, DALEY and WOWEE ZOWEE. Very well presented disc.
Tuned In
Luke Miller
Another collection of music composed by Luke that you can use in your
own programs providing that you acknowledge Luke.
The tunes are:- cradler, cute, hit_the_top, Hunted, m1, m2, m4,
MDingame, music1, music2dat, warping_zone,
Music Player
Mark Dyson
Needs AMOS to run. Contains Baal, Cabal, LdRunner, Thesign and Thunder.
Use the arrow keys to scroll through the songs and press return to play
Sounds Like...
Luke Miller
Yet more top notch music from Luke Miller in .ABK form. Pieces on this
disc are Hurry Up!, Trundle, Panik, Cry_Baby, Its_Coming!, Arachnid,
Before, Heralding, Herra and Forgotten Glory. All the music can be
listened to from a simple music player.
dr. strange music
dr. strange
Please order Disc 2 (APD283) when ordering this disc. Well presented
music player with 10 very different pieces of music. The screen has
benn made to look like a Compact Disc player and has lots of buttons for
doing various things. The VU meter and Volume Indicator is also very
nice. Good disc.
Tunes are:- Bacteria 1-7, equalise, heavyballad, revolution,
zimmersound, Drums
demented designs
demented designs
This is a very well presented music disc. It features the most
origional VU meter I have seen so far in the AMOS PD library. The bars
move around on the screen whilst changing length in time to the music
and also change colour. There are 7 pieces of music chosen by using the
keyboard: Monolithik, Softoonz, Multimsuic, Bright Eyes, Softcred,
Calgames and R-Tek. There is also a nice loading sequence. Lots of
useful routines in this music program.
eko's music disc
Please order Disc 2 (APD290) when ordering this disc. I found it
difficult at first to believe that this program had been written and
COMPILED in AMOS but it has! There are 22 pieces of 8 Channel music on
tese 2 discs from various groups e.g. Kefrens, Scoopex etc. When you
choose a piece you also get the groups logo on the screen which is a
nice touch. Shame the program is compiled though! Very good.
The music titles are:-
axel, dawn, dots, dynamic, flower, future, GWLV7, klaas, metal, steel,
sun, tonight, ba1, Beast, Breeze, cluster, crazy, dark, Madness, Moon,
quest, who.
Bitmapped Productions
Please order APD311 (Disc 2) when ordering this disc. There are 6 music
tracks spread over these two discs all selectable from a nice menu. The
tracks are Tied Up, Infraction, Galaxy II, KGB House, Watch This and
Popcorn. The program is compiled so you can't look at the source code
which is a shame!
Music Mania
Andrew Elia
Music Mania is a well presented music player that... well... plays
music and thats about it! There are other options on the main program
menu but there is also a note saying that they are not on the disc for
some reason.
Music Equaliser
Another music disc but this one requires AMOS to run and also needs 1mb.
There are nine different tunes on these discs all of which are fairly
good. The music player/demo isn't bad but isn't much to look at.
Music is:- carvup, cream, cryingspy, silhouete, uponme, blue, breath,
decade, jungle, mod4, short, urock,
Amos Sounds 1
Michael Foord
A disc of .ABK music files, and a player, for you to use in your
The tunes are:-
captive, chant, comon, cure, pretty-cool, rebels, simpsons, starworx, strange
Amos Sounds 2
Michael Foord
Another disc of .ABK music files and Samples, from Michael Foord you to
use in your programs.
Samples:- Boing, Bouncer, camera, Click, ClockWork, DogBark,
Electric-Door, fbreak, Five, footsteps1, Four, fsigh, GameOver,
GetReady, Gong, Helicopter-Blades, hlaserblast, hlaugh, horsegalloping, Level
mAAAh! mad cow, morse, One, Pistol, SkidMarks, Swosh, Three, Two
Tunes:- ba1, build up, complications, crionics, hi-t soul, intro music,
psychic child, Simple player.AMOS, space song.
Music Disk 4
Luke Miller
A disk full of Luke's music. Tunes on this disk are :- Ben's Revenge,
Boogaloo, Juliet & Romeo, Lurker in the Dark, Predation, RollNrock,
Roving matrix, Time to sigh, Xmania.
Tuned Into....
Luke Miller
Luke Miller presents a further collection of his work on this disk. The
tunes are:- Chaos Rain, Chrome District, Distilled, Leap, Maximum
Minimality, Short 'n'Sweet, and Voices in the Wind.
Luke Miller's Music 5
Luke Miller
Another disk of 6 tunes for you. Tunes are:- CHAINS OF THE SEA, CITRUS
BUG Disk complete with player program.
Luke Miller's Music 6
Luke Miller
Eight songs for you this time. ENEMY WITHIN, HIGH IN THE SKY, JO, MUSIC
Disk complete with player program.
Early Works
Maes Hugo
This music playing disk contains several tunes:- C-PLAYERS,
Music Disk 7
Luke Miller
Another collection of tunes from Luke Miller. Plenty of .abk musicfor
you to use in your programs:-
bottled_anxiety, Cool_breeze, death_of_a_bard, fill_in, make_way, Newway_out,
purple_orange, shallow_mallow, WUFF.
Maverick Music Demo
Maverick (aussie)
A music demo disk with sample files and a directory of instruments.
Music - Lemmings_Song.abk
Sound Sams - aarrgghh! AirWrench, Alarm, ArrowHit, ArrowStart, atmosphere1,
atmosphere2, axe_hero, Beep, bell, bigeko, bike, bottieburp, bottlesmash, burp, buzzer,
creak, doorbell, enemymotor, enemysaucer, exterminate! fanfare, fire! five(hundred),
gameover, hammer, higheko, hitglass(2), hitwoodobject, Humm, hummer, HumPulse2,
klank, klaps(lo5), klaxon, loweko, machinegun, metaleko, Metallic, missile,
MONTY.PYTHON, OK,Suckers!! one(hundred), orch_hifi, orch_lofi, peow! Phaser1,
Pulsar, Pulse, ricochet, riff1, riff2, roar, roareko2, saucer, sinewavepulse, sinewavepulse2,
singleshot, sologunhi2, spacerifle, SweepDown, SweepUp, SweepUpshort, Sword, swordswish,
tank, Throb, trringg!, two(hundred), WowPulse, XploLong, Xplomedium, XploShort,
Instruments:- aLAHIHAT3, ALAMIDHIHAT, bass, bassdrum, beatbassd, brass,
D-50-Blue, D-50-DarkAss, D-50-EchoBass, D-50-JarreTense,
D-50-Lazershort, d20synth1, d20synth1.2, fredclap, M1-HHATO,
sanbornbass1, snaredrum, uhr, woodsnare.
Aussie Music #1
There are 12 tunes on this disk, player included.
FAST-JACK-JUGI,GIANNASISTERSW, heavy_on_the_rocks, nightfall, nothing,
okremix, phr, pianosong, popcorn_mix, raggy, riff, rocking.
Aussie Music #2
Music player and 7 tunes.
Aussie Music #3
You can listen to 12 tunes via the player on this disk.
Aussie Music #4
Player and 13 tunes.
big_in_japan, cebit, delta, fred, hero, hotstuff, hymn_to_yezz,
innervission, jarre, jungle, laserremix, lessonsinlove, magnum.
Aussie Music #5
Player and 9 tunes.
GHOSTY, m5, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7.
Aussie Music #6
Player and 11 tunes
m3, nsquiz, song1, sos, speedsong, sunsetglow, symphony, tankscores,
thesecondface, thesong, x_express.
Aussie Music #7
Player and 8 pieces of music
alf, burnedout, EL_Music, gunship, lars, m1, Photo, pobox.
Mal's Sampled Speech
Malcolm Lavery
There are 73 examples of speech on this disk, they are of a reasonable
size and should be useful in your programs!The filenames tell you what
the speech is.
4321 Airstrike Air_to_Ground Alert Amo
Astalavesta Chaingun Close Come_Here Complete
ContestantReady Damage_Critical Destruction_In Excelent
Faitality Fifty Fight FinishHim Finish_Him
First_Aid FlawlessVictory Forty Get_Out
Get_Over_Here Going_Down Going_Down HeGotIt Helecopter_sound
Intercepter Intruder Jonny JustInTime Kano
Keys Lets_Go2 Lets_Go Look_Out LueKang
Marveless Mayday Mission_Acom MoveOut Naparm
NO! OhDamn OhIAgree OhYes One
Over_Kill Raygan Requires Return Re_Load
Rockets Scorpion Seconds Sonya SubZero
Take_Him_Out Take_Off Ten Terminated ThatsIt
ThatWillHelp Thirty TookAHit Touch_Down Twenty
Two_Many_Hits Two Uhrrr! WellDone Wins
From Totally Amos
aaaahhh, alienexpl, another_laser, anti_aircraft, argh, Arrow, arrow1,
arrr, atmosphere1, automatic_fire, bark, Beep, biplane_engine,
bird_chirp, Boing, Boing2, Bouncer, Bubble, captain caveman!,caw,
comeon, crickets_chirping, damp, Dedede, DOOR2, doorbell,
Dull_Sword_Clang,EEEE, eeek, EEIONG, Elephant, enter_name, Explosion,
explosion1, fire!, FootSteps, galactica_laser, GameOver, Glass, gogogo,
gunshot, HandGun, HEART2, Helicopter-Blades, helicopter2, Hip-Hip,Horn,
INVERS, jump, Jungle, Laser, laser4, Laugh, LEVELOK, notimportant, oof!,
oooo, ouch1, Owwwh, peow!, Pistol, plooshploosh, Poof, PopGun, Pulsar,
QUACK2, revolver_shot, Scotty, SCREAM1, select, sfx-Bikecrash,
sfx-CatMeow, sfx-Sneeze, sfx-Thunder, sfx-whistl1, shipsnd, single_shot,
SkidMarks, snd1, space_alarm, space_alarm2, space_warp, splat, Spring,
steamboat_hoot, SweepUp, SweepUpshort, swish, Sword_clang, Sword_Clang2,
Sword_Clang_1, Sword_Swipe, tank, thats life, thisis, Tiger, TRAIN,
trringg!, uh oh, uuuuhh, Water_drip, Waves, whoop, Wierd, wip, woowoo,
WowPulse, yip, Yodel, yougotit,
ADP 633
Samples with farmyard and birds themes.
Samples for kisses, voices, cartoons, wildlife, insects, babies and
laughter. Kisses KISS, KISS2, KISS3, MMMMM,
==================== ART =================
fonts disk number 1
This disc contains 14 typefaces for use in AMOS or other programs.
fonts disc number 2
13 more typefaces including AVANT GARDE, CELTIC, PALO ALTO, BASEL,
fonts disc number 3
Yet 13 more typefaces including BROADWAY, CAMELOT, FUTURE, STENCIL and
iff fonts disc
"The Skunk" and Spadge
A selection of IFF fonts converted from the ST by "The Skunk" plus some
superior AMIGA fonts added by Spadge. These can be cut into bobs and
used in AMOS. All fonts are displayed in a slide show format with some
iff picture disc 4
A selection of IFF pictures from the Newsflash archives which in the
words of Martyn Brown makes it "incredibly trendy with loads of street
cred". Actually there are some stunning pics on this disc including a
lovely kitten in a boot, a giraffe, Jack Nicholson as the Joker, and a
tree frog - twenty pictures in all plus music.
fun school 3 sprites
Mandarin Software
This disc was put into the Public Domain by Mandarin Software. It is a
collection of the sprites used in the Fun School 3 program.
nik williams broadcast
nik williams
Contains some stunning pictures as an example from the NIK WILLIAMS
Ronnie Simpson
Please order APD202 (Disc 2) also. This is a collection of digitised
pictures of a very high standard. The disc contains some stunning
pictures in three categories. One contains brilliant pictures of
animals, section 2 is entitled FANTASY and contains some really good
quality pictures. The third section is a favourite of the kids as it
contains pictues of American Wrestlers and they are currently big fans
of Hulk Hogan who, unfortunately, dosen't feature in this slideshow.
Some of the FANTASY section may not be suitable for young children
although I didn't find anything offensive about them - it's a matter of
personal censorship.
deja vu slides 1
darrel belshaw
Disc contains screens from Colouring Book, Thingamajig, Jungle Bungle,
Pukadu, 4-Way Lynx and Work and Play.
Deja Vu Slides 2
Darrel Balshaw
Disc contains screens from AMOS Assembler, Word Factory, Go-Getter,
Hypnotic Land, Play It Safe, Arc Angel's Shapes and Pictures. Gives you
an idea of the quality of licenseware before you buy.
janet jackson
mark jarvis
Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation Demo. Press return when it's loaded to
get the music going. Lisen to the music and look at the black and white
digitised pictures of her. If Michael Jackson has had so much plastic
surgery as the papers claim how does Janet manage to look so much like
him? Sorry, I digress, this demo will probably appeal to Janet Jackson
Digi Demo Slides
Technical Fred Software
This is an example of digitised pictures from the Technical Fred
Digitising Service presented in a nice slideshow program written in
AMOS. Very high picture quality. Impressive.
Digi Slide Show
Gary Shilvock.
A Digi-Slideshow of 10 colour and black & white pictures for you to
enjoy. Mostly on a fantasy theme.
IFF Landscapes (lores)
mark angel
This disk contains screen-shots of landscapes in lores for you to use as
backgrounds etc. Disk autoboots for you to view.
IFF Landscapes (hires)
mark angel
A disk of hires landscapes for you to use as backgrounds etc Disk
Ctext Fonts Disk 1
Compiled By Sparx
Also needs Ctext, although the fonts could be put to other uses. Very
handy for those who do not have access to large numbers of fonts, or are
just too lazy to convert fonts for themselves!!!!! There are three more
disks to collect in this series.
20018 4dbbs8 a646 akashai22 amber9 cutout21
andover7 artdeco11 artdeco28 avantg12 barn27 basel20
baselcb16 baselcb31 basic28 basic32 big16 bodoni20
bold19 bookman11 bookman19 boston18 boxie17 boxy11
boxy8 broadway16 bubble14 bubble22 bubbles36 bwaydeco36
byte16 byte8 c6 callisto18 camelot21 camelot23
casual19 celtic13 celtic28 chicago210 chicago30 cityhall18
citylight14 citylight9 clean12 clean24 clean8 coleridge12
coleridge24 colossal8 comicbook13 condensed9 coop24 count16
count8 countdown16 courier11 crown8 cry8 cupertino16
Ctext Fonts Disk 2
Compiled By Sparx
Also needs Ctext. See description for APD420. This is the second in a
series of four disks.
cyber16 data12 dc8 diamond12 diamond24 didot12
dpaint8 dreamworld8 elite60-9 emerald14 empire26 enlarged60-9
eobf6 eobf8 ericbd8 erics8 exceller8 expanded24
flow8 flowthin8 frizquad24 future15 garamond12 topaz9
garnet16 garnet9 garrison8 gene9 ghost27 glypha24
gogh24 gothic8 ham21 helvetica11 helvetica15hercules6
hollywood28 humanistic24ibm8 ice26 isolcsans italic13
jubee24 keys14 koi8sans11 lancelot8 latin12 light12
lines21 london16 longi12 lores8 lubalin12 manhattan16
marble15 maths10 mbarn24 mchelt16 medium19 mega7
mfast20 micro6 microsoft15 mini6 mpica21t multi1-10
multi1-11 multi1-15 multi1-16 multi1-20 multi1-9 mysix6
Ctext Fonts Disk 3
Compiled By Sparx
Also needs Ctext. The third in the collection of Ctext Font Disks. See
description for APD420.
napoleonic narrow8 neat9 neuvo12 neuvo24 newcentury
newcenturyt newlite24 news24 nineties16 nmt6 nostalgia1
novab13 novab20 novac20 noval20 noval8 novell12
novell9 oi12 omega20 one18 opal12 opal8
outline14 outline24 outline8 palatino12 palatino24 paloalto15
paradox8 paris24 parkave17 pc-clone12 pc-clone24 pc-clone8
pcfont8 pcourier14 pearl8 peridot8 phelvetica24
philly12 philly16 pica60-9 pica80-9 pinball16 pinoccio8
poolrad8 ports13 ports8 poster16 premiere28 psymbol12
ptefont8 ptimes12 ray16 rdk1-13 rdk1-8 romamed18
roman10 roman8 rome13 ruby16 sanim8 santiago18
Ctext Fonts Disk 4
Compiled By Sparx.
Needs Ctext. The fourth in the series. See description for APD420.
script13 script17 scrith10 scrith16 serif19 serif29
serpentine15 shadow21 siesta8 silicon16 simplex8 skinny8
slant8 slope16 souvenere12 souvenir24 specials21 specials26
spy9 squiggle30 st8 startrek14 startrek22 stencil15
stencil30 stiletto19 stops16 stops8 stripes21 swansong15
symbols8 terminal7 theworks12 theworks24 theworks6 times11
times13 times15 times24 trump19 two26 two27
two28 typewrite16 typewriter19 vancouver14 vancouver24 vintro26
warbles12 warbles24 xfont8 zbisc33 zrome33
Totally Amos Art#1
This disk has been compiled from contributions sent in by readers of
Totally Amos. The screens include pictures, sprites, tiles etc.
Percy's Adventures
Harvey Ball
This is volume one of two so far produced. There are 2 stories on this
disk, Percy goes to the dentist and Percy goes shopping. They are short
stories told in comic book style. Might be useful for those who want to
contruct something similar.
The Cyborg Carrot
Harvey BAll
This is a grisley tale of a cybornetic carrot told in comic book style.
Hard to describe, really!
Percy's Adventures 2
Harvey Ball
Volume two in the series of everyday adventures of Percy. Here he visits
the doctor and also has a haircut.
==================== DEMOS ================
Amos Big Demo V4
Peter Hickman
The demo written by Peter Hickman to show off AMOS. Although originally
written on an early version of AMOS it is still quite impressive. The
disc also includes an extract from Newsflash - an interview with
Francois Lionet.
microman's ball demo
robert wilson
Microman's Music Sensitive Balls comprises 15 pieces of music along with
some dancing balls. The source code is accessible so you can see just
how it was done. If you've got 1/2 meg you lose out on one of the
arc angel demo
arc angel
Have you ever seen a breakdancing bunny? No! Well neither have I but
this demo contains a bunny who stamps his feet in time to the music and
a frantic fiddler amongst others. Well put together for a first demo.
fun school III demo
peter hickman
The third in Database Software's excellent Fun School series. Just sit
back and let teddy show you all three age groups in this new package.
Shows how useful AMOS can be in promoting software in demo form.
pink goes ape
arc angel
The opening sequence of this scrolling demo features an animated Pink
Panther plus the Pink Panther theme. Lots of good music accompanying
the scrolling message on the split screen.
arc angel demo 3
arc angel
Is there no stopping him? This one is BRIGHT!! All I said was that the
text in the PINK demo was a bit dismal and he presented me with this!!
Not a bad scrolling demo with some useful routines.
weird science demo
david law
High quality digitised graphics from Back To The Future II. David is
willing to digitise video pictures of your choice for the measly sum of
£2.50 a disc. When you've seen the quality on this disc you'll snatch
his hand off!!
Curos And Stavros 1
Curos and Stavros Mega Demo II is a neat demo with some very useful
jukebox demo
Please order APD082 (Disc 2) also. This is a two disc music player. It
has been featured in the screen shots on one of Mandarin Software's new
AMOS ads!
benson demo I
leslie benzies
This is the winning demo in Mandarin Software's competition. Excellent
amos demo II
peter hickman
This is the demo that Mandarin were displaying at the Computer Shopper
Show. Contains some very useful routines.
Weird Science II
David Law
WEIRD SCIENCE DEMO II: BIRDS OF PREY is another collection of beautiful
pictures from David's digitising service. This time containing some
stunning pictures of birds.
panthorus demo 1
Please order APD113 (Disc 2) also. This is a two disc demo released to
celebrate Panthorus' first birthday. Nice demo with some good routines.
Predator Demo
Music player that shows off some digitised pictures from PREDATOR. Neat
bob maniacs
Excellent demo of bob routines.
benson demo II
leslie benzies
Another good demo with some excellent routines. Well put together.
dreamers disc mag
paul harthen
New disc magazine put together using AMOS which also contains an AMOS
cybornetics demo 2
Access to the 7 demos on this disc is from a simple menu. My favourite
is ROB'S SIMPSONS RIP OFF. There's also a simple animation - gory!!
armageddon demo
Yet another quality demo from Syntex. Superb graphics on this one.
Panthorus Demo 2
A musicplayer to play your AMOS music. Press fire on the joystick to
change the music.
curos & stavros I
Please order APD169 (Disc 2) also. This is a two disc demo. Music
player with an animated bunny on one of the songs.
gaz & matt's demo
gaz & matt
Please order APD186 (Disc 2) also. One meg is required for this two
disc demo. Some excellent routines.
fizzy pop demo
Please order APD194 (Disc 2) and APD195 (Disc 3) also. This is a THREE
disc demo containing some well REMmed routines aimed at AMOS beginners.
xenomorphs demo
Xenomorphs & Fractalmania are the two parts in this demo. They contain
some good routines which may be of use to other AMOS programmers. Good
graphics and music.
robots megademo 1
Lots of different bob routines. This is another well presented demo by
madness week demo
Please order APD208 (Disc 2) also. Disconnect DF1: for some reason,
best known to the programmers. This is an excellent demo once more from
Syntex. This demo is the one used by Mandarin (or Europress Software as
they now wish to be known) in their most recent ad. It's the one that
is reminiscent of Shadow of the Beast. Control the "Beast" with the
joystick and enter different parts of the demo by going through
different doors.
fanatix demo 1
Please order APD210 (Disc 2) also. This two disc demo contains some
good routines. The group responsible for it wants to get in touch with
other AMOS demo groups so drop them a line if you're into coding demos.
dreamers 5.1
Sadly this is the last disc mag from DREAMERS. They also wish me to
point out that their PD library is no longer operating. Could be a
collector's item this one.
hanissis 5 demo 1
shock wave & pinnicle
This group doesn't usually program in AMOS but they have released this
disc so that you can use the code in your own demos. I was very
impressed with the quality of this demo. It contains some (not
"proper") 3D vector routines, use the mouse to zoom in and out. There's
some useful code on this disc.
fanatix megademo 2
Please order APD217 (Disc 2) also. Please note: THIS DISC REQUIRES TWO
DRIVES. Good graphics and effects in this demo. Nice use of bobs and I
particularly liked the end sequence.
robots hq demo
Please order APD228 (Disc 2) also. The "welcome" part of this disc is
to introduce a new member. The next part of the demo is a music player
with 3 decent songs. Graveyard Beats by Paul Harthen, Acieed! by Ian
Faichnie (new member) and Revolution by Paul Harthen. F2 gets you into
the "HQ" part. You are presented with a picture of Robot's HQ and
invited to touch different parts of the screen to see what happens.
Press on the brain for a laugh.
fanatix music 1
Please order APD240 (Disc 2) also. If you have an external drive please
disconnect. It is a music player with all the normal facilities, fast
forward, rewind etc. and a cassette turning when the music plays.
Music on the disc is Kilikanzaro - Crusaders, Imaginary Woman -
Cryptoburners, This Was The Dream - T.H.R., Hip For Da Hoop -
Slipstream, Torture - S.A.E., Scoopex Theme - Scoopex, Toxic - Anthrox,
True Faith - 4-Mat, Dragon - Escape/Outlaws, Unknown!! - Securtiate and
Night Fiction.
hanissis v demo 2
shockwave and pinnacle
I really like what this group is trying to do for AMOS. Unlike Syntex
demos all their code is unlocked. Their idea is to help improve the
standard of AMOS demos. In this one they challenge other demo groups to
do better. Contains bob routines to blow your socks off - well I think
they're good anyway. Unlimited bobs with a new direction effect that I
haven't seen before. Unlimited bobs with a bubble effect. Very smooth
multi-layer parallax starfields. Great music too. More please.
fanatix demo 3
Please order APD262 (disc 2) when ordering this. First off there's a 2D
line demo, very pretty. Then there's the equaliser bars with music from
Cryptic UK. Rotating scroller demo conatained a lot of text that I felt
obliged to censor. Sorry about that lads but I won't publish demos
containing four letter words. The next bit is called 'Star Harrier'
which is fairly self-explantory. Then we come to the star of the show
'Unlimited Bobs' that you can control with the mouse. There are some
excellent effects achieved in this demo I just wish they'd stop slagging
off the PD library. I do my best.
fanatix demo 4
Please order APD264 (disc 2) when ordering this disc. Would you believe
it in this demo they are complaining about being censored!! I give up!!
The first bit demonstrates the smooth hardware scrolling that AMOS is
capable of. The second part contains a fast moving game of Breakout
controlled with the mouse. Next bit has a very smooth dual scroller.
Another good demo from Fanatix packed with interesting routines and many
more parts.
time demo
Simple demo disc containing all the usual demo routines including star
fields, vu meters and nice music. There is a little animation of a
ninja at the bottom of the screen which is quite nice. Nothing really
Amos 3D Demo
I suggest you buy this demo before you buy Amos 3D as this will show you
just what can be done with the new Amos module. This demo is absolutely
fantastic and all the graphics are so smooth in motion you would think
they were produced in machine code. This demo is very good and even if
you aren't going to buy Amos 3D at least buy this to see what you will
be missing!
vic reeves slides
This disc is absolutely jam packed with digitised pictures and sounds
from the popular Vic Reeves Big Night Out television program. Such
famous lines as "You wouldn't let it lie" are included but it must be
stated that non Vic Reeves fans will not like this disc!
Cybornetics Demo 3
The demo starts off with a fake Guru message that I must admit had me
fooled for a short while (very short). There are 6 parts to this demo
all which can be chosen off a menu. Move Ya Mouse - use the mouse to
move different objects around, very good. Line Game 2 - this is a nice
version of the old light cycles game for up to 4 players. Matt's Demo -
simple stuff with a bouncing CYBORNETIC. Head Anim - strange animation
of an axe chopping someone in half. Head Anim 2 - another weird
animation of someone being shot. Strange indeed! Rob's Demo - very
nice graphics, lots of nice screen wipes and strange effects. Good demo
beer demo
Not really a demo disc this but a collection of programs brought
together and labelled BEER MANIA. WasterPaint - nice painting program
with lots of option. MandelMaster - a full featured mandelbrot creating
program. Black Gold Demo - bob routines with a big scroller and large
vu meter. Simon - good version of the old classic "Simon" game. Good
Fracgen II Slides
Gary Shilvock
This is a slideshow containing pictures created with Fracgen II
(LPD036). These pictures are absolutely fantastic and if this does not
convince you that you should buy Fracgen II then nothing will.
dark ages demo
Please order APD276 (Disc 2) when ordering this disc. PLEASE NOTE THIS
IS A COMPILED DEMO - source code not included. You won't believe the
quality of this demo, it will take your breath away. The music,
graphics (in fact everything) are completely unbelievable. The starting
scenes are completely flawless. This 2 disc demo features paralax
scrolling, vector graphics, great text effects, plasma screens, very
large scrollers (no jerk what so ever), starfields and much much more.
This demo is a MUST!
structured insanity
This is the latest demo from Fanatix. It contains some very nice
routines and must rate as this groups best demo to date. The demo
includes hypnotic rings(!), balls made from points bouncing around,
freaky screen patterns, fast and smooth bobs, cycling dot patterns and
bob flags. Purely fantastic (or Fanatix)!
Weird Science III
Weird Science
Another quality slideshow from the digitising firm Weird Science. This
time the pictures are under the heading of Born To Be Free and are a
collection of wildlife pictures. All of them are HAM mode and they are
all top quality.
fizzy pop
BOUNCE AROUND MUSIC DEMO. This is a simple demo, nothing very
spectacular, featuring a starfield, copper bars, ball vu meter and a
very slow scrolly. Click the left button to load a different piece of
music. The music isn't that bad and some of it is quite nice.
fanatix megademo 5
Another 5 part megademo by Fanatix that has got very good music,
graphics and effects but unfortunately is COMPILED. The demo includes
sinus scrolling, line drawing effects and other routines. Shame you
can't get at them though!
reinca demo
THIS DEMO IS COMPILED. There are 6 parts to this megademo and they
include an impressive unlimited bobs demo, some nice music and graphics,
good scrolling routine, bouncing letters and a bouncing ball demo.
Nothing very spectacular and it is a shame it can't be used for routines
as it ist compiled.
MTV Demo
Patrik And Ronny
This is a strange demo and involves a strange piece of music and a
rather plain screen apart from two big boxes containing digitised
pictures of two men whose mouths open in time to the music. Nothing
amazing but certainly different!
Judgement Day
Syntex again show off their superb scrolling talents in this demo named
`Judgement Day'. How do they do it?
A disc full of Syntex goodies to amze you. These boys really show us
what AMOS can do.
A Step Forward
A demo showing various graphic effects from scrolly messages to screens
with plasma displays. Plenty to look at for ideas.
Powerbase V2.0 Demo
This is a demo version of Amivisions database on the LPD range it allows
you to try out the program before you buy. Also gives news of other
Amivision programs.
Zenn Soundbox II
This is the second soundbox from Zenn. There is a good display screen
with Vumeter bars bouncing to the beat. Options include changing the
tune, adjusting the volume & turning the LED on/off. There are nine
Jabberwok Demo
Robert Tansley
This demo is pure Amos Basic, it does not use Amos 3-D or the Compiler.
There are some nice 3-D effects accompanied by good music. There are
also some other interesting effects in this demo.
Celestial Visions
This offering from Fanatix is a slideshow of eight lovely pictures on
the theme of space. it includes spaceships and planet landscapes.
These pictures are accompanied by a sinewave scroller of text telling
you about the disc. The End Demo sends greetings, thanks and messages
to Fanantix contacts.
Megademo 6
Needs APD377. This really is a MEGAdemo with 2 discs crammed full of
interesting demos. These include Unlimited Bobs 2,Full metal
vectors,How I won the war, (quite amusing, shows Sadam and John Major
'talking' to each other in time to the music), Lights Alive, Psycho
Bobs, Copperblitz, Multiscrol 3 (very effective) and Cute Fish which is
a great little game, you are a goldfish who has to catch food whilst
avoiding the shark. To end there is an End Part demo. Well recommended
for Demo freaks. Source code included. N.B. THIS DEMO NEEDS TWO
Structured Insanity II
This single disc demo from Fanatix needs all the memory it can get, so
disable those drives! The source code for this collection is included
on the disc as a crunched Ascii file to be decrunched with PowerPacker.
The demos include Plasma mind blowers, 3-D vectors, unlimited
bobs,stencil vectors, filled shapes, 3-D vectors (need Specs), MEGA
scroller (enormous!), vector bobs, Flag vector and pretty maths
Rainbow Educational Demo
Rainbow Software
This is a demo of three programs released by Rainbow Educational
Software. If you are looking for lower priced educational software,
then take a look at this demo to get an idea of what Rainbow has on
Purple Haze Demo
This demo contains various effect to amaze you! There is a radar
screen, plasma effects done by cycling, 3-D vectors, music, bobs and
more! Source included, interesting disk.
Terrax Demo
This little demo shows some interesting screens which could be useful
for beginners to look at. Smooth demo well presented.
Cubic Demo
This demo is by Shockwave (aka Nick Simpson of Hanissis V fame). This
demo is definately up to the high standards of his previous work and is
a must for avid Demo collectors. There is a scrolling commentary
throughout to let you know what's going on, and you can exit any section
by clicking the mouse button, which is a very handy feature that other
demo writers should use! First of all we have some new scroll ideas the
first winds its way around the screen, the second can only be described
as stretchy and bouncy, next comes a sine scroller. The Cubic logo
appears next as a huge wavy word. The next section is dedicated to
Sharon, who no doubt has to share Nick's free time with his Amiga! Also
in the demo are pixel dot effects, a picture, a joystick controlable
chess floor and mind-boggling circles. Recommended.
Alpha Demo
Adrian Jenkins
This is the author's first demo. It contains routines that might be of
use to the less experienced demo writers. Contains an amusing Mr Pain
charcter, music and scrollers.
Powerbase V3.00 Demo
Stephen Rennocks
This is a demo version of Stephen's Powerbase program which is available
on the Licensed Software range from Deja Vu or any Authorised
Distributor, including the APDL. The <SAVE> feature has been disabled.
Full description available in the Licenseware section of this catalogue.
Formula 1 Challenge Demo
Stephen Rennocks
This is a demo of the latest version of Formula 1 Challenge. An earlier
version is available on Deja Vu's Licensed Software Range, available
from Deja Vu and all Authorised Distributors, including APDL. You can
play this game which has all the info on the 1992 season included, but
the <SAVE> feature has been disabled. Details on obtaining the full
version are on the disk, full description in Licenseware section of this
Sparx Licenseware Demos 1
Len & Anne Tucker
This disk contains demo versions of 3 Sparx Licensed Software titles.
These are cut down versions of the programs, all are playable. Try
before you buy! Full versions available from Deja Vu or any Authorised
Distributor including APDL. This disk contains Jungle Bungle (L/005),
Play it Safe (L/014) and Jigmania (L/013). Full game descriptions are
featured in the Licenseware section of the catalogue.
Sparx Licenseware Demos 2
Len & Anne Tucker
This disk contains three more Licensed Software demos. Full versions
are available from Deja Vu or any Authorised Distributor including APDL.
For full game descriptions, see the licenseware section of this disk.
The programs for you to try before you buy are Marvin the Martian
(L/049), Thingamajig (L/004) and Work & Play (L/008).
Golden Ages
Needs disk 427 as well. This demo takes us back to the Golden Age of
the Speccy and the C64, which for those of you who are younger than some
of us, were the computers that were around before the Amiga!!!! Look
out for the mock Guru Box which pops up, it caught me out good & proper!
Interesting demo.
The After Time Demo
Andy Paul
This disk also contains 'Secret Data Base' which is written by Marco
Pinto from Portugal. This is a little database which you may find
interesting. Back to the Demo! This is a source only demo which tells
a story about Life on Earth after man wiped himself off the planet.
This is Andy's first demo, it is a bit jerky in places, but this is
because it is being run through Amos. Some interesting scrollers and
effects for you to look at.
Zirus Megademo 1
Paul Harthen
This is a four part demo accessed via a central menu using the Function
keys. Paul apologises for this 'rough and ready' menu but he's been
busy. The demo gives you a bouncy scrolling message, pretty dot
patterns (which Paul credits to another PD demo which he can't remember)
There is a scroller which is the height of the screen and moves really
smoothly. The end part shows the credits and a long bouncy message
scroller. Source is provided as an ascii file which you can load as
Merge Ascii into the Amos editor. You will need Ctext to run it from
This is the first demo from Futurize, a Finnish demo group who plan to
give you lots more Amos programs. Future productions include a disk
magazine which will be sent when it is complete. Source is provided,
but you will need Amos 3-D to run it from the editor, although, of
course, anyone may runthe Compiled version. The demo includes various
3-D routines, an add for Futurize's mag, Heavy Fuel, a couple of mind
blowing screen effects, a nice whirlpool dots picture and ends with
credits and greetings. Smooth work from Finland!
Brain Damage
One of the few Demo writers who will provide source for budding demoists
to look at is Nick 'Cubic' Simpson. Take a look at this one and see how
all the demo effects are created. This single disk demo runs for over
20 minutes (if you read all the scrollers!)
Digital Orgasm
This is Cubic's answer to FANATIX Megademo 7. It contains lots of
effects for you to look at as well as the source code so that you can
see how the effects were created. The title may be suggestive, but the
contents are good, clean Amos coding!!!
Tumpty & Firework Alphabet
C. Paterson
This is a demo version of an educational program which the author will
be selling herself, full details are on the disk. This is a letter
recognition game and we are here given one section to play. The correct
responses are rewarded by a firework display. A very promising idea.
Mach II Demo
This is the second demo from Icky, the first, Freestyle is in the GPD
section. This one contains most of the source code used for the demo so
that you can see how it was created. Karl Roberts, aka Icky, has spoken
to us and has said thhat he is willing to help other demo writers. Find
his address on the disk.
No Refund
THIS IS A 2 DISK DEMO so I'm sorry but it costs the same as 2 seperate
disks. The source code is included on the disk, but we have been warned
that it needs more than 1 meg of memory to be run from the Amos editor.
Lots of great routines are included as well as a shoot'em up game.
Fun With Cubby Demo
Aaron McCormick
This is a demo version of Aaron's Licenseware program of the same name
which is to be found in CLR Licenseware. This demo gives you access to
the Paint With Cubby Art package, the other sections are disabled.
Fun With Cubby 2 Demo
Aaron McCormick
This demo shows you two sections fron this CLR program. Cubby 1 was
good, but c_
Insomnia 5
From Australia
Aussie demo
Source Code Demos
From Australia
Code for Vidi Demo and Leo Demo.
Source Code Demos
From Australia
Various code for demos and intros.
Demo Source Code
From Australia
Source code for Dick Tracy Demo, Scroll Demo, Skull Demo and Twighlight
Guru Time Demo
From Australia
Previously known as AUS 23.
It Read Top Secret
From Australia
A demo with source code.
Corruption Demo
From Australiia
Another demo from Australia.
Makka Demo -The 1st.
From Australia
Check out the Australian competition!
Harvey Demo
From Australia
This demo is Source only and needs Amos with Amos 3-D attached. This is
a disk to get if you need some 3-D objects to play with.
From Australia
This is a demo by Dark Horse.
From Australia
This is a long demo which after an intro, gives you the complete history
of scrolling messages written in Amos and how new methods have improved
the quality.
Demo and games
From Australia
This disk contains Mega demo,, Alien Bounce and another Aussie Lotto
Digital Orgasm II
This is what Shock wave has in this demo - one of the few with Amos
Cool Intro Sequence! Nifty graphics!
3D Lightsourced Spheres in 1 VBL!
16 RGB Bobs in 1 VBL! 80 Shadebobs in 1 VBL!
500 Sinedots in 1 VBL!
170*170 3 Bitplane transforming filled cube in 1 VBL!
170*170 Rgb Vector in 1 VBL! 160*160 Filled Disk in 2 VBLS!
25 Vectorbobs in 1 VBL! Cool 3D spinning chessboard in 1 VBL!
Lovely Design! Full Source Code on disk!
Excellent as always!
Mal's Demo Versions Disk
Malcolm Lavery
Malcolm has sent us a disk which contains demo versions of programs
which as being sold as NBA Licenseware, without code, or with code
direct from Malcolm.
The disk contains demo versions of Sonic Drum Kit and the Game Map
editor. Also on the disk is the full PD version of Mal's Zone Editor and
a few useful & Interesting procedures.
================ AMOS GAMES WITH SOURCE =================
treasure search
peter hickman
Hunt for treasure in this clever educational co-ordinates game.
Excellent sound and graphics make this game fun for everyone from 2 to
super quiz
A little short on documentation but great fun if you do the same as we
did. Two teams, a few drinks and cheat like mad! The questions were
too hard for Martyn Brown, I reckon he might be a bit too young for some
of them 'cos they gave us "over thirties" no problem. You can always
look at the code for answers anyway if you have AMOS.
ronnie simpson
Remove 2nd drive with 1/2 meg memory. This is a personal favourite of
mine. Very playable and addictive version of the popular
Arkanoid/Breakout game. You even get a level designer so you can edit
this game to your heart's content. Highly recommended.
reversi & snakes
Reversi is an absolutely brilliant version of Othello. I can't stop
playing it.
Dynamite dick
adam leech
Quite a nice little game in which you collect the treasure, blast the
monsters and find the key for the next level. Also on the disc by the
same programmer is a slideshow and demo. Recommended.
chainsaw death
jaron collis
Very unusual two player game with excellent documentation. A futuristic
board game which has you actually moving about a maze.
len tucker
Temporarily withdrawn
This disk has corrupted, and we have lost the source code! Does anyone
have a very early version we could have a copy of? (write to usual
address, all costs repaid!)
Jigsaw puzzles to solve with three levels of difficulty. Good graphics
and well presented.
P-u-a-p Data Disc
Len Tucker
This is a data disc containing more jigsaw puzzles. The disc requires
APD103 - Pick-Up-A-Puzzle. (unavailable at present)
picture it
m. wellman
Two disc game. Put the picture back together within a time limit. Very
hypnotic effects as the pieces float around the screen. Needs APD106.
cross fire
roger north
Very nice game. Keeps the kids occupied for ages! Had good reviews in
the glossies.
delboy dodson
A variation on the classic "Bomber" game with some good graphics and
amusing touches. Had good reviews in the magazines. Plus users please
note: Re-Boot after reading the instructions.
aaron fothergill
What better way to show off the capabilities of AMOS TOME than to create
a playable game with it! If you're thinking of buying AMOS TOME, or you
have already got a copy, then this disc is a must. If you don't have
AMOS then the disc is worth having for the game itself.
the wooden ball
patrik holstrom
This game is Shareware. It is a futuristic ball game where you have to
score goals against an opponent. You can set the speed at which the
game is played. Very good graphics. Well worth a look. The shareware
fee for this game is disks not money.
simon says & maths
graham woodcock
Nice version of SIMON SAYS that is very well presented. SAPCE MATHS has
five difficulty levels depending on the age of the player. The first
level caters for children under five and fifth level for over 16's.
maths calculator 1.1
simon jewell
Also on this disc is VENDREDI, a calendar program by Frederic Simian.
MATHS CALCULATOR is a very well documented program. It covers Area and
Volume, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions and
Percent. Future updates are planned for Trigonometry (I hated that at
school!). On loading you are presented with a menu. You must use the
numbers on the keypad not the keyboard. There is speech when you
complete a set number of questions. Well produced progam that shows
much promise for futher updates. VENDREDI hails all the way from
France. It is an icon driven electronic diary. It includes a calendar
with diary, an address book and a manager for bank accounts. As the
program saves to disk you should use a backup. Nicely presented with
English instructions.
tile trial
dominic ramsey
Another quality game from the programmer of REVERSI. This program is
shareware. Tile Trial is a sliding puzzle game. Each puzzle must be
completed within a time limit.
languages tutor
k. grigg
Build up your Spanish vocabulary with this program. Three options are
given - English to Spanish, Spanish to English and a random option.
Program now covers French and German also.
master race
k. grigg
A quiz game with a difference for 1 or 2 players. Set in outer space
the object of the game is to answer the questions correctly. You can
then advance towards your opponents planet. You need to land on its
centre square to win. You have three ships but lose one for every 5
questions you answer wrong. When all three are lost you lose the game.
Amos Games 1
Adam Barker, Creative Software & C.l. Naylar
Four runnable games on one disc. THE HACKER SIMULATOR by Adam Barker is
a simulation of hacking money and using the share markets to make money.
Full documentation is supplied. COMPUTERFAX by Creative Software
Applications is like the pages off a teletext T.V. Users have to alter
and make their own pages. Full documentation. ATISHOO by C. L.
Naylar is a game where you have to match tiles or bricks by design and
colour. Good graphics. MATCH_CARDS by C. L. Naylar is a one or two
player game based on "Concentration". Match the cards.
Pair Crazy
Creative Software Applications
Match the cards to make a pair. Choice of music and sound effects is
given at the start. It is a two player game with one player using the
cursor keys and player two defining his/her own keys. I wouuld have
preferred the cards a little larger. Neatly put together game.
fruit machine
steve potts & mark cameron
Two games with a fruity theme. FRUIT MACHINE by Steve Potts will run on
1/2 meg machines with DF1: disconnected. Has full documentation on the
disc. Contains all the facilities of a fruit machine, i.e. nudge, hold
and gamble. Good graphics. FRUIT CRUSH by Mark Cameron is a puzzle
game. Full documentation on the disc. Not an easy game. Uses the
Amos Games 2
Various Authors
This disc contains a version of MAHJONG by Fred Quadt, GRUBGRABBER II by
Chris Hurst, SKYBLITZ by Tom and Kev and SPINVADERS by Brian Hills.
demolition mission
The source code for this game is on APD021. A good version of the
popular BOMBER game. Simple enough for children to play.
gobbit & pontoon
c. brown & p. d. wheatstone
GOBBIT by C. Brown. Guide your Psycho Ninja Gobbit (frog?) over all
the squares to change their colour, avoiding bumping into the "baddies"
of course. You begin on a pyramid, now I know this changes to another
shape on Level 2 but I haven't got any futher! Not due to a lack of
skill you understand, more to lack of time. (Pause for big laugh - my
lack of skill with the joystick is well known!). Very well presented.
Good graphics and music. Also on the disc is the old favourite PONTOON.
This version is by P. D. Wheatstone. Mouse controlled with full
documentation. This is the sort of gambling I don't mind 'cos it's not
real money! Play against the computer. You both start with $100 and
have a choice of stake from $1 to $9. All the usual options are there
i.e. twist stick or buy.
Missile Command
Daniel Bond
A simple game that will work on 1/2 megabyte machines.
amos quizmaster
mark venn
This is a shareware program. Quite a good quiz game.
P-u-a-p Data Disc 2
Len Tucker
Yet another disc of jigsaw puzzles by Len Tucker for use with his
program Pick-Up-A-Puzzle. Needs APD103.
Jigmania Data 1
Len Tucker
This disc is a collection of jigsaw puzzles by Len Tucker. They are for
use in his licenseware game JIGMANIA. This disc needs LPD013 to work.
frantix & m.z.p.p.
chris banks
There are two AMOS games on this disk - FRANTIX and MUTANT ZOMBIE PSYCHO
PIGS both by Chris Banks.
mastermind & pair up
vidar martinsen & mike wellman
MASTERMIND v2.1 by Vidar Martinsen from Norway. Use right mouse button
to access the menu at the top of the screen so that you can view the
instructions and type the names of the player(s). Good version of the
old classic. PAIR UP by Mike Wellman with music by Luke Miller. Nice
maze game where you have to collect items and avoid baddies. Two good
games on one disc.
Dungeon Delver
Luke Miller
NOW ON ONE DISK!!!! You must control Garf using the joystick and guide
him through fourteen levels of the dungeon in search of the captured
Wizard Meredith. Full documentation on the disc.
Pixie Kingdom
Luke Miller
NOW ON ONE DISK!!!! You have to rescue the pixies. Lots of fighting
goes on in this game with lots of hazards to overcome during your quest.
towers of hanoi
delboy dodson
Transfer rings from one pile to another without breaking the few simple
rules of the game. Also on the disc is CAL_MATHS by Shieldsoft to test
you on your maths and CALENDAR which is a utility to give you a screen
display of any year with an option of printing. Very easy to use.
Make-4 & Golf Score
D.R.Tart & Ross Cleary
MAKE-4 by D. R. Tart is a simple version of the old favourite "Connect
4". GOLF SCORE by Ross Cleary is a program to enable the golfers among
you keep track of your rounds of golf.
simon walklate
This is an unusual game in which you have to waggle the joystick to gain
enough power to do karate chops on a wall within a time limit.
bombs from baghdad
stealth software
Bombs From Baghdad is an unusual game and, unfortunately, quite topical
considering recent events in the Gulf. You are given a briefing at the
beginning of the game in which you are informed that you have to
intercept aircraft which are bent on destroying you. This is a novel
game and although I would have personally preferred a less topical theme
it is, to coin a phrase, all done "in the best possible taste".
Prodigal Son by John Filsak is also on this disc and is a text adventure
based on the Bible. A knowledge of the story is recommended. The
adventue is controlled with the mouse and uses multiple choice
questions. At the top of the screen are the room descriptions and at
the bottom a choice of commands. Nice, simple adventure.
Jigmania Data Disc 2
Jim Campey
Needs LPD013 (Jigmania). Len Tucker said that he hoped Jigmania users
would prepare some data discs for the PD and Jim Campey took him up on
it. Well done Jim. Puzzles on this disc are Computerview, Bungalow,
Castle and Tank for the adults and Count Duckula, Hotdogs, Robot, Bully,
Frog and audience for the kids. Well worth adding to your Jigmania
Jigmania Data Disc 3
Jim Campey
Needs LPD013 (Jigmania). Another one from Jim Campey. On this disc are
Dredd, Thunderbirds, Garfield, Martian, Alien Legion and Bugs Bunny for
kids and Office, Tournament, Mansion, Honda and Porsche for adults.
Another good disc for Jigmania users.
amos bingo
dave brown
Also on this disc is CRACK THE CODE by G. Woodcock. In order to play
AMOS BINGO you first need to print out the tickets so access to a
printer is a must. You can then play BINGO in the old fashioned way.
The numbers are called by the computer in a robotic voice (sounds like
most bingo callers to me) and you can play for a "line" or "house". So
it's eyes down for the first number .... and hold down the left mouse
button to make your call. For those of you who find the normal game a
little slow there is a faster version called MANIAC BINGO and it is
fast! CRACK THE CODE is a version of Mastermind with a Hi-Score table
and full instructions. You start by having to guess two colours then
three and so on until you have to guess six. I couldn't get past five
Amos Asteroids
Mike Widdess
Contains four versions of the old Asteroids game. On version 1 all
graphics are computed rather than drawn by an artist. Disc contains
full documentation. The game is played with a joystick and the
objective is to destroy as many levels of rocks as possible and to
destroy the alien ship when it appears. Treat yourself to a trip down
memory lane or show the kids what games used to be like.
chris hunt
This game is shareware so please adhere to the programmer's request if
you enjoy the program. Your robot is trapped in a strange world whhich
is unstable. To escape the robot must fit 150 micro-chips into his
teleporter. The chips appear randomly along with bombs and holes.
There's also a robotic ghost to avoid. Also on the disc is Disc Manager
which offers the facility to delete files, make a directory, rename a
file, delete directory, list directory, mouse on/off, music on/off. Mad
which is a flashing colourful screen with music, and spritebankviewer
which is self-explanatory. All programs by the same programmer.
Teslar, Snake & Text
David Boucher
Teslar is a variant of Tetris with source code and documentation. Snake
is based on the old centipede type game and also has documentation.
Amos Text is a text reader used to view the instructions for each game.
Icon controlled for moving around the text and very easy to use, nice
program David.
M. Archer
I was very impressed with this game and offered to put it in the
Licenseware but the programmer wanted to try an experiment and has
released it as "discware". If you like it then you are supposed to send
the programmer a PD disc. I hope you don't disappoint him as I think he
deserves some reward. On booting you are given three options, F1: Play
the game, F2: High scores, F3: Instructions. The object of the game
is to fill in the black area of the board using the shapes shown at the
bottom of the screen. However, you only have a certain amount of each
shape which is indicated by the value below the shapes. You can add or
remove shapes but there is a time limit. If you complete a level you
are given a password for the next one. Beware this is a very addictive
game. Highly recommended for lovers of puzzles.
Jigmania Disc 4
Len Tucker
Another disc to use with Jigmania compiled by the original author. All
puzzles on this disc are for the 99 piece option. Puzzles include
Butterfly, Lion, Spaceman and others. Nine new puzzles in all. Needs
LPD013 to run (Jigmania).
War Simulator
Creative Software Applicati
Unfortunately this game can not just be loaded and run you will need to
read the doc files on how to set it up. Quite a complicated procedure
unless you are familiar with the Amiga. You will find the docs in the
WARSIM directory. Also on the disc is a slideshow advertising this
company's products.
hobbs games vol i
david hobbs
Docs for all the games are supplied. Games all run from a menu. Disc
contains CRAPMAN which is a version of PACMAN played using the joystick.
BATTLE which is based on noughts and crosses with magic! ADRIAN in
which you play a kid named...Adrian! Your aim is to find the Golden
Chalice which is hidden somewhere in the checkboard desert. To reach it
you have to avoid many obstacles. 80+ is the final game in which you
play Mr. Kwong protecting his retirement home with his Ninja Stick from
his arch enemy The Black Zimmer-Frame. Nice collection of simple fun
robin hall
Please order APD260 (disc 2) when ordering this. A lot of effort has
gone into this program. Initially you are given the option of turning
off the music and pilot selection. You are given a choice of ten men.
You will be given full details on his character and background. You
control a chopper of course in this sideways scrolling game and have to
shoot the enemy. I got sick of Colonel Grim telling me my attempts were
feeble and that he was going to take over the world. I wasn't good
enough to stop him but you might be! Pity the music isn't original but
the game is good fun.
yoghurt Boy
Yoghurt Boy and Twit Man in the Quest for the Pink Banana is a text
adventure in which you control movements by clicking on icons. The
adventure isn't very complicated but quite funny in places. Also on the
disc is a nice vertical scrolling shoot-em-up with some good graphics
and smooth animation.
wizard's domain
andy paul
This is a well presented scrolling maze game. Although the graphics are
small the game is extremely playable. The idea is to collect all the
tablets in a maze to proceed to the next level all within a time limit.
This is a good, addictive, game.
Battle Pong
Thorsten Hansen
Very well presented game in the same mould as Shufflepuck Cafe.
Basically you have a paddle at one end of the table and your opponent
one at the opposite end. You then have to stop the ball going off your
end of the table. The action is very fast and the game is really
addictive. You can either play against a second player or against the
war of four demo
This is a demo version of a game that can be purcased from the author
for a sum of £3.50. The game is basically a war game between four
different races, Goblins, Dwarves, Elves and Humans. The game screen is
split into two. The top half is your current view and the bottom half
is where all your icon controls are. The game is very complex and lots
of playing would be needed to win or even complete it.
grand prix sim
The aim of this game is to be at the top of the Championship Standing
after 10 Grand Prix races. You start with a certain amount of money and
must buy a pit crew, an engine for your car and a driver. Spend your
money carefully as you only have a limited supply. Lots of options are
available in the game, there isn't much on the graphical front but the
game is absorbing.
fizzy pop games 1
fizzy pop
There are two games on this disc. Noughts and Crosses is a very nice
version of... well I think you can guess! Super Brain is also a good
version of a classic, this time Mastermind. Both games have really nice
bas relief graphics.
KILL DF1: WITH 1/2mb. This game is very annoying yet so addictive all
at the same time! Basically you have to use your paddle to bounce a
ball out of the exit on screen but once you start to hit the ball it
will not stop and you can then only hit the ball at angles! Oh and just
to make things easier it musn't hit any of the walls or you lose a life.
To say this game is hard is an understatement. Very simple idea makes a
really good game. Recommended.
Litter Busters
This is a Rockford or Boulderdash style game. The idea in this one,
however, is to collect the rubbish bags and go to the next level. There
are lots of levels and if you get bored of them you can always use the
level editor to create some more.
Mariner's Mate
Daniel Smith
This is a Shareware game. The idea of the game is to remove pegs from a
star shaped board in a similar fashion to Solitaire i.e. by jumping
over them. The game is by no means easy and if you want an even more
taxing version then use the time limit option as well.
black jack
peter cartwright
Black Jack Trainer has lots of options and is a nice implementation of
Black Jack. The main options include a help system and the ability to
load, save and test various strategies. If you like Black Jack or want
to try and learn how to play it then get this disc. The program is
silver bars...
andreas andreou
Silver Bars And The Enemy. Do you remember Hunchback on the Spectrum,
64 etc. This is a brilliant version of that classic and very addictive
game. Also on the disc is a demo of Locks, Keys And Enemies a future
addition to Deja-Vu Proffesional Software collection, which is an
adanced version of the game on this disc.
josh addison
Very nice game in which you play a cute yellow, fluffy thing called
Herbert and you must save your village from destruction. There are many
levels to complete and I must say they are very hard! Basically you
have to run and jump over monsters and obstacles on your way. Hard bt
addictive. Recommended.
Hangman V2.0
Simon Walklate
The two programs on this disc, Hangman and Hangman Editor, are both
Shareware. Basically this is a spruced up version of hangman with an
editor to create lists of words to use in the program which can be
played by one or two people. Full instructions are also included on the
This is the latest version of WoodenBall. The game involves scoring
goals in the opposing players net. You can play a game against the
computer or against another player. There are also many options for
game speed etc. The gameplay is difficult to get used too but once you
have the hang of it it is quite an addictive game. Some nice routines
fruit machine
gary hunt
Very well presented Fruit Machine game with a large scrolling play
screen. All the usual options are included as well as some nice added
differences! This is a great fruit machine game that is recommended
T-2000 Software.
This is a very good AMOS version of the popular Tetris game. Nice
display, with redefinable keys if you're not comfortable with the ones
American Football
Composer Software
In this game you are the manager of an American football team. This is
the radio version, ie it is displayed as if it is heard over a radio,
the TV version will follow shortly if you send off your shareware
registration fee. Looks good if you like American Football.
Snake in the grass
Peter Harris
This is a centipede type game where you have to gather the white
mushrooms and avoid the red toadstools. You mustn't bump into the
border or other parts of yourself either! Good graphics in this fast
action game.
Karate Worm
Mark Potter.
This is a game that almost defies description. Yes, it is possible for
a worm to do karate, but to see just how it's done, you'll have to buy
the game! It's a platform game controlled with the joystick. Plus
users please note:- Works from Cli just type 'ramos'.
John O'Reilly.
Here is a program that you can use to create silly sentences, the kids
had great fun with it. You input names and situations and let the
computer do the rest, the results can be Ludicrous! There is a speech
option, which slows it down and also a silly mode which produces even
dafter sentences.
Save The Trees
Mark Potter.
A game which has a message in its title. We need trees! Here you must
stop the little men with axes from chopping down the trees. You are in
a bulldozer and stop them by driving over them or shooting them. It's
not as easy as it first appears as the axemen move faster than the
bulldozer. Nice idea.
Dynatrax Software.
Here is a simple, but very addictive game. It is based vaguely on
solitaire where you eliminate pieces from the board by making one piece
jump over another into a free space. In this game the pieces are fluffy
little creatures, the ones you jump over are `saved and the object of
the game is to save as many Fwuffs as possible. Shareware. Lots of
Storyland II
David Alexander
This is a shareware game with a difference, the author would like
donations sent to the charity he has nominated in his Docs. It is an
adventure for young children in which they journey to different lands to
help the inhabitants get rid of a wicked witch. Has very good reviews
in the magazines.
Squat's Revenge
Mark Potter
This is a Two player blast'em to death game. Plug in two joysticks to
play this game. (no longer shareware!)
Demon's Edge
Mark Potter
This game can be played by SIX players, each one of whom has his or her
personal game displayed on the screen. The aim is for each player to
find the exit and go on to the following level. This is a novel idea
which Mark says came from an old Electron title. Worth trying.
Mike Austin
This version of hangman has versions for children and adults. The
children's version has a sequence of soldiers marching on the
unfortunate prisoner, for each wrong guess another soldier brings on
part of the gallows and the prisoner shows signs of great dispair, if
you guess correctly, he jumps for joy! I found this idea quite amusing
even if rather macabre, look out for the final sequence. The adult
version has different animation with various parts of the hanged man
being added for each incorrect answer.
G. Lund
This is a 'Pairs' game where you have to match a card from the top half
of the screen with one from the bottom of the screen. There is a choice
of pictures to use, these include cars, patterns, smileys, and flags.
You may play against the computer in which case you can choose the
number of tries allowed per game, or there is a 2 player option. You
can also choose between 18 or 32 pair to be matched. All in all a
nicely done game.
Jim Campey
This game is based on the old 'twenty questions' quiz. Up to four
players can take part and there are four catagories of questions -
Person, Place, Thing and Year. The aim is to get around the game board
by guessing words from clues given. You choose a clue by clicking on
one of 20 numbered circles, you are then given a clue to a word or year
from the subject highlighted at the top of the screen. You then have to
type in your guess, there is a timer to beat, but this is stopped when
you start typing. Your score depends on how many clues you have used.
This is Jim's first full game I hope he will do more as this game is
well worth adding to your collection.
Games Disk
Rattle Snake by Ben Ashley. This is a helicopter game with plenty of
action. Space Chaser by Paul Gaunt. A novel idea for a pacman clone,
here you have space ships going around the mazes. Mazeman by Stephen
Eaborn. A classic pacman game, very nicely presented. Source for all
three games is included for you to look at. A value for money disk
which will give hours of fun.
Demons Domain
Roger North (Sarog)
This is the game that has kept the younger members of our household
glued to the Amiga for hours at a time! Roger is the author of
Crossfire, which was also very popular (APD110) and his latest offering
is just as addictive. In this game, your character moves through a
maze, but instead of meeting beasties, you are taken to one of seven
subgames which you must complete before going further. These games are
called at random, they are very simply presented, but very effective.
They range from a car race, dodge the arrows, guess the letter before
you get squashed to a pulp, centipede, minefield and a couple more
besides! Get this one, it will get you hooked!
Ian Parkinson
This is a two player game which is played on a split-screen display.
Both players are in a maze and the aim is to find your opponent and
eliminate him before he does the same to you! Of course you can only
see you own immediate area so tracking down the enemy isn't that easy.
You are helped/hindered by transporter squares and one way doors. Good
Marc D. Bradshaw
Another Tetris-type clone where you have to match the patterned blocks
in groups of three. Nice looking Shareware game.
Graham Lund
This is a card game which is joystick controlled. Here you have to
guess whether the next card will be higher or lower than its
predecessor. Get enough runs of five cards complete before going onto
the next stage of the game where you have to get all the guesses wrong!
Completing this takes you onto more sections of the game which,
unfortunately I haven't reached yet! Very nicely presented game.
Gory Story
Philip Richmond
At last - an adventure! This text adventure was written by Philip using
his CREATIVE ADVENTURE TOOLKIT (which is Deja Vu Licenseware disk
L/033). The descriptions are very atmospheric and make you feel as if
you are wandering around the forests on the Welsh/English borders.
Highly recommended! Updated May 1993
This is the latest addition from Roger North. This is a platform game
where the aim is to bound upwards to reach an exit hole at the top of
the screen. Not as simple as it sounds! Between you and the exit are
platforms, gaps appear randomly as the platforms move across the screen.
You have to jump ut through these gaps to reach the top exit. There are
no meanies on level one, so you can get the feel of the game before
progressing onto the higher levels where you have to avoid these beasts
as well as trying to get to the top of the screen! Recommended.
Card Games
David A. Lorner
This is a disk full of card games and puzzles which will keep you amused
for hours - I know, I 'tested' it! The games are various versions of
Patience - each one has full instructions and a rating of how likely you
are to complete it. You won't need as much patience to play these card
games as you would using a deck of cards as they don't need to be
gathered up, shuffled and dealt out again between games! The card games
a logic number puzzle, & TRAY which is a sliding tile game. David first
sent his work into Totally Amos, and we have watched them develop into
this disk full of games. Well recommended!
This disk contains three programs, the main one being a well presented
puzzle game. The playing area is a grid and the idea is to place
coloured stones onto this to copy the pattern given in a square on the
right of the screen. Easy? Not so, you are not the only player trying
to complete patterns, your oponent, which can be human or computer is
trying to do the same thing as well as blocking your next move. Good
game! The other programs are AbkPlayer, which is a (multi) music tool
and AmBOS V1.18 which is a Cli mask.
Marc Le Douarain
This game has been sent to us from France and is the programmer's first
game. It is a maze game where you are in control of a submarine which
is sailing through underwater mazes gathering ancient vases. You are
able to shoot a path through the walls to gain access to cut off areas
of the maze, but your shots are limited. Fish guard the treasure, and
colliding with one will lose a life. This is a shareware game which is
worth having in your game collection.
Karate Worm II
Mark Potter
I still don't know how to describe a worm who uses Karate to defeat his
enemies! (Remember KW I?) This new arcade chop'em up is better than the
first, which was well received when it appeared. Here you have to
demonstrate your joystick skills to get around collecting treasure, it
isn't as easy as it seems.
Alliance II
Mark Potter
This is another offering from Mark Potter. It is a follow up to
Alliance which wqas released a while ago. It is a strategy game which
plays well.
Dave Cherrington
This is a game with a purpose other than shear amusement! Dave wrote
this program to show how the effects of drinking can influence your
judgement. The program tests the time taken to react to different tests
and analyses the results. These tests should be done before any alcohol
is drunk, and again after a drink or two. If you manage to persuade a
few friends to take the tests, and you send the results off to Dave, he
will build up a database of the effects of drink on (would be) drivers.
A very interesting proggie, but I'm not encouraging the under 18's out
there to drink just to do the test, although those over 18 might find
out some interesting things!
Match With Humpty
Paul Harthen
This is a program which will teach young kids to match words to
pictures. Humpty sits on top of his wall watching to see how well you
do! Nice graphicsin this well presented program.
The Classic Collection
Horbinder Singh Ghag
This is a collection of three classic games, all provided as source code
only, so you can see how they were done. My favourite is monopoly which
is very good and gives the feel of the real board game. The good point
is that you can't cheat or get the money wrong! Also on the disk is a
version of Connect Four and a jigsaw puzzle game, both well done, but
for me, it's worth buying just for Monopoly!
Pictures (V2.0)
Graham Lund
This is a very addictive puzzle game for two players, or one player
playing two games at the same time, which is quite a challenge! Each
player has two boxes on the screen. The top one contains a hidden
picture, the lower one is the play area where you have to click on
squares to reveal a tick or a cross. Every tick you reveal gets you an
extra turn, a cross means that it's your opponents turn. To add to the
fun, there are bombs which clear your playfield so you will have to have
a good memory to remember where those ticks were! Great stuff from the
author of Couples and Kinghigh. Updated May 1993
Luke Miller
Weedie the miserable wizard, is really unhappy to see flowers growing in
his garden, they are making the place far too pretty! He takes his
nuclear beans and sows them around the garden to destroy the flowers.
It's a novel game idea sort of anti ecological, but great fun and rather
addictive. Get your joystick plugged in for this game!
Card & Other Games II
David A. Lorner
Also known to be 1200 compatible. This is David's second disk of games,
I find these different games of Patience ever so addictive! They are
supplied with good instructions which give a probability rate of
success. This time we also have a version of the Rubic's Clock puzzle.
Short Out
Dave Cherrington
Short out is a puzzle game that will keep you going for hours. The idea
is to diffuse a bomb by connecting your defusing machine to the
terminals on the bomb to make it safe. Of course the right wires have
to be connected or you will blow yourself up. After each bomb is safe,
you are given a password which allows you onto the next level and a clue
which you should remember to solve the final challenge. This disk is
shareware, so if you like it, send Dave two pounds!
Top Of The League
Tony Kingsmill
This is a soccer management game, the first in the APDsection (there is
one in GPD). Use your skills as a manager to get your team to the top
of the league. Text and graphics are used in this program.
Frust & Devil's Dittany
Mark Potter
Two games for the price of one from Mark Potter who has given us so much
of his work in the past. His latest offerrings are FRUST, which is a
Thrust type game, which I must admit I can't get the hang of! and
Devil's Dittany which can be played against the computer of better
against another human. Each player has his own screen to follow the
wizard's progress as he goes around collecting herbs to make spells.
Speedy Reedy & Football
Stephen Binder
Two games again on this disk! Speedy Reedy and His Crazy Capers is a
joystick controlled maze game where the aim is to guide Speedy around
the screen collecting sweets and avoiding the baddy at the same time.
It's a good little game which I got quite addicted to even if I can't
get past Level 1! The trick seems to be to keep moving - don't stop to
breathe, sneeze or gulp a mouthful of coffee! Football is a game for
those who just like pressing the mouse button. You don't haver to do
anything else! The program takes you through a season of competitions
giving you the results of each round with the list of the overall
winners given at the end. It does have some strange fascination factor
that keeps you pressing the mouse button until the end tho'! It will be
usefull to those who wish to see just how the scores were generated etc.
Couples 2 & Nomis
Graham Lund
This disk contains the latest version of Graham's Couples game which is
a nicely presented Pairs game for two players. Nomis is a Simon game
where you have to repeat a sequence of colours by clicking on the
screen. Both games are very well presented.
Amos Invader & Creepy Crawly
SM Sutton & F Dudley
A value disk with two games for you. Amos Invaders by SM Sutton is a
version of the old classic Space invaders which is very well done with
aliens which get faster and faster as the game progresses. Creepy
Crawley is a novel game from Frank Dudley. You control a spider who has
to eat the flies it catches in its web. Watch out in later levels, the
flies fight back! Both of these programs are useful for beginners to
look at, as usual, the code is on the disk for you to look at. This is
the sort of program which can be played around with to see how it works.
Lateral Quizzes 3,4 &5
Dr John Foley
Parts 1 & 2 of this series of quizes can be found on GPD184 as they are
compiled. This disk contains three lateral thinking quizzes for you to
wrap your brains around. They are Easy Amos written and show that
people who have bought Easy Amos are coming to grips with programming.
By following the series from 1 through to 5 you will see how John's
coding has improved since the quizes were started a couple of months
ago. A warped sense of humour is needed to guess the answers to some of
the questions which are set out in a 'Catchphrase' style.
M K Lysons
This is a futuristic type ballgame management game where there are loads
of options to help you get your team to the top of the championship
Neil Wright
Style is a pairs matching game which is very Stylish with 3-D effect
tiles for you to select to make up the pairs. You can also change the
number of tiles in the game to make it easier for younger players,
although finding 2 matching sets out of 4 cards might be a bit too easy
for even the youngest player! Nice version of an old favourite.
Demons Breach
Mark Potter
This is another Mark Potter game. This time we have a platform game
where you have to grt through the levels by shooting spells at the
beasties. You play the role of a wizard and your spells gain in
strength as you progress through the game.
Arena 12
Paul Nordovics
This is a two player game where the idea is to seek out your opponent in
the maze and blast him before he blasts you! An added feature is that
there are energy pods to be collected in each level and your strength
and weaponry changes according to the number of these that you have
collected. Of course, these energy pods will also aid your enemy! A
well presented game.
Stephan Scholz
This is a game written in AMOS 3-D. It is the first game of its kind
that I have seen anywhere. You are sailing a yacht in a race around a
bay, navigating around marker buoys and trying to beat your opponents.
This game has atmosphere! The display moves up and down just like the
real thing with all the appropriate creaks etc you'd expect to hear when
sailing. Good fun.
Super Battle Zone
From Australia
This is a 3-D game.
Blackjack & Tutor
From Australia
This disk will teach you how to play Blackjack and the will give you a
The Race
Previously known as AUS25. This is a simple game where you have to make
2 characters race across the screen.
Duel And Underworld
From Australia
Previously known as AUS26. Two games from Australia.
From Australia
A game of Invaders.
Dojo Fight
From Australia
Take out your agression in this two player Karate game where you have to
kick the sense out ofyour opponent.
Lotto Magic
From Australia
This program is based on the Aussie national lottery and helps users
pick a series of numbers. By inputting the results of past lotteries,
the program picks numbers that could come up.
From Australia
This is a trader/Sim type game set on the moon where the aim is to build
up a colony. Looks interesting, but I haven't had time to play it!
From Australia
This is a vertically scrolling Space Shoot'em up game where, like on
earth you can only die once!
Close Quarters
This game needs two players. You can choose your weapons before setting
out to blow your enemy away.
From Australia
I didn't know quite where to put this one as it isn't really a game! It
is an educational program which displays the letters of the alphabet one
at a time with a suitable picture and description, also a message which
tells the child of possible dangers or more info. eg Car - Do not get
into a stranger's car.
Deep Space
From Australia
From Australia
This disk contains two popular games. The first is a version of Cleudo
called Who Did It? for 2 to 4 players. The idea is to move around the
board collecting the clues which come in 9 pieces each and fit together
on a grid to make a complete pictureof Who Did It. Wheel of Fortune is
like the TV game, but you must bear in mind that the TV Programs in the
Answers are Australian.
From Australia
The games on this disk are Arena and Crosswords.
Universal Racer
Mark Potter
This is a car racing game which gives you a choice of vehicles, choice
of tracks and the number of laps can be set from 1 to 5 for each race.
This game is joystick controlled and looks good. Source code is
Tables Test/Little Imps
G Wood
Here we have 2 educational programs both of which are based on maths.
Tables Test is just that, a program to aid the learning of the times
tables while the Little Imps program covers addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division. The idea for this one is that you have to
answer enough sums correctly to fill up the `think tanks'. There is
also a reward game to play where you have to shoot down the paint pots
which the imps are carrying as they fly across the screen.
Jordan vs Shaq
Craig Warner
This is a basketball package which has 3 different programs. One on One
is a two player basketball game, Slam Dunk Contest is a shoot out for
points choosing from 8 different trick moves to allow your player to get
the ball in the basket. Three point shoot out is a game where two
players take turns to shoot at goal to see how many points can be scored
in a set time.
This is a source only version of the game which originally came to us on
4 disks. The graphics are not the best, but the game works well.
Duel Sword Doods
Lee Bamber
After a year, we've got this game on the library! Due to disks not
working and getting lost in the post, it's now here for you to play.
It's a chop'em up game for two players who control 2 sword wielding
fighters. The idea is to cut up your opponent or drive him against the
nasty spikes which stop him retreating down the exit tunnel. I think
they come from Mars as they bleed green blood! Recommended by our
junior in-house testers.
Tony Kingsmill
This is a rarity in the library as we do not get many adventures sent
Tony has sent in this demo version which allows you to play the first
3 parts of the game - to get the rest you will have to contact him!
I have tried it out and it looks interesting. It's mainly text,but has
some illustrations if you wish.
The adventure lets you explore many locations through a town, woods,
sewers castle and more and the code provided is well commented to let
you see how it was constructed.
Graham Lund
This game is a variation on the old bat and ball game. The difference
here is that instead of knocking a ball back to your opponent, the aim
is to stop the balls hitting the boundery on your side of the screen.
The balls appear several at a time and move across the screen at
differing speeds so that you have to dash from one end to the other to
hit them. If you miss, you lose a life, if you hit lots, you get extra
lives. There are very many different options you can use to make each
game different. These include speed and different game screen choices,
e.g. vertical game with balls coming from top and/or bottom, horizontal
game etc. An interesting game from Graham who has several others in the
Games Disk
Michele Berionne
This is a disk of four source only games sent in my Michele from Italy.
Atoms is the best game, it is a logic game to be played by 2-4 players.
The idea is to place atoms on a grid, when the limit for that square is
reached, the atom explodes into the adjacent ones often causing chain
reactions which wipe out other players' atoms - the winner is the person
who has atoms left when everyone else has been blown away.
Tetris - a new version of the old favourite.
Fantasy - blast the beasties with your mouse!
Super - Arcade game
Amos Pro Games Disk
This disk contains the source code for 3 games written with Amos Pro and
will NOT run in Amos Classic. Mazes is by Robin Cook and is a game set
on 5 levels of difficulty and is a game for one player set in 4 mazes,
all of which are displayed on the screen at the same time. Level one is
a trainer level, but on the higher ones you can be killed by an enemy or
bomb in any of the mazes, not just the one in which you are playing!
The best description I can think of for this game is 4-way Pacman!
Shooter is a space invader type game but here you only have one target
to shoot at. There are 9 levels of skill and you get a limited number
of shots. Power Pong by Harvey Ball is a nice variation of the old bat
and ball game for two players where each player has a bat on one side of
the screen and the aim is to hit the ball into the goal of your opponent
at the opposite side of the screen. There is a choice of 5 sporting
themes to play to add variety to the game.
Black Belt Tournament
D Slater & M Pickett
This is a karate tournament game where you can take out all your
frustrations by kicking your opponent without getting hurt. Not a bad
game from Mr Slater and Mr Pickett, but as I do not really like this
sort of game (joysticks and me don't get on!) I couldn't get to see it
all the way through.
It's the Cars..
Mark Potter
The full title of this game is `It's the cars that ate the world'. A bit
of a strange title, but the idea seems to be that you drive your mutant
car around the game map running over the nasties who, from what I've
seen are people.
I'm no great joystick users, so I couldn't get very far, but it's an
interesting idea and as the code is on the disk, it could show other car
game writers how it's done!
================== SOUND SAMPLES ==================
Samples 2
Alert1, Alien1, Beamer, Beep, Carstart, Charge, Coilgun, CrashdIV,
Dive, Echogun1, Echogun2, Echogun3, Eeee, Eeiong, Explode1, Explode2,
Explode3, Explode4, Explode5, Explode6, Fountain, Horn, Hum, Laughsic,
M32shoot, Motor1, Motor2, Motor3, Motor4, Passage, Phaser, Pinball,
Quack2, Repeater, Revup1, Revup2, Shipguns, Shoot, Slide, Stargun1,
Stargun2, Stunner, Train, Whinegun, Woo.
Samples 3
Bats1, Breath1, Cats, Door1, Door2, Door3, Door4, Gorilla1, Gorilla2,
Heart1, Heart2, Hellhnd1, Laugh, Laugh2, Monster1, Phantom1, Phantom2,
Prtculis, Scream1, Scream2, Scream3, Scream4, Scream5, Scream6, Stangle,
Wolf1, Wolf2, Wolf3.
Samples 4
Arrows, Bells1, Bells2, Bells3, Dagger, Drips1, Firesqwd, Firestke,
Hotpoker, Jungle1, Jungle2, Necktwst, Owl1, Owl2, Pendulum, Physlab1,
Rain1, Saw_leg, Saw_leg2, Tanktrax, Thunder1, Thunder2, Thunder3,
Thunder4, Updown.
Samples 5
Alarm, Alarm2, Astral, Cascade, Compute1, Count, Docking, Drwho,
Landing, Laseban2, Lasebang, Laser, Laser2, Laser3, Laser4, Laser5,
Takeoff, Tinkle, Warble, Warp.
Instruments St-01
Approximately 90 instruments
A-Bass, Aaah, AckerBell, Annoying, Bass1, Bass2, Bass3, Bass4,
BassDrum1, BassDrum2, Bells, Brass, Bright, Church, D1, Drumsharp,
Elecbass, Fineone027, Fineone037, Fineone047, Fineone057, FunSound,
Guitar4, HighOp, HiHat1, HiHat2, Kimbassdrum, Led04, Led09, Led0a,
LedGuitar01, LedHeavy01, LedSnare, Marimba, Name, Perc, Perc-DryTom,
Perc-Timpani, Percussion1, Percussion2, PLST, Rasors, Revbdrum,
Ridecymbal3, RSnareDrum, Scary, Shaker, Snare25, SnareDrum1, SnareDrum2,
Sony05-07, Sony06-07, Sonydrum01, Sonydrum02, Sonydrum03, Sonydrum05,
Sonydrum07, Sorry, SpaceTalk, Storm01, Strat, Strings1, Strings2,
Strings22Min, Strings3, Strings4, Strings5, Strings7, Strplus,
Suprabass1, Synthtom, Tadaa, Take, THGuitar, TomDrum, tromajor,
Trominor, Trstclap, Ultrastring, Who, wind, Yodel, Zzzax001, Zzzax002,
Zzzax003, Zzzax004, Zzzax005, Zzzax06
instruments st-02
Approximately 70 instruments
bass6, bassdrum5, g21, lowsynth, mad, noise1, sae, shaker, sirin,
snare6, synth1, voice1, zing, 19hat, ahhvox, arztbass, badyyoungbbd,
bass1, bass3, bassdrum3, bassdrum5, blip, blood, bongo, bsnare,
chornos6, chronos4, chronos5, church, clap-e, cymbal, deep_voice,
digdug, dreamings, drop2, drum1, drum2, erclhh, erophh, finale, floette,
goodpling, guitar7, hapsi, harrier2, horn, ibanez, kitax, laser1,
longslap, lotmore, luftstring, moog2, osterbass1, ostertrumpet1, oyyou,
panflute2, perc-timbale, pling, PLST, question, scratch, sharpbass,
sinecz, snare7, snare9, sonar, spiffclap2, think1, think2, till,
tinclap, twee1, typewriter, xfarley, yeah, zapp
Samples 6
lamebrain, laugh1, laugh2, laugh3, laugh4, openeerie! right, right2,
ring, These_sounds, thisis, Thunder, tied-up, time.out.yo, train,
trainhorn, transport, twang, warning2, Wee, Welcome, welcome2, whatboat,
whatwegd, WHINNY1, WHINNY2, WHINNY3, whistl1, whistl2, whistl3, whistl4,
Whoa_black_betty, whoithell, wind, woman-aahh, woorgh, yaunt, yaunt2,
yeah, yodelsound, Y_can't_play_this.
Samples 7
Move, network23, notimportant, orchblast, ouch1, Owwwh, pepper, PIG1,
PIGGROWL, PIGS-AHA, PIGS-DISTORT, plane, pumpupvolume, readytoattak,
righton, robotvoice, running, salt, savagedeath, Seagull, seascape,
sexycomputer, smash, Smile, Sneeze, somebodyscream, sonar, spacedoors,
Sploit-drip, spring, spring1, springhigh, Stand_by, staticbuzz, stove,
sturm2, SW-allclear, SW-greattrykid, SW-redfive, SW-sizeofthing,
SW-usetheforce, swoosh, swordCLANG, SwordSWIPE, Telephone,
Thats_all_Folks, thesavage.
Samples 8
aaaah, aahhhhhh, ac.train3, ALARM1, ALARM2, ALARM3, ALARM4, alert, alf,
AMOSspeech, Audience, Ay_Yeah, bass, bells, Bikecrash, blood, blubb,
blubb2, bodyblow, boing1, BOING2, BOING3, bullet, bullet3, bullet4,
burp, bwang, Can't_t_This, carhorn, carstart, cartoon-coyote, CatMeow,
cheep, Clapping, clapping2, click, collect1, collect2, comeon, cook.it,
Cough, crash, CrashBackward, Creak, crrunch, deepvoice1, deepvoice2,
Doom, Doom2, Doom3, drip.
Samples 9
drip1, drip2, drip3, drip4, dum-b-dum, dynamic, eristein, explosion,
explosion1, explosion2, explosion2, explosion3, explosion5,
FootstepECHO, Freak_out, FX.SPOTON, gameover, getvideo, go, goback,
Good_morning, gunshot1, haaa, Hello, Here_the_drummer, hey, hey.rad,
hey2, heyhey, Hip-Hip, Hit_it, hoo, Huh! Jam_hot, jetsound, knock,
Laser, Laser2, Laugh, Laugh1, laugh2, laugh3, lazer1, lazer2, lets_go,
Lets_go! liveanddirect, loser, machine_gun, madlord, maxx, misc1.
Instruments St-03
Approximately 70 instruments.
440-gatedsnare, 440gated-snare, 440thick, acidflickbass, akaiclosedhh,
arztbass, bassdrum7, bassdrum8, battledrum, bodbozdrum, bodbozhouse,
bodbozhouse2, bodbozjourney, bodbozpumper, bodboztime, breath, chor,
chuckie-bar, church, clap3, cleanbass, combistrings, distdemp, drop2,
e-chord1, e-chord2, em-bass3, em-bass4, epmdhi, eradrum, erasnare,
escape2, explosion, futurestring, gbass, guitar3, guitar4, guitar7,
hoah, jmj4, laserdrum, lead12, lead8, lobster, metalchord, moog9,
NightAOn1, NightAOn2, parbassdrum, patbassdrum, PLST, polysynth,
portamento1, powerbassdrum1, prowater1, rraid4, sax2, saxophone, sinecz,
snapstring, snare13, Snare17, snaredrum9, sologuit2, sonar, spacesnare,
spliffclap2, strings8, synth5, synth8, tomdrum, typewriter, wh1, wh10,
wowtrumpet, xstrings, zap
instruments st-04
Approximately 100 instruments.
Aligator, AnalogString, Asia, BassDrum1, BassDrum2, BassDrum3, BigBow,
Blast, Blubzing, Celeste, Chink, Claps1, Claps2, Claves, CloseHiHat,
Conga, CowBell, Dangerous, Detune, Die, DigDug, DigiHarp, Dogbark,
DreamBells, DXBass, DxTom, ElecTom, EPiano, Eug, FaeryTale, FilterBass,
FunBass, FunkBass, HallBrass, Heaven, HeavySynth, Heifer, HiHat1,
HiHat2, Hooman, Horns, JahrMarkt1, JahrMarkt2, Jetes, Klickorgan,
KorgBass, KorgBeau, KorgBow, KorgDoi, KorgFilter, KorgString, Koto,
Leader, Licks, Magic, Marimba, MetalKeys, MonoBass, MonsterBass,
MuteClav, Nice, NoteMan, Organ, Outlaw, Perco, PingBells, Pizza, PLST,
PolySynth, PopBass, PopSnare1, PopSnare2, RichString, RingPiano,
RoomBrass, Shaker, Shamus, SineCZ, SixTease, Smash1, Smash2, Snare1,
Snare2, Snare3, SoftBass, Sphere, Squares, Steinway, Strange, strings1,
strings2, strings3, strings4, strings5, strings6, strings7, Sulu, Sweep,
SynBrass, SynClaves, SyntheBass, SynthPiano, TechBass, TheEgg, TineWave,
Touch, TuneBass, Voices, Wabberstring, WoodBlock, WowBass
rippers disc
gary shilvock
This disc contains a vast amount of rippers for you to get at all that
elusive Soundtracker music in demos etc.
Samples 10
Brian Iredale (canada)
A sound sample disc sent in from Canada.
Applause, AutoFire, Bells, Boing, Bowling, Creaking, Drill, Explosion,
FogHorn, FootSteps, Gallop, Glass, Gunship, HandGun, Horn, Ignition,
Klaxon, Lasers, Laughter, more, Pony, Ricochet, Scotty, Siren, Sound,
Sound.doc,Thriller, Thunder, Twilite.
Samples 11
Brian Iredale
Another sample disc by Brian Iredale from Canada.
Accelerate, Alarm, Arrow_Begin, Arrow_End, Audio.doc,
Basketball_Bounce, Beep, Beep_Vibes_1, Beep_Vibes_2, Birds, Bomb_Beep,
Bond_Intro, Church_Bell, Cough, Door_Close, Drum_Final, Drum_Rift,
Drum_Roll, Explosion, Guitar_Rift, Gun_&_Glass, Hand_Claps, Jaws,
Jaws_2, Meow, Paint_Guns, Pink_Panther, Rapid_Fire, Sneeze, Sound,
Sound.doc, Spear_Gun_1, Spear_Gun_2, Spear_Gun_3, Strange_Siren,
Thunder_Roar, Ticking, Waves, Whoopie, Windshield_Break, Yell.
Steve's Samples 1
Steve Bennett
About 40 different samples for use in your AMOS programs. Sounds are
Ah, am i evil, bailchord, basics, bass10, BassI, Bubble, Car skid,
computer_alarm, cowboy_gun1, cowboy_gun2, damp, death_gong, Double Bass,
dxbase, Echodrum, EffectI, EffectII, Electric Guitar2, Elephant,
Explosion, gitty, Gong, Human, HumanII, Jungle, kef-bass, Little ben,
Machine-Gun, No, Piano2, pops, powerbassdrum, Scream, Slap bass, Snare1,
Sphere, Tiger, TomI, Tropical birds, wierd
Steve's Samples 2
Steve Bennett
samples on this disc are bettergetback, bigexplosion, birdsong,
crickets_chirping, death_gong, duck_talk, fire, gameover, getready,
goodshooting, gunshoot, heartbeat, laugh, letsrock, mans_cough,
monster_roar, music1sam, music2, newend, ooooh_errr, orac_switch_on,
pop3, pops1, smartbomb1, space_alarm, space_alarm2, standbyforaction,
tank_shooting, vibro_buildup, vin_price_laugh, visitwithpeace,
watchyourfire, youll_never_escape
Steve's Samples 3
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc include alienexplosion1, ambulance_siren,
bettergetback, bigexplosion, cardiograph, churchbells, cock_a_doodle_do,
cricket, donkey, double_cannon_shot, earthstoodstill, fire_engine_horn,
fog_horn, hammer_thud, it_came_intro, laser_fade, lightning, morse_code,
music3, oh_no, ouch, police_car_siren, race_car_engine, refs_whistle,
seagull, ships_horn, single_shot_laser, sky_rocket, tank,
tom_tom_and_people, trimphone, tyre_screech, weeuw, wheee,
window_breaking, wip, yip, youll_never_escape
Steve's Samples 4
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc are aaaaahhhhh1, aaaaahhhhh2, aaaahhh,
another_laser, automatic_fire, ball_bounce, biplane_diving,
biplane_engine, breakout_ball_wall, bubberling, cards_shuffle,
car_skid1, car_starter_and_revs, car_starter_motor, car_tickover,
dog_bark, end_of_level, galactica_laser, get_ready, glass_breaking_1,
glass_breaking_2, gunshot, heartbeat, heavy_ball_bounce, helicopter,
helicopter1, helicopter2, hello_driver, horse_trotting, horse_whinney,
laser3, laser4, laser_cannon, machinegun, marching, metal_bar,
motorboat, music1, music2, revolver_single_shot, rifleshot_richchet_1,
rifleshot_richchet_2, rifleshot_richchet_, rifleshot_with_echo,
Steve's Samples 5
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc are 20's_style_jingle, anti_aircraft_gun, arrow,
ball_bounce, bird_chirp, boing, BOYEE, bump, burp, car_horn,
car_horn_honk, car_rev_drive_off, car_skid_crash, cavalry_charge,
crowd_roar_1, door_slam, drum_roll, flash, frog_jump, FUNKY DRUMMER 1,
hammer_ring, heart_beat, iluvyou, lightning, loads_of_cowboy_fire,
mass_effects_1, ping-noing, pop, rain, sky_rocket1, sky_rocket2,
space_warp, starwars_laser, steamboat_hoot, sword_clang1, sword_clang2,
thunder, wee-donk, wind, zylaphonejingle.
Music For Madness
Dizzy Edge
A music player with lots of music for you to listen to.
Sample Workshop
From Australia
A Program which will allow you to listen to and work on sound samples.
Aussie Samples #1
Previously known as AUS19. Disk of Sound sams for your programs.
ALARM1, ALARM4, alert, Bikecrash, blubb2, boing1, BOING2, BOING3,
bullet, bullet3, bullet4 bwang, carhorn, carstart, CatMeow, cheep,
Clapping, clapping2, Cough, crash, CrashBackward, Creak, crrunch, drip1,
drip2, drip3, drip4, explosion, explosion2, explosion3, explosion5, hey,
jetsound, knock, Laser, Laser2, machine_gun, nothing, PIG1, PIGGROWL,
PIGS-AHA, PIGS-DISTORT, plane, Seagull, seascape, smash, Sneeze, sonar,
spacedoors, Sploit-drip, spring, springhigh, staticbuzz, sturm2, swoosh,
Telephone, Thunder, train, trainhorn, twang, WHINNY1, WHINNY2, WHINNY3,
whistl1, whistl2, whistl3, whistl4, wind.
Aussie Samples #2
Previously AUS20. More sound samples.
cartoon-coyote, alf, Audience, bass, blood, bodyblow, comeon,
deepvoice1, deepvoice2, dum-b-dum, dynamic, eristein, gameover,
getvideo, go, haaa, hey2, heyhey, Hip-Hip, Laugh, Laugh1, laugh2,
laugh3, Leader, liveanddirect, loser, madlord, maxx, network23,
notimportant ouch1, Owwwh, pumpupvolume, readytoattak, robotvoice,
running, savagedeath, sexycomputer, somebodyscream, thesavage, the_duel,
thisis, tied-up, warning2, Wee, welcome, whoithell, woman-aahh, woorgh,
YaskMe, yeah, yodelsound.
Aussie Samples #3
More sound samples.
a hero, another sword clang, argh, arghalopa, bang argh, bark, bell,
boing, boingggg, bong, bounce, bubling lava, burning fire, captain
caveman! car skid, clink, clunk, crowd, dead or alive, dont beleive me,
door opening, dumdumdumdum, enemy, enter name, get ready for a suprise,
girl screaming, gogogo, good evening australia, good night, growl,
hahaha, haheha, halt stranger, heroine, hiargh, howl, im derryn hinch,
in hall fame, jump, laser, lion1, nasty laugh, no lapking, plane
landing, police siren, present, psew, rattings, robocop, rolling barrel,
select, shame, shoot&reload, sludge, somthing dropped, splat, splish,
sword block, television, thats life, the demo, thumping ground,
tightening rope, uh oh, welcome to mars, who am i? yeah1, yougotit.
Aussie Samples #4
More assorted sams and instruments from Australia.
in, in2, Bass+Voice1, Bass1, Bass2, Bass3, Bassdrum1, Drums1, Guitar1,
Orchest1, Snaredrum1, Strings1, Strings2, Synth1, Synth2, Synth3,
Synth4, Synth5, Synth6, Trumpets1, Weird.
Ahhh!! Airplane, Aliens1, Bell, Boing, CarCrash, Carengine,
CarIgnition, CarIgnition2, Carskid, Cat, Cough, DrumFinal, DrumRoll,
Explosion1, Food, Funny1, Gethim, GO! Hurt1, Hurt2, Hurt3, Jet,
MachineGun, MachineGun2, MonsterMoan, Oooo! Plopp, Redalert, Rocket1,
Shoot1, Shoot2, Sneeze, Something Thrown, Space Ship Engine1,
SPORTSCARengine, SquashedV8engine, Weird1, Weird2, Weird3, Womanscream,
=========== AMOS SOURCE PROGS ================
Word Square Solver
Word Squares made easier with this program. Just type in the letters
and let the computer find the words for you. Also on the disc are
various games including the following - Demolition Mission, Grub
Grabber, Space Invaders, Pacman and Submarine.
Amos Programs 1
Gary Fearn And Nadeem
Contains CLI.AMOS, Myfirstdemo.AMOS, Spritestars.AMOS and Textview.AMOS
all by Gary Fearn. This disc also contains Nadeemscroller.AMOS which is
a demo by Nadeem. Lots of source code for you to play about with and to
learn from.
Amos Programs 2
Gary Shilvock And Jason Ant
This disc contains a compilation of utilities, routines and demos. More
source code for you to examine and adapt.
Jason Anthony
UTILS - Dbase.AMOS, dutil.AMOS, File_Contents.AMOS, graphics02.AMOS,
Mail.amos, Rot2.AMOS, spell.AMOS, Texed.AMOS.
DEMOS Boris II.AMOS, Boris.AMOS, Weaveworld Rtn(512k).AMOS,
ROUTINES - 2D Vectors.AMOS, 3D Vectors.AMOS, Backwards.AMOS, Large
Scroll.AMOS, scroll1.AMOS, scrolling landscape.AMOS, set rain.AMOS, Sine
UTILS - pseudo-dos.AMOS, Sine_Program.AMOS, Sketch pad.AMOS,
Amos Programs 3
Gareth Lancaster And John L
Contains four programs from Gareth Lancaster (author of BOMBASE)
accessed by booting into a menu. The programs are MOIRE, SCROLLIST,
PIXELIZER and LIFE. Also on the disc are an art program by John Leaver,
chart.amos and customer.amos.
Amos Programs 4
Chris Kimpton
Word Search and Anagrams. The disc boots up and offers a selection,
returns to the menu later.
Amos Programs 5
Martyn Brown
The main program on this disc is Rainbow Warrior but the disc also
contains demos and other routines such as selectors and various music
players that have been used on the PD disks. Interesting mixture of
programs, and very useful for learners.
Amos Programs 6
Dominic Ramsey
Lots of source code from the programmer of Reversi. The disc includes
the beginning of a text adventure.
Mandelbrot Generator
Gary Shilvock
1/2 megabyte and 1 megabyte catered for on this disc. Also contains
examples and some fascinating pictures.
Amos Programs 7
Arc Angel, P. Applegarth, R
Contains four AMOS programs. DOT-MATRIX.AMOS by Arc Angel - remember
the pen and pencil game where you have to join up the dots to make
squares? No? Well you won't know what this game is like then!
FAST_FOOD.AMOS by P. Applegarth - you control a flying mouth with the
joystick but beware if you eat too much of the food that rushes by then
you burp and it's game over! LINE.AMOS by Robosoft for two players.
SPINVADERS.AMOS by B. J. Hills - a variation on the old classic Space
Invaders, good graphics and nice music. All need AMOS to run.
Amos Programs 8
Too Many Names To Mention!
Contains 25 assorted programs. 4096COLOURS.AMOS, 52 CARDS.AMOS, 64
WIREMANIAX.AMOS and XEVIUOS2.AMOS. Needless to say you need AMOS to run
this disc. Thanks to everyone who contributed.!
Steve Bennett And Mark Venn
Understanding AMOS is a tutorial on using the screen commands within
AMOS. A very good program for beginners. BOBALIZER is a music player.
Amos Programs 9
A disc with a Christmas theme. Contains Midnight Magic Christmas Demo,
Christmas.AMOS, Slideshow of Count Duckula and OXO.AMOS. Needs AMOS.
Amos Programs 10
Contains Animator_Update_v3.AMOS, Autoback.AMOS, Engine.AMOS,
Noprogram.AMOS, Patterns.AMOS, Pause_Click.AMOS, Pic_Show.AMOS,
Windemo.AMOS. Some good routines.
Gary Shilvock
Source code so requires AMOS. Slideshow of Fantasy pictures.
Amos Programs 11
Jason Banks
Contains routines sent in by Jason Banks. Includes a Bards Tale
Character convertor, two player trail game, a sliding tile game and
other utility programs.
PROCEDURES - Emblem.AMOS, Landscape.AMOS, Percent.AMOS, Phase.AMOS,
Snow.AMOS, bards_tale_1.amos, bibble.amos, bibble_2.amos, BOB_TEXT.AMOS,
dalex.amos, file_procs.amos, file_view.amos, how_many_bobs.amos,
how_many_bobs2.amos, how_many_bobs3.amos, led_procs.amos,
NoiseMaker.AMOS, phone_book.amos, Screen_wipes.AMOS, Scroll_Demo.AMOS,
skeet_shooting.amos, squares.amos, Superfruit.AMOS, Tron.AMOS,
Amos Programs 12
Gary Shilvock
Yet another disc containing routines by Gary Shilvock. This disk
includes a scrolling demo. Needs AMOS.
MISC - Banish-Flicker.asc, BreakDown RGB.AMOS, build_rainbow.asc,
colours.asc, Fast Ram Check.Asc, Get Font.asc, rain2.asc, select.asc,
software failure.asc, Strip Name.asc, suck_up_gfx.asc, Toggle Led.Asc
SCROLLS - bob_scroll.Asc, Colour scroll.Asc, colour scroll2.asc, Rainbow
Scroll.Asc, Scroll.asc, UpScroll.asc, Vertical Scroll.asc.
FILES - File Length.ASC, File Selector.Asc, Load&Save File.asc.
MUSIC - equalizer rtn.asc, Play Raw Sample.Asc
FULL DEMOS - Demo1, Demo2, Demo3
2dstars.AMOS, Menu.AMOS, Scroller.AMOS,
Amos Programs 13
Dominic Ramsey
Includes FractalLeaf.AMOS, 3DForGlasses.AMOS, EdgeDetection.AMOS (a
program to convert a non-HAM IFF image into a two colour line drawing)
and DeFusion.AMOS which is a small game with full instructions in which
you have to defuse bombs, similar to MASTERMIND. Also on this disc is a
Wordsearch Puzzle Maker.
Amos Programs 14
Chris Labrum & J. Hale
This disc contains PONTOON by Chris Labrum which is a bootable program.
A very good version of the popular card game which sticks (no pun
intended!) closely to the normal rules of the game. The disc also
contains some AMOS programs that need AMOS to run. These include BITMAP
Dungeon Shell
Allen Webb
I am a self confessed DUNGEON MASTER fanatic, having played the game way
back in 1988 on a ... dare I say it ... Atari St!!! So, if you have
also shared in the delights of the game you have doubtless wondered if
you could produce a game as good! Well with this disc you are part of
the way there. The programs are all fully documented and basically give
you the bare bones on which to base your game. So hurry up and write
one and put people like me out of their misery and give us another DM
game to get to grips with. Well done Allen.
Amos Programs 15
Disc contains the following programs. 3 excellent bob routines by Steve
Bennett for you to use in your own demos, very effective. MegaBase v2.2
by Ben Ashley. Skeet and Target Shooting by Steve Bennett. A simple
game written with learner programmers in mind to help you master AMOS.
The program is unfinished so you can add whatever you want to it, a high
score table for example. Hit The Target by Nick and Matt Tucker - a
simple fairground shooting gallery. Give 'em hell by Ben Ashley is a
game in which you have a choice of aircraft, helicopter, tank or jeep,
It's red against green and you have to shoot the opposition. This disc
is recommended for budding programmers.
Amos Programs 16
Contains code for an AMOS PDL catalogue with a full list of the discs
prior to May 91. If you are thinking of producing a disc catalogue
using AMOS then this program might be useful. The catalogue boots up
but you need AMOS for the other programs. Also contains AmosCopy,
SoundTracker2.2 which is a better coded version of the converter, and
Spacker which is a small program for packing IFF pictures.
Amos Programs
Chris Hurst
Some of the programs on this disc are Shareware - please read the docs
for information. Disc contains a program for you to make your own
slideshows (listen to the STARTREK samples while you run the program).
CHR$.AMOS which returns scancodes when you type in a letter or number
from the keyboard. SCANCODE.AMOS which returns the character and
scancode of any key pressed. Disc autoboots.
Amos Programs
Steve Bennett
Produced with the beginner in mind. Disc contains skeet-shooting,
light-cycles, simple-breakout, king-of-the-castle and sprite-viewer.
Also on the disc are some sprites sent in after my plea. Thank you
Steve. We are still hoping to receive more discs containing sprites so
if you can draw please help.
Amos Programs
Chris Hurst
Disc contains SonicBlast a simple music player. SBV sprite bank viewer.
Also on the disc is GrubGrabber one of Chris's early games. Some of the
programs on this disc are Shareware.
Amos Games 3
GLODRICK by Luke Miller. Nice music Luke. The evil star thief has
raided the night sky of Babbleville, taken the stars and left them in a
deep cavern. You have to retrieve them. Nice platform and ladders
game. Not too difficult either even I managed to complete a few levels!
ERIC WATCH YOUR STEP by Colin Naylar. Help Eric to get home. Landmines
litter the way through 6 levels of difficulty. A nice touch is hitching
a lift on the train in a couple of levels. In the final stage you must
help Eric reach his front door. Simple game. HANGMAN by Simon
Walklate. Not much need to explain this one.
Tony's Glider Game
This disc contains a simple game where you have to guide your glider
down to earth avoiding all the planes etc. Not a bad game. Also on the
disc is lots of source code for you to play around with.
Amos Progs 17
Another collection of AMOS source programs for you to mess around with
and get ideas from. FRACTAL FANTASY - scroller and a mandelbrot, PINK
PANTHER - simpledemo using Rainbow command, MINEFIELD - avoid unseen
mines and get from one side of te screen to the other, AMOSCOPYv2 -
simple file copier, SAMPLECONV - small program for messing about with
Amos Progs 18
Yet more programs. COLOR IT - simple picture painter program, HECTIC -
nicely presented game, BUNNY BLAST - sick shooting game, PRO-GRAFFETI -
strange program that lets you doodle on a brick wall, MY MUSIC MACHINE -
music creator program and ZONE LOADER - create zones easily.
1mb is needed because the program loads it's word list onto a RAM disc.
Shame! Enter a word into this program in anagram form e.g. LLOHE for
HELLO and the program will search through it's word list and descramble
the word for you. Nicely presented program. Useful for solving
Amos Goodies
This disc does boot and does not need AMOS to appreciate the programs.
CASSETTE LABELLER - create inserts for cassette tapes, NOUGHTS & CROSSES
- self-explanatory, INTERLACE DEMO - shows overscan interlace screen,
KALIEDOSCOPE - program to display patterns on the screen, RABBIE BURNS -
draws a picture of the man himself using lines and PALETTE SETTER - nice
palette program, includes spread function etc.
tron & brian
There are two programs on this disc both of which need AMOS to run.
TRON - a very good version of the classic Light Cycles game. BRIAN'S
THEME - this is a moire pattern display program. Only one moire pattern
is covered but it can be shown in many different screen modes.
Amos Programs 19
Steve Bennett
Another collection of AMOS programs for you to mess around with.
MUSIC_PLAYER(COMPILED) - nicely presented music player with a great
spotlight effect, ICON TILE GRABBER - great utility for grabbing bits of
the screen and saving them in .ABK files, RAMOS HD-FL INSTALL - install
Ramos on your hard disc the easy way and ASTRO_WARS - a simple shoot
each other up game.
Amos Programs 20
Yet more top quality source programs for you to obtain hints and tips
from. GLOD - simple text adventure (text), LINEHACKERDEMO - music made
from telephone samples, JAMES DEMO - Amiga rendition of SIt Down,
Pro-Graffeti - strange program that lets you doodle on brick walls!,
ZONE UTILITIES - programs to help you with screen Zones, APDCATALOGUE -
lists all PD discs and titles and SLIDESHOW UTILS - to help you create
and display slideshows.
Amos Programs 21
Top Sprite Software
Only one program on this disc. MoonBase Rescue is a game where you have
to rescue humans from the Moon's surface before a giant Alien eats them.
Not a bad game - the source code could prove very useful to novice games
Amos Programs 22
Four more AMOS source programs for your delight and delictation.
SIMPSONS&TURTLE DEMO - slideshow of hand drawn pictures of both
cartoons, COOL_SCROLL(COMPILED) - very smooth scroller, BOBALIZER -
probably the best presented and most useful music player in the PD,
includes lots of options and MAD_BOMBER - catch the bombs in a tray of
various programs
All of these programs can be run by booting the disc. Defender - well
presented game, variation on missile command, Snake - version of
Centipede apart from you must diffuse bombs so your snake grows larger,
Ghettoblaster - music player with 3 bits of music, AMOS_Text - text
viewer, includes docs for programs on this disc and AFP - an Ascii file
printer with some nice options. Lots of source code for AMOS users to
play around with.
Option 4
Harbinder Ghag
Seven games on this disc: Fruit Catcher, Alien Attack, Connect Four,
Bat and Ball, Cycle Racers, Asteroid Belt and Wheel of Fortune. Small
games but well presented with some nice routines.
Amos Programs 23
Another collection of Amos source programs for you to gleam routines
from. Sprite Grabber - improved version of the origional grabber with
nice men, Puzzle - very nicely presented shuffling pieces puzzle game,
ColourScroll and ColourScrollLoader - programs for displaying scrolls in
different colours etc. Some nice routines in these programs.
Amos Programs 24
Yet more programs for you to use how you want to: DM_Demo (COMPILED) -
demo from the programmer of some of the programs on this disc,
JellyTaire - nice version of solitaire, State - accounting program,
CD_Player (COMPILED) - simple music player, Cheat_Machine - lots of
cheats for games and Helpv2 - online AMOS disc manager. Compiled
programs also have their source programs on this disc.
Trojan Gun Drivers
Trojan have supplied driver programs so that you can program your games
to use their Phazer Gun. Could lead to some interesting new games.
Totally Amos
This is Issue 0 of Len & Anne Tucker's disc magazine for all Amos users.
It is a disc full of articles, reviews, Amos chat and programs for you
to play with. Full details of how to get future issues on the disc.
Source code on this disk:-
disklister.amos diskutil.amos
playing_with_text.amos playing_with_windows.amos
screenwipes.amos sine_wave_creator.amos
This issue is PD, we now have TA 1-13 available (not PD) cost- 2.50p
each for issues 1-12, £3.00 each issues 13 onward. Special Offer!! Buy
issues 1-6 as a set for £10!!!
Assorted Programs
Bill Currie
There are four programs on this disc. SCRAPBOOK will display a series
of 'pages' in the form of a scrapbook. PAGE EDITOR can be used to
create pages of text and pictures for use in Scrapbook. FILEMANAGER
assembles IFF pictures or pages created with Page Editor. DELACER
removes interlace from IFF screens. It also resizes, standardises,
zooms and you can use it to move regions of the screen. No longer
Shareware, latest version. May 1993.
Assorted Programs
Bill Currie
This is another disk of programs from Bill Currie. In this collection
we have SHOPPER NOTEBOOK and EVALUATOR. With SHOPPER you can organise
your shopping lists by entering the item you need, its price and
quantity required, the program tale will total the bill for up to 170
items. Notebook creates a book on the disk where you can make notes of
things that you need to remember etc, maybe which discs you intend
buying from the Amos Library! Evaluator is a program to demonstrate and
use an Eval procedure written with AMOS. No longer Shareware, latest
version, May 1993.
Samples for APD346/347
Bill Currie
This disc contains sample files to demonstrate the use of the programs
on APD346 and APD347.
Archivist V2.0
Steven Harrison
This program will store data to disc in the form of sequential files.
It has many features including viewing all, some or a selected number of
Zirus Programs 1
Paul Harthen
This disc has programs which show some interesting effects achieved with
AMOS. These are MULTI SCROLL, ANIMDOTS, and BOUNCY, all these are worth
a look, there is also music on the disc. Another section provides a
graphic ripper for grabbing screens and a convertor program. (Neither
of these programs was written with AMOS)
Zirus Programs 2
Paul Harthen
Paul used to produce a disc magazine called 'Dreamers' which is
available from Deja Vu. He indends to produce a new,better and more
AMOS based magazine called ZIRUS. There is a demo on this disk along
with some fonts for you to use in your programs.
Deutsche Amos User Group
This is the English translation of the German Amos User Group. The
English isn't perfect, but it is very readable. It has articles and
tutorials on AMOS programming. It looks interesting and should provide
plenty of hints and tips as well as an insight into the German AMOS
Deutsche AMOS User Group
This is the English version of the second issue of the German AMOS
group's magazine disc. The articles and tutorials carry on their series
of teaching Amos programming. Issue 1 is APD354.
Amos Club Nederland 1
Dutch Amos Club
This magazine disk is full of mini programs and demos to keep you amused
even if you cannot read Dutch! Some parts are in English. Interesting.
Amos Club Nederland 2
Dutch Amos Club
This is the second edition of the Dutch Amos Club's magazine. There are
more programs for you to play with, it also has an interesting menu
Amos 3-D Programs
Ben Ashley
You will also need to have the Amos 3-D extension attached to your Amos
disk to see these programs. These are the first 3-D programs to be sent
in to the library that have been written with the 3-D editor. These
programs will show you what you can produce with this extension.
Amos Programs 29
This disk gives you more source code to look at, run and play with
inside Amos. Also on the disk are two compiled programs for you to see.
quickcrunch, Rebound, bio, slideshow
JASON BANKS - AMOS_NEWS.NDX, clock.amos, encrypt.amos, fastzoom,
index_maker.amos, list_procs.amos, queue.amos, rhino.amos, tedit.amos,
Uncle Simes Progs 1
Simon Nicoll
This collection of Amos programs has been contributed by Simon Nicoll.
Most of the programs on this disc will also need Ctext (LPD 56) to run.
If you have Ctext, but don't know what it can do, then this disc may
give you a few ideas! Well worth adding to your collection.
Amos Programs 30
This disk contains Amos source code from all over the world - 19
rainbows. Palette is a palette manipulator which is very nicely done.
SWIZ is an easy to use mouse pointer designer, excellent! Vista writer
writes scripts for animations with Vista. A great value for money disk.
Amos Programs 31.
Luke Miller
This game had to be entered as a source code as the disk was so full!
Luke has written a car race game which is really rather good, it's well
worth looking at and playing. Nice one Luke!
Chris Beeson
A.B.C. stands for Adventure Bank Creator. It contains procedures which
you can use in your own programs to create adventure games. There is a
graphics template which shows you how much of the screen can be used for
illustrating your adventure, and the banks are created by using the
control codes in the procedures. Chris has kindly provided the source
code for A.B.C. as well as the compiled program, but unfortunately
hasn't had the time to write an example program. We'd like to see what
you lot out there can do with it!
Pick'n'Mix 1
Ejber Ozkan - Storm
The idea of this disk is to provide programs which you, the reader can
improve on and send to Ejber (in London) for inclusion in the next disk.
There are compiled programs on this disk which will run without Amos,
the source for these is provided. Due to lack of disk space some progs
are source only. The disk is FULL and good value. It's easy to use as
it uses Menu Master selector program to get to the different parts of
this 'magazine'.
Easy Amos Progs 1
This is the first disk of programs which Easy Amos users will be able to
load into Easy Amos to look at how they work. All these programs have
appeared on other APDdisks, but these versions have been converted so
that you can run them in Easy Amos without getting 'Command not in Easy
Amos' error messages! Progs:- Atishoo, Backwards, Carcollision,
counter, dot-matrix, equaliser, gadget, leagueSim, life, mandelbrot,
matchCards, Moire, MovieScroll, Musplay1, Phetaline, player, RAINBOW
WARRIOR, Readme, Request, Set Rain, Simon, Sineprogram, Hiscore_Program,
Sketchpad, Spritestars, Vectors, Wibblelogo, Wibblephoto, Wireframe,
Hiscore, Ishhigh. Rainbow Warrior creates copper bar patterns ever so
easily - it has always been a top seller for Amos Users._ THIRTY SOURCE
Easy Amos Progs 2
This is the second disk for Easy Amos users, although, Amos users can
use them as well. All programs are elsewhere on the library but spread
over many disks. There are 13 more programs for you to look at
including Reversi by Dominic Ramsey, OXO, VertText, Vertstars.
Amos Programs 32
This disk contains 33 Amos programs! It's a full value for your money
3d_requestor.AMOS, amosdir.AMOS, cauchyham.AMOS, convert.AMOS,
Crazy iff viewer.AMOS,DeleteBackUp.AMOS, Disco1.amos, DiskUtility.AMOS,
Disk_Utility.Acc, editobj.AMOS, eventlog, event_logger.AMOS,
Icon_conv.AMOS, Icon_Info.AMOS, Icon_Utility.AMOS, Instr_Conv.AMOS,
Intro.AMOS, NIALL.AMOS, normtolorentzhamc2.AMOS, paperhamcpworkscs.AMOS,
paperhamcpworkscs2.AMOS, pseudoreggeham22works2.AMOS, SCBM.AMOS,
reggeham22works2.AMOS, reggehamp2x2works2.AMOS, Sprite_Swapper.AMOS,
Starfield.AMOS, Starrotate.AMOS, su2reggehamcp.AMOS, vectorcreator.amos,
WAVY1.AMOS, WAVY2.AMOS, WAVY3.AMOS, Whats_an_event_logger?
yakawareggehalfbright.AMOS, yakawareggesqrham.AMOS, zoneeditor.AMOS
Amos Programs 33
K. Hall Yazoo
The main part of this disk is dedicated to the memory of Kevin Hall who
tragically died in a traffic accident in the New Year. He had put these
two programs onto the Library just before the accident. The first is an
address book, the second a database for keeping a catalogue of a book
collection. Both these can be run independently of Amos or loaded into
Amos for you to customise to your own use. The rest of the disk is
taken up by 'Jumble' which is a Demo by Yazoo, whose work will in future
be found in the GPDsection of the Library. All three are runnable as
well as having source code on the disk.
Uncle Simes Progs 2
Simon Nicoll
Also needs CTEXT. Look to see what stunning things you can do with Amos
and CText! Even uncompiled Simes' scrollers are superb. Well remmed
Source code for your delight!
Cas-disk 1
Max Chevalier
This disk boots to a game of O's & X's, but if you look through the disk
using Amos, you will find some good source programs as well. Cas stands
for Chaos All Stars which is a French group of coders.
Which Way Out
Mike Wellman
This is the sourcecode for a game written with TOME. YOU WILL NEED TOME
travelling around a maze of tunnels on a hoverscooter.
Grapher & Life
David Head
There are 2 programs on this disk, the first is GRAPHER which will plot
mathematical functions onto a graph, including 3-D functions. There are
extensive docs on the disk and the author says that it will be of use to
maths & science students from GCSE standard and upwards. It is well
presented and uses the Amos editor to run. The second program is called
LIFE. It follows a colony of cells from generation to generation using
simple maths functions to decide on whether a cell lives or dies. You
decide on the criteria for survival in the menu section of the program.
An interesting addition to the library.
Amos Menus
Paul Harthen
This program will allow you to create click and select menus for your
programs which will be very useful if you have several programs on the
same disk. Full instruction given!
Programs From Denmark
Arne Neilsen
This is, I believe, our first entry from Denmark. It contains five
useful programs:- a menu system, a disk base, a morse code program, an
input routine and a novel program which will give you info on resistors
if you put in the colour bands found on it.
Uncle Simes 3
Simon Nicoll
You will also need CTEXT to run these programs which will show you how
great this extension is! Fantastic effects for budding demo writers, I
especially liked the Plasma scroller - has to be seen to be believed!
Totally Amos Source 1
TA Readers
I promised ages ago that I would put together a disk of programs from
Totally Amos. Well here it is! It also contains programs which were a
bit too big to put on the mag disk. Thanks to all who contributed!
Look out for Disk 2!
Stephen Bradley - mastermind.AMOS, masterpersonal.AMOS
Paul May - amoslabels.AMOS, cass2.amos, Tape-inlay.AMOS.
David Smith - awari
Hashed Salim Rashid - ChangeBankName.AMOS, CLI-Command.AMOS,
DisplayDir.AMOS, Mix'N'Palette.AMOS, Mix_Example.AMOS, PrintAT.AMOS,
SetComment.AMOS, SetProtection.AMOS.
Steve Bennett - Bare_bone_colouring_book.amos
Paul_Townsend - alarm clock
Gary Crook - dungeon shell
Amos Progs 34
Mostly Aussie P D!
There are 119 source code programs on this disk!!! That must be a
record! Only one needs a support file, the rest are self contained.
Load these into Amos and see how much you can learn.
3d_cube, 3D_Object_Mover, Alert, AMOSGOLD, Amotron, Arrows, asteriods,
balls, Bank-Type, Beep, bobSine, Bounce, BUBBLESORT, Change_Bank,
checkforprinter, Circular-Bob-Plotter, CITY-SQUARE, CLIMouse, CLIRead,
CLIText, CLIWindow, Cls_In_Paper, coloumn, Colour_To_Grey, Coordinates,
Colour_To_Stone, Combat-Planes, Comment, Conversation, Cosine, CosineA,
CosineB, CosineC, CosineD, CosineE, CosineF, CosineG, CosineH, CosineI,
CosineJ, DateTime, DefIntro, DefPref, Delete_all, Delete_Sprites, Info,
dev_info, Diary_SOURCE, diskinfo, device_info, Disk_Change_RTN, flakes,
DISPLAY_FONTS, Draw, Draw_Button, drive_write, DumbTerm, Execute, Flight
Fade_in_Picture, file_inf, General_Selector, Guru, HearITV1-0, KReset,
Icon's_to_Iff, icon_info, mandelbrot, MasterMind2_4, Mouse_Colours, Push
NewRGB, othello, Paralax_Scroll, paranoia, Pattern_Viewer, Protect,
Psychiatrist, Push_&_Draw_Example, Push_Button, rainbowscrolling,
RainbowSine, Rally-X, Refraction, Rob's_Alert_Box, Rock-Star, Sam_Raw,
Roll_Screen, SavePref, Screen_Bounce, Screen_FX_#1, Screen_Set_Up,
Scroller1-3, Set up,Push,Draw, SetPref, Set_Tile_Size, Set_Up,
Set_X_HotSpot, Set_Y_HotSpot, Shade, ShowAll-v3.info ShowITV1-0,
Sprite's_to_Iff, Sprite_Height, Sprite_Width, starfield, Surfaces, Task,
TestChange, Time, Timer_Eg, tips, TWILIGHTZONE, Vector, vegiecount,
Wire, wobbletest, WProtect, Zone-Colours,
Pick'n'Mix 2
Ejber Ozkan
This disk autoboots, but you will need Amos to make use of the source
progs on the disk. It contains a couple of games, a printer utility and
an Unlocker to unlock Amos procedures. The idea behind this disk, like
it's predecessor APD410, is for programmers to pick a program and mix
in their own code to improve the result and then send it back yp Ejber
who will put your update onto Pick'n'Mix 3. Any contributions are
welcome. Some of the programs this time were sent in by Roy Huntley.
Totally Amos Progs 2
TA Readers
This is the second in the Totally Amos disk collection. This disk
contains programs written by TA readers which were too big to put onto
the magazine. The programs are POOLS by Andrew Cartwright. This
generates a random series of numbers which could help you to make up
your mind with the weekly pools coupon, there is a superb anim of a
wireframe running man in the intro to the program. Jeff Tullin provides
an alternative requestor. John Law has a crossword puzzle and Martin
MacDonald, a O&X's game. Stephen Bradley presents MasterMind. The
largest contribution comes from Steve Bennett who gives us a Zone
Editor, Maze crazy and walk around a maze which was featured in Amiga
Shopper, and a game called Planet which will help you to get to grips
with the basics of writing a shoot'em up game.
J A K Routines#1
John Kinsella
This is a disk of very useful routines which will be of tremendous use
to beginners who may be asking "How do I do.....". These routines are:-
SPLERGE-splurge a pic onto the screen: FRACTAL TREE- creates a fractal
drawn tree: LINE EDIT - allows editing of a line of a given length in
your prog: BAT'N'BALL- a little Arkanoid type game: SCROLLER - how to
scroll text as seen in demos: OUTLINE areas on the screen in any
colour: FADE PICTURE: 32-16 - converts 32 or 64 colour .iff pics to 16
colours. PICCY CONVERTOR: MUSIC PLAYER: PIXELIZE - enlarges pixels in
given area of screen using Pixelize command: 3-D REQUESTOR - a 3-D
requestor prog to prompt user: BUTTON PRESS- checks parts of screen for
user response: 3-D BOX: FILE COPIER - ute for copying a file from A to B
Amos Programs 35
G. Albrow
This is a treaure chest of programming from G. Albrow. Well
recommended for all programmers.
AMOSPro Progs - TIMEDATE, CALC, Palette_Changer.amos, ARTWORK, ZONESET
AMOS1.34 Progs - 3D_Menu(hires), 3D_Menu, AMAL_Circle, Arc, ASCII_Table,
Beta_sketch, Bob_sin_curve, CD_Player,Circular_bob, C_Cycling,
Fancy_appear_1, FlowChart, Full_Screen_Menu, Hangman, Horiz_Venetian,
Letter_Slide, Listpalette, Minefield, Music_Player, ND_Box,
Number_Shuffle, OXO_v2, Palette, Periodic_Table, Quadratic, Remmaker,
Reversesample, Rolling_Horizon, Rubber_Line, Scalable_A, Screen_Clear,
Scrolling_Landscape_Demo, Scroll_Slider, Structured_Drawing, Temp_Conv,
Venetian, WSPAL_v8,
Amos Progs 36
G. Albrow
This is Mr Albrow's second disk of source code. The first APD463 has
proved to be very popular. This disk is mostly for AMOS PRO users and
includes updated versions of some previously released programs as well
as some new ones to look at. Lots of people are asking for Pro source
disks, but the only way we can put together such disks is if Pro users
send in programs! (it need not be a full disk!!)
WordSquare, Procalc, Solitaire, FontShower, WSPAL_8_v8, Quiz, Airbrush,
Cycle_box, Linkage, Low_pass_filter, Maze, Meter, Pendulum_(Graphical),
PieChart, Sam_Reverse, WBK_Window, Word_wrap_demo,
Pick'N'Mix 3
Ejber Ozkan (Storm)
This is the third in the Pick'N'Mix series which is a type of
magazine/program exchange set up last year by Ejber for people to
contribute original programs or improved versions of progs from previous
disks. No 3 contains a map editor as its main feature. Source code is
on the disk as well for you to look at.
JAK Routines #2
John Kinsella
JAK#1 is a popular disk, hopefully #2 will be the same. Here we have
lots more source routines for you to use and a good text reader that
also displays graphics. This can be seen in action as John uses it to
display his doc file which tells you what is on the disk. Good value!
Marksman #1
David Green
This is the first issue of David's magazine disk for owners of the
Trojan Light Phazer. It contains plenty to read as well as a game for
you to try your shooting skills on. The game also works with the mouse
if you do not own a phazer. Lots of info on compatbility etc.
Marksman #2
David Green
Issue 2 of the only disk mag for Trojan Light Phazer owners. Contains a
game which can be played with either the gun or a mouse.
Amos Progs 37
Lots and lots of lovely sourcecode for you to play with. Programs
include a string bank editor, demos, and lots more interesting routines.
3dOXO.AMOS AutoExec.amos
ColourRaveDemo.AMOS Copper-Paint.AMOS
Copper-PaintV2_1.AMOS FunDemo.AMOS
HardLineDemo.AMOS HiLow.Amos
Insomnia.AMOS Instructions.AMOS
Master_Source.AMOS ModulFUMBLE.AMOS
ScanCheck.AMOS ScriptConv.AMOS
Lateral Quizes 6-10
Dr John Foley
This disk contains the source code files for John's Compiled Quiz disk
GPD211 The programs will keep you amused for ages!
J A K Routines #3
John Kinsella
Here is the third in a popular series of disks for Amos programmers.
John has been providing a wealth of routines for you over the past few
months, I hope that he will continue to do so in the future.
Colour_2_BW.AMOS CommandLine_Cut.AMOS
FileReq_Creator.AMOS File_Type.AMOS
Inverse_Pic.AMOS Joy_Test.AMOS
LD_SV_Palette.AMOS MandleBrot.AMOS
Multi_Channel.AMOS Music Player.AMOS
Negative_Pic.AMOS Pic_Roller.AMOS
Screen_Flip.AMOS Screen_Sine.AMOS
Screen_Wipe.AMOS Vertical_Text.AMOS
AMOS Effects
This disk has been put together from other disks in the library and
contains a collection of screen wipes and scrollers. We are often asked
for these by new programmers who find it a bit expensive buying loads of
program disks to sift through for just what they want. If this proves
popular, I'll spend some time making up disks on othher subjects.
ScreenWipe1.AMOS ScreenWipe2.AMOS ScreenWipes.AMOS
screenwipes1.amos screenwipes3.amos screenwipes_2.amos
screen_wipes.AMOS screen_wipes4.amos screen_wipes5.amos
circlescroll.AMOS Circle_scroll.amos Cyclo_scroll.amos
demoscroll.AMOS Letter_Slide.AMOS moviescroll.amos
mscroll.amos multi_scroll.amos Paralax_Scroll.AMOS
SCROLLER.AMOS Scroller1-3.AMOS scrolly.amos
scrolly1.AMOS ScrollyMountains.AMOS Scroll_Slider.amos
smoothscroll.AMOS spadgescroll.amos VU_Scroll.AMOS
Amos Programs #38
PETER CORBETT - Fast_Map_Editor
ROSS_THOMAS - CopyMem, DirFirst, DirNext, DiskInfo, DiskProt,
ExecuteToNil, FileComment, GetDate, GetDOSError, ReadSector,
Screen_Saver, SetProt, WB2_Reset, Windclose, Windexecute, Windopen,
Winput, Wprint, WriteSector, Demos 1-7, DirFirst, DirNext, DiskInfo,
GetDOSError, Winput, Windclose, Windexecute, Windopen, Screen_Saver
OTHER PROGRAMMERS - Malcolm Lavery, Len Tucker. Ad's_Iff_Loader,
Big_Text_Printer, Bob_Text, call_dos, Center_Font, Center_Font_Demo,
Center_Font_Demo_Two, Clock, critters_credits, Enter_Password, dev_info,
Format_A_Disk, Get_Hex$_Colour_Values, Get_Level_Password, Lazer_Text,
Lazer_Text_Two, MED_Player, Music_Bank_Finder, Pic_Roller,
Pour_On_Screen, Screen_Sine, Screen_Wipe, Scrolly_Coloured_Fonts,
Sine_Cos_Bob, sinus_routines, Sin_Text, Sin_Text_Two, SixLineDateTime,
Snowing_Message, Sonix_Player_Source, Spiral_Effect, Spiral_Effect_Two,
Tele_Print, text_appear, Starfield_&_Rotating_Menu, weird,
Whole_Screen_Sine, WIPE_ONE
T A Progs #4
T A Readers
This is another collection of Amos programs which have been sent in by
TA readers over the past few months. They include a tank battle game, a
3-D footie sim, a tetris clone, a pipeline type game and a classic space
Steve_Bennett - Zone_Editor_V1_6.Amos
Stephan_Scholz - Amoeba.AMOS, Ball.AMOS, Dogfight.AMOS, Life.AMOS,
Party.AMOS, ScreenFader.AMOS.
Aaron_McCormick - Invaders.AMOS, Just_Dotty.AMOS, Plumber.AMOS,
Shapes.AMOS, TdFloor.AMOS
Len_Boyns - Tank Battle
J A K Routines #4
John Kinsella
John sent in a new collection of routines faster than I expected. This
disk contains another feast of useful programs for you to look at and
see just how things are done.
AMOS PRO:- AP_Music_Player AP_Music_Player.AMOS
De-Colon-V1_3 De-Colon-V1_3.AMOS
AMOS 1.36:-ASCII_Print ASCII_Print.AMOS File_Requester
File_Requester_V1_3.AMOS Pic_Dither Pic_Dither.AMOS
Polygon Polygon.AMOS Quiver
Quiver.AMOS Req_Default.ASC Req_Example.ASC
Rotate Rotate.AMOS vert_Scroller
Vert_Scroller.AMOS WIN_Button WIN_Button.AMOS
Totally Amos Progs 5
T A Readers
This disk is put together from submissions from TA Readers.
Ben Ashley - X-Base, Lepricorn, Name-Maker, Text-Title-Creator,
Karl Roberts - Amal_stars Archimedes-Spiral(s)
Blitter_scroll Freaky-Sinus-scroll
Interrupt-equalizers Mira-fractals
Ron Moreland - TimeCurrency, World Time
Aaron_McCormick - Amazing, Colours, Sim_Frog, Space_Generator
Amos Progs 39
More sourcecode for you to play around with!
David_Smith - Format, Crossword solve.amos,
Fabrizio_Bazzo - Gallery.AMOS, HideAndSeek.AMOS, Mefistofele.AMOS,
Sergio_Perciballi - clearblanklines, killcomments, circlewhirl, circlewhirlperspec, hilbertcurves,
sierpinskycurves, spiralsquares, _circletypemove, _rndcircles, _rndcircles2, _rndcircletype, _rndtiles,
_rndtype, discview5.2a, listall, recursion,
DS_Christian - Invaders, Suicide_Mission,
Amos Progs 40
Malcolm Lavery
A disk full of routines for you to experiment with! There are several
scrollers and text effects, simple plasma routines, menus and lots more.
3D_Display_Buttons, 3D_Display_Proc,
3D_Display_Switch_Demo, 3d_Text_Proc,
Bloody_Good_Scroller, Critters_Menu,
Dancing_VU_Bars, Gravity_1,
Gravity_2, Land_Creator,
Load_Rainbow_Proc, Moving_bobs,
Multi_Function_Scroller, music.abk
Pause_&_VU_Scroller, Pause_Scroller,
Raining_Bows, Scrolly_&_VUbars,
Scrolly_&_VUbars_Compiled, Shiney_Star,
Simple_Dialog_Box, Simple_Menu,
Simple_Plasma, Simple_Plasma_Two,
Whizz_Text, Whizz_Text_Demo.
Kiddie Paint
Malcolm Lavery
This has been included in this section as it was sent in by malcolm to
help programmers with AMOS PRO to seehow a simple paint program can be
constructed in Pro using the Interface language. We are only just
beginning to get PRO only programs, so this is for those of you who who
keep asking for something done with Amos Pro! Thanks Malcolm!
Aus. Progs #1
This is a disk of Amos source code for games including Lunar Patrol,
Roulette, Amosgold and Blocktris.
Aus. Progs #2
This disk has the source for NinoCad - a mini art package for use inside
AMOS, Blast-It, Electric Files, Galactic Game, Mastermind, and Orthello.
Aus. Progs #3
Source versions of accessories including a Grabber and various casino
games including Blackjack and Roulette.
Aus. Progs #4
Source only disk containing Greenover.Amos and a verion of TRON.
Aus. Progs #5
This disk contains about 32 programs covering many angles of Amos
programming - a sort of lucky dip!
BobScroll, BUBBLESORT, Change_Bank,
CITY-SQUARE, Colour_To_Grey, Colour_To_Stone,
DateTime, Delete_Sprites, Draw_Button,
Fade_in_Picture, FontReq, Laser_Painter,
MY_DAZE, NewRGB, Paralax_Scroll,
Push_&_Draw_Example, Push_Button, Rainbow_Off,
Roll_Screen, SAMPLE-EDITOR, sample_bank_maker,
Screen_Bounce, Screen_Set_Up, Scroller1-3,
starfield, ZoomDemoNS
Aus. Progs #6
Source disk containing 2 versions of a program called DefPixel and a
presentation program which gives information on the solar system.
Aus. Progs #7
More Amos Source and a Virus Checker
ArtiSarge_V1.0, Virus Checker V6.04, ArtiSarge.AMOS, HackComm.AMOS,
KarmaLoader.AMOS, HackComm
Aus. Progs #8
A disk containing a text adventure called Castle Greystone, a cowboy
shoot- the - baddie game, Wild West and various Amos routines
CosineB.AMOS CosineC.AMOS
CosineD.AMOS CosineE.AMOS
CosineF.AMOS CosineG.AMOS
CosineH.AMOS CosineI.AMOS
CosineJ.AMOS Flakes.Amos
Aus. Progs #9
various Amos games and routines in source form.
NUMBER-CRUNCH, Autoexec.AMOS, Yachtc_Game.AMOS, Yachtc_Start.AMOS,
Yachtc_Title.AMOS, Bounce.AMOS, EightQueens.AMOS, Rob's_Alert_Box.AMOS,
Aus. Progs #10
Various proggies for Amos 3-D and some utility programs.
Aus. Progs #11
Lots of code - Alien Shoot, Battle Emu, a Demo, Solitaire, Mandelbrot,
Multiply annd Orthello
Aus. Progs #12
A disk for Amos 3-D users. This is a 3-D demo called Chaos Vectors.
Aus. Progs #13
More Source code routines and a load of sound samples.
The Programs:-
Mini_Diary.AMOS Pattern_Viewer.AMOS
Screen_FX_#1.AMOS Timer_Eg.AMOS
The Sounds:-
Break Neck Car Horn
Hurt1 Hurt2 + Machine_Gun
Jack Hammer Kneed
Pain1 Punch
Shoot1 Shoot2
ShotMan1 ShotMan2
Aus. Progs # 14
This is a disk which is probably only of use to Australians ! Lotto
magic picks out numberss for the Aussie lottery and Predrivers tests
Learner drivers on the rules of the road - as they apply in Australia.
Aus. Progs #15
Source code versions of some Aussie demos and other useful bits and
FontReq.AMOS MakeScreen.amos
Menuprogram.amos NewRGB.AMOS
Quicksort.AMOS SCANCODES(A1000)
Aus. Progs #16
Programs on this disk include Combat Planes, Rock Star, ShowAll annd a
demo callled Vision41
Aus. Progs #17
Previously known as AUS27. This is a disk of games and other routines.
decode.AMOS demo2.amos
imagemaker.amos intro.amos
Aus. Progs #18
Several programs for you here - Bankgrabber, Column Demo, Mastermind,
Help Accessory, Pic Compactor, STP, Tank Battle,Conversation and Display
Aus. Progs #19
This disk contains Bagdad Nights and Sample Tester.
Aus. Progs #20
This disk has Starstruck, some music, acircular bob plotter and a 10
liner called Spitfire.
Aus. Progs #21
Hang the Man and various mouse pointers and pictures.
Aus. Progs #22
Mastermind, Landmine and War Movie.
Aus. Progs #23
Programs on this disk are:- AmosTron, Kamikaze Kombat, Puzzler, Roadhog
and other source routines.
Aus. Progs 24
This disk has the source code for 4 games, Shipwalker, Sub Hunt, Tech
Battle and Clock it.
Aus. Progs #25
This disk contains the code for Maze Craze.
Aus. Progs #26
Source code for Light cycles, Maze Runner, Vegie Count and a Slide show.
Aus. Progs #27
Programs onthis disk are Aerospeller, Amos-Daze, Asteroids, Lamer Demo,
Paranoia, Rally-X, Space Flight and Scroll Demo.
Amoner Issues 1 & 2
An Amos disk magazine.
Amoner Issues 3 & 4
Two more issues of the Amoner disk mag.
Amoner Issues 5 & 6
Issues 5 and 6 of this disk magazine.
A slide show of original artwork.
Font Utility
From Australia
Previously known as AUS24.
Amos WB-Intuition
John Kinsella
Another disk of programs from John Kinsella, programmer of the JAK
Routines disks amongst others.
Aus. Progs #28
From Australia
Source code included on this disk for Fireworks, a mini fireworks
display, SlowPrint which puts text onto the screen a letter at a time,
Launcher, which is a simple but addictive game which uses the simplest
of graphics, you direct a cannon shot to hit a robot which is coming
towards you from two screens away. The sooner you hit him, the more
people you save. Sin-wave demonstrates sine waves, the program displays
a line of bobs which, when you move the mouse up or down ripple
accordingly. Trip is a colour pattern display. There is also a menu if
you boot th disk rather than loading via Amos.
Aus. Progs #29
From Australia
This disk contains an AMAL editor, various packers/unpackers, an art
package and a demo.
Aus. Progs #30
From Australia
This disk is called GNB Progs and contains lots of source code routines
and compiled versions of the programs.
ASCII Reader.AMOS Input Procs I.AMOS
Klondike.AMOS Ladybug Mapper.AMOS
Ladybug(AMAL).AMOS Ladybug.AMOS
Machine Poker.AMOS Mazed Mouse.AMOS
Mutant Factor.AMOS Pop 'N' Panic.AMOS
Typing Speed Tester.AMOS
Aus. Progs #31
From Australia
This disk contains Unpack a Pic, Single Sample Convertor, Tome Updater
and a game called Dodge it which is a game on a narrow screen where you
are a helicopter pilot trying to avoid other aircraft which are hurtling
towards you.
Aus. Progs #32
From Australia
This compilation contains Clowns, info on Hepatitus B, An idea on
improving Amos, Pepsi Amal demo, St convertor, and a scenery viewing
Aus. Progs #33
From Australia
This disk is also known as Mick's Mix #1. It contains two demos -
Deathwish 1 and 2, FIRE! and Midlife which are both games which need
Aus. Progs #34
From Australia
The programs on this disk are Bomber, Compiler bugs, Filemaster,
FontbankMaker_Pro, Hexapuz (Hard!)In this puzzle you have to match the
coloured lights on a ring of hexagons by rotating or swapping
theindividual hexagons. Also on the disk is Matrix, Mini paint and
Aus. Progs #35
From Australia
This is a disk of utilities which containns Coordinate and Ascii
monitor, Help accessory, Colour monitor, Mini Utils and Pixel Reader.
Aus. Progs #36
From Australia
Loads of progams on this disk! Address book can hold up to 200 records,
ColourCyc is a cycled colour demo, Disk Action is a Filemaster type
prog, Knotted Gnomes is great, if you've seen the magic square puzzles
where you have to make a square out of cards by matching heads and feet
of gnomes etc then you'll know whatthis one is about.Also on the disk
are Menus2 and Pacman. A further directory holds programs by Paul
Hickman - FileCopy.acc, mask modify, PixelTools, Polylandscapes, and
Quick Compiler.
Aus. Progs #37
From Australia
This disk has programs called Multisave, Rainmaker Demo (Rainbow maker)
Sharp2Amiga, ShowIt, SpaceGuns and a puzzle game called Spinning wheels
to make your cogs turn!
Amos Programmer's W/B Tool
From Australia
A disk of utilities for Workbench and Amos
Amos Progs #41
RainMaker lets you build a rainbow using a simple set of tools, and
allows you to save it and include it with your own AMOS programs. This
version allows you to save as both an ASCII procedure and as an AMOS bank.
It uses bank 12, but you can easily modify the source to use another.
Full instructions on disk.
AMOS Pro Rainbow Editor Accessory Version: 1.01 (Oct/1993) Written by
Markus Steinlein using AMOS Professional and for Amos Pro only. Full
manual on disk.
There are also many other programs on this disk, have fun exploring
them! They include an Amigados help guide and a directory full of
programs including a docs file listing its contents. The disk also
includes a 3Dspaceships program.
Amos Progs #42
rpg_source.amos Sprite_Grabber_Steve.AMOS
Tron-4(Banks).AMOS wb3_interface_designer.amos
FastPDDisLab is a label printer for 3.5" disk labels. The Readme
file is in English, but the main instructions are in German.
D_Solve Crossword (c)David Smith 1993
D_Solve Crossword Written and compiled using AMOS Professional
Crossword Compilations, and Program (c)David Smith 1993 There are two
crossword formats on this disk, along with an offer to obtain more for a
disk and a small donation.
Amos Progs #43
Malcolm Lavery
Level_Editor and Level Loader
MIXED_GRAFIX a directory with some graphics drawn by Malcolm.
There is also a Christmas greeting which loads if the disk is booted.
N_Billy_Baloon N_Fade_In_Iffy N_Fade_Out_Iffy
N_Flash_Text N_Flash_Text_II N_HiScore_table
N_Info_Box N_Info_Box_Demo N_Leading_Zeros
N_Question_Displayer N_Question_Editor N_Screen_Info
N_Starfield_Editor N_Starfield_One N_Starfield_Two
N_Zoom_In N__Credit_Scroller O_Credit_Proc
O_De_Res O_Game_Menu_Proc O_Game_Password_Proc
O_High_Scores_Proc O_Lens_Effect O_Lens_Effect_Three
O_Lens_Effect_Two O_Meltdown_Proc O_Pop_Up_Message
JAK Routines #5
John Kinsella
This is the very latest in JAK's collection of program disks. This one
includes some useful procedures and effects as well as a TOME to AMAP
convertor. Good value as always.
Lateral Quizes
Dr John Foley
John the doc has been busy again thinking up more brain teasers in the
style of 'Catchphrase'. This disk has the source-only versions of the
programs so that you can get 4 for the price of one! The clues given for
the phrases aresometimes obvious, sometimes a bit cryptic, and sometimes
really obscure, unless you have a weird brain! A strangely addictive set
of puzzles.
Amos Progs #44
Amos Classic Demo_1-7
Amos Pro
Palette_Creator RemKiller Turtle 3D-4_In_A_Row AEd_Help
AmosCalc ASCII_Loader Chess_Guide MemoryEdit
3D-4_In_A_Row 3D_Object_Viewer Ball_Sprites_2*8 Ball_Sprites_3*8
Big_Ball_Sprites Bounding_Box Brightness_Proc Calc
CircleFlood CircleFlood_Demo Cycle_Gadgets Division_Using_MOD
Dot_Cube Factorial High_Score_Table Mastermind_Quiz
Matrices_1 Matrices_2 MiniQuiz Pixelise
Scrabble_Shell Silhouette WireFrame_Cube Worm_Shoot
Small_Ball_Sprites Ten_Green_Bottles Vector
JD Extension
Joerg Dommermuth
This is an excellent extension for Amos Pro. It is an extension full of
commands which look very interesting indeed. The full docs are on the
disk, but are in German, so unless you can translate them, will not be
of much use except to read the command names.
Amos Extensions Disk
Lots of people have been enquiring about PD extensions lately, now you
can get them! Thanks to Karl Roberts for sending them to us.
The extensions on this disk are:
Turbo 1.9 Versions for Classic and Pro by Manuel Andre
Easy Life Classic By Paul Hickman
The EASY LIFE extension is designed to do just that - make life easier -
especially the parts of said life spent writing AMOS programs. The
commands included are not designed to speed up graphics to amazing
levels, but to speed up the actual computing work done in the
background, and to allow you to read various internal AMOS variables.
Amos Extensions...Cont
EME Classic and Pro
Enhanced Music Extension v3.0 DEMOVERSION. Written by Paul Reece An
excellent extension! The demo version allows music to be loaded in 3
times before it is tripped out. Gives all the music commands which
should have been in Amos
LDos Classic by Niklas Sjöberg
This is a new fast, and efficient extension for AMOS V1.3 and higher.
It is supposed to correct some bugs of AMOS and add some functions not
available in AMOS including New load and save routines.
Lserial Classic by Niklas Sjöberg
This is an extension full of serial commands.
Stars Classic and Pro
AMOS Stars Extension V2.23b. (Shareware) By Jason G Doig Stars is an
Amos (and AmosPro) system extension, that provides many new commands of
which allow you to create starfields.
Amos Progs #45
Galactic Gabby is a Space invader clone, PNR Quiz tests your knowledge
of pop music and we have the code for 2 more of John the Doc's Lateral
Quizes (16 & 17)
F1 Source code Issue 1
F1 Licenseware
Steve and Belinda Bye who run a new Licenseware scheme in Exeter have
sent us in their first issue of Amos PD source code. Some of it has
appeared on Amos PD before, but a lot of it is Steve's own work.
Neil Wright
This is the demo version of Issue 5 of the Nothing But Amos disk
magazine which is proving very popular indeed. Full details of how to
get future issues are on the disk.
Using Amos #1
Colin McCallister
This is another Amos User's magazine disk, this first issue being PD.
It contains articles, or info on what will be in it plus source code
Liberator extras
This disk is released into PD by the author of the new Liberator
extension. It contains some utilities, most of which will be of use to
the more experienced programmer, as is the Liberator extension itself.
It is a must to those who have the Liberator extension, which is not
itself PD.
amoszine issue 0
F1 Licenseware
F1 Licenseware have now joined in the Amos disk magazine family. This
is the PD issue which aims to show you what they intend to give you in
the following issues, the first due on June 1st. There are articles
covering programming and hints and tips as well as a first hand insight
into F1 Licenseware which is growing at a steady pace.
easyslide v1.0
John A Kinsella
John Kinsella presents his Easy Slide program which will allow you to
construct a slideshow of pics from an almost infinite number of disks.
John's Slideshow Construction Kit has been very popular, this looks like
an even easier version which can be used by anyone, even me!
John A Kinsella
By using the AMOS Dialog Procedures, you can create a number of
different programs which contain dialog boxes and requesters. Each of
the procedures are written so that they act like a normal Amos command,
this is to avoid confusion on how to use them.
If you require a certain dialog box or specific type of button, then it is
easy enough to simply create it using the procedures provided.
I am sure that this will be very useful to many Amos users who want to
maketheir programs look more professional.
Totally Amos Progs 6
TA Readers
This is the sixth collection of programs sent in to Totally Amos. It
contains programs from the past few issues as well as some which were
too big to put on the magazine.
Contributors: Tony Vecqueray, Paul Bartlett, Jack Williams, Malcolm
Lavery, Chris Evans, Len Tucker
Wood_Lep.amos, examples of animating and controlling bobs.
TimesTable.AMOS, a tables tester for the youngsters.
Rainbow _Writer, a new rainbow editor with plenty of examples.
Crossword_Maker, design your own crosswords
ColorCycleTitling, GraphicalWindows, TwilightScroll, tutorial programs
The following are procedures which can be used in place of the commands
supplied with certain Amos extensions, many work on Easy Amos, which
does not support extensions.
banktostring, bheight, bwidth, duck.abk, fileof, filesize, icons.abk,
iheight, iwidth, listbobs, multino, multiyes, pathof, printerstate,
range, shuffle, stringtobank, text.asc, xhotspot, yhotspot.
Lateral Quizes
Dr John Foley
John the Doc has sent us in the latest in his collection of Lateral
thinking quizzes which should keep you going for a while!
Also on the disk is a maths test program which will help kids brush up
on their numbers.
Totally Amos Progs 7
TA Readers
Another collection of TA goodies for you to disect!
PRO ONLY, Ball Sprites 3*8, Bounding Box, Cycle Gadgets, Division Using
MOD, Dot Cube, Pixelise, Silhouette, Small Ball Sprites, Vector,
Vertical Text, WireFrame Cube.
WS WHITE- Examplloader2. DR JOHN FOLEY- Quiz 20
AARON MCCORMICK Colourful Demo, Fantastic Flight, Spinning Cubes,
Spinning Words, The Awesome Water Eel, Wavy Scroller, Wibbly Wobbly
NICK SIMPSON Sine Precalc, The following need turbo1.9 Compiled Sine
Bobs, Fast Plotflag, Turbo1 Sine, Turbo2 sine
LEE BAMBER 4PlrAdapter, BamberFadeIn, Ninja,
MALCOLM LAVERY Zone Editor, Brightest, Darkest, Draw Grid, EasyAmos &
Amos Interface, Hex Buttons, Interface Button Demo, Lens effect, Lens
effect 2, Lens effect 3, Multi Effect Text, New Look Menu, Screen Copy &
Bob 1, Screen Copy & Scroll, Text & Number Icons, Vertical text.
MICHELE BERIONNE atoms. PHIL RICHMOND Psychic Test, Revelation
Amos Progs #46
EqnSolver - solves equations
Harvey's_çollection- Back chat, kingdom and Catch Phrase
TAD - The Amos Department, a graphics manipulation program
From Steven_Mortimer -
3d_Cosign, 3d_Tangent, AlphasLastIntro, AnotherIntro,
A_Smooth_Multiple_scroller, Interupt_MCstars, MachineCodeStars,
OS_controll, Scrolly_up_text,SlideText, Smooth_Scrollers,
Squares, Steller_Resque, TextPrint, VecMorphBOBs.
Amos Progs #47
Naval Battle by Michele Berione is a version of the old Battleships game
It is beatable, but can give you a hard game! Air Hockey is a two
player hockey game, simple, but playable. Blackjack is the classic card
game. Abase is a very nice database found on a bullitin board. Finally
Clouds is a cloud generator which gives excellent screens of fluffy
cloud patterns which are always useful for backdrops.
A_Mayfield Birdsong.AMOS. Program shows picture of a bird accompanied
by various sfx's.
John_Kinsella AMOS_Help accessory. This program gives on-line help for
Mal Lavery KARATE_MAN_BOB - How to use a character which has been
constructed fron a couple of different bobs. SIMPLE_TILE_GAME
a wacky little game. PALETTE_EDITOR LOTTERY_PREDICTER If you win using
this, remember Malcolm!!!
Malcolm_Lavery HOOVER_TEXT & HOOVER_TEXT_OUTWARD 2 effects which give
you Star Wars like text scrolling. Wait a while as it does not appear
MESS_UP_IFFY Scrambles up an .iff picture.
NEW_SPEAK_DOC Nothing to do with any medical gentleman, this prog will
read a text file!
TEXT_OVER_PICTURE as it suggests, will overlay text on a picture.
S_Hargreaves File_Requestor an alternative to the standard one.
Shrink_Screen_Cls, shrink_swap_cls - screen effects
Lateral Quizzes 21-23. Play Catchphrase with Amos!
Mark Wickson
A `magazine' which is read by loading articles into the Amos editor
which includes lots of working examples on using Amos.
and more.....
===================== AMOS UTILITIES ==============
game music creator
This is a powerful and easy to use utility that allows you to create
musical tunes. Uses all four channels and comes complete with
documentation. Use the GMC-to-AMOS convert program to alter a 'block'
of music data and then play it back in AMOS using a simple MUSIC
virusx + others
More utilities have been added to this disc along with VirusX version
4.1. This disc is a useful addition to any AMOS or non-AMOS users
Screen Designer
James Robert Crosby
The idea of this program is to allow AMOS users to create large IFF
screens which can be loaded into any of their own programs. This disc
also contains lots of other routines and utilities to load into AMOS,
including Arc Angel's music player.
steven harrison
This is a small data storage program which will store any data that you
have as a sequential file on disc. Options include add to a file,
change any record, see the directory of any drive, edit a record, delete
a file, view records etc. Excellent help is available within the
Amos Update Disc 1.36
THE CURRENT VERSION ON THIS DISC IS v1.36. If you have AMOS it is very
important that you use the latest version whenever possible. If any
futher updates are made to AMOS then you can return this disc with 75p
to get the new updates when they become available. Please note that the
update service does NOT apply to discs supplied by Europress or Amiga
Format, only those supplied by AMOS PDL. Compiler is now also updated
to 1.36, see disk APD373. AMOS PRO is on its second update, V1.12 is
now available as APD466.
A.H. meek
Forms Really Unlimited is a program that lets you design forms for any
purpose. It is very easy to use, contains some sample forms and has
plenty of documentation to read through.
hack demo creator
The HACK MAGIC DIGITAL DEMO CREATOR makes demo producing easy.
Basically all the hard work is done for you and all you have to do is
add your music and a scrolly message.
Rainbow Warrior
Martyn Brown
There is full documentation on this disc. Rainbow Warrior gives you the
opportunity to "paint" with the copper/rainbows and save them for direct
inclusion in your own programs. The program can output ASCII blocks so
they can be merged directly into AMOS programs. Rainbow Warrior is
written in AMOS so users can adapt, mix and merge their own stuff in
there too. The program also outputs data for K-Seka, Devpac, Binary,
Decimal, Hex and in its own formats. The disc also contains some of the
best AMOS utilities i.e. soundtracker converter, squash-a-bob. There's
even a database "BOMBASE" on the disc. This disc is a must for all
serious users.
Amos Paint V3.7
Jounii Poullnen
Works well with 1/2 meg but 1 meg is recommended. There are 2 versions
of AMOS-Paint, PAL and NTSC. Features: 2-64 colours (you can load HAM
pictures), easy to use interface with automatic menu hiding, full screen
painting, smooth Real-Time Auto-Scrolling on Super Bitmaps, can save and
load both IFF and SPACKed files, colour cycling using SHIFT UP and SHIFT
DOWN, all normal painting tools and a range of painting modes.
jpm sound utilities
jpm sound
The music on this disc is copyright JPM SOUND. Included on this disc is
MED 2.13 which seems to be attracting more and more users; particularly
as you can save your creations as Soundtracker modules.
electrocad demo
I don't know much about this sort of program so I asked Paul of NBS to
describe this disc. (Thanks Paul.) This is just a working demo of the
program. If you want the full version then you must contact the author.
Full details on the disc. The program is a CAD tool to draw schematic
circuit diagrams. On loading the main program you are presented with
the full screen for drawing lines in much the same way as in other CAD
packages but at the top of the screen there are icons representing
different electronic components (approx. 100). You can use these in
your drawings. A lot of work has gone into this program, and expansions
are planned for additional custom libraries, and for a PCB designer.
Demonstrates that AMOS is not just for programming games.
spectrapaint v3.1
twilight software
This is a very nice painting package that requires one megabyte of
memory to run.
Program Searcher
Roger Martensson
Type in the name of a program and after a while the information appears
on the screen. You can find out if a program has used any C source.
There are 3 search options: normal, disc and option search. Full
documentation is on the disc. Also on the disc is a neat little demo by
the same programmer.
Sample Editor V1.2
S. Griffiths
Contains full documentation to the Sample Editor. Disc also contains
Hexdump, Sample Player to listen to samples, Colour It a program for
colouring pictures and Move It, a simple game.
database master
stephen evans
This is a database that requires one megabyte to run. Full
documentation is included on the disc.
amos programs
j. kinsella
Full documentation is included on the disc. Contains AMOS Copy which is
a utility to copy files from one disc to another. INTERLACE CONVERTOR
is a program to convert an IFF picture into an AMOS bank so that the
program INTERLACE_BVIEW can show the file as an interlace picture. Also
on the disc are a couple of music players by the same author. All
programs can be used from a menu.
Fractals Workshop
B. J. Hills
Contains two readme files the first of which recommends some good titles
of books on fractals and the second of which explains what the programs
on the disc do. The disc contains slideshows on MandelBrots and Julia
Sets and also generators for both. A "must have" if you are interested
in fractals.
Amos Multipaint 2.0
Markus Nimtz
Usual paint package facilities. Press "Q" for help whilst using the
program. Disc contains some pictures created using the package.
A. i. m.
Martin Donnelly
AMOS IMAGE MANIPULATOR is a simple program based on Pixmate. You can
use it to smear your picture to give it a sort of D-Paint smooth look.
Pixelize your picture, change the colour to give red, blue, green or
grey scales. Flip the screen horizontally or vertically. Shift the
colours up and down, splatter them, shrink the screen or erase part of
it. Disc contains examples. Documentation can be read from Workbench.
Niall 3.0 Demo
Mat Peck
This version of Niall is shareware. Some of the facilities have been
disabled. You can buy the full version from Mat if you register. NIALL
stands for Non-Intelligent AMOS Language Learner. This version is a
vast improvement on the previous PD program both in presentation and
ease of use. You can have great fun trying to converse with the
computer. There are also some source code programs on the disc which
require AMOS to run.
deluxe labeller
delboy dodson
Very well presented program for generating inlay cards for cassettes.
The program is icon driven and the default printer is set to Epson.
There is an option to set it up to suit your printer. Excellent
utility. Also on the disc for AMOS users is oodles of source code.
programmers who contributed to the disc. Please note some of these
programs, written in early versions of AMOS, might not work correctly
under the latest version. Try to change them to make them work.
colin naylar
This is a music creator using a method not unlike SONIX. By this I mean
that you point onto the staves and click where you want your notes so it
is just like writing a piece of music. There are lots of options
including save, load and erase note etc. There are also some samples of
music on the disc.
Font Display
This is quite a useful program to display all the fonts on a disc.
Although the program itself is not very complex the disc has been filled
to the top with fonts for you to use - most of which are very nice.
Even if you don't want the program this disc might be worth buying for
the fonts alone.
palette master
Create colour palettes easily with this program. You can choose the
number of colours from 2 to 32. You can spread, load, save as an ASCII
file for inclusion in your programs and select ranges amongst other
things. You can load palettes from IFF pictures also. A very useful
paint 1.16
This is a very nice attempt at writing a quality painting program in
AMOS. Unlike most other painting programs that have been put in the
Public Domain this one does not operate or resemble Deluxe Paint alot.
This different way of operating may not suit some people but this is a
very complete program with lots of options. Not as complex as DPaint
TDC v1.1
THE DEMO CREATOR v1.1. This disc contains a demo version of The Demo
Creator along with some programs to aid the production of the demos.
Rainbow Warrior to create those lovely copper bars, Soundtracker to Amos
convertor to convert music to .ABK files and a Text File Viewer so you
can view the document files for the program.
pic play v2
THIS PROGRAM IS COMPILED. Also on this disc, however, is a crunched
version of the AMOS program that you can uncrunch with PowerPacker. Pic
Play is basically a slideshow utility for showing pictures and music at
the same time. Full instructions are included on the disc to help you
but the program is easy to use.
Coder V3.0
Andrew Elia
This is a well presented utility to enable you to encode files so that
only people with the correct code can read them. There are full
instructions on the disc. You can use this program to code text files,
programs, pictures etc. There is also a copper maker, zone maker and
vector virus killer on the disc. Program updated to V3.0, July 1992.
Now super fast!
Lc24 Fonts Demo
Jeff Tullin
This is a demo of a Deja-Vu Professional Software title by Jeff Tullin.
It is a demo of his 24 pin printer font installation program to allow
you to use new fonts in your printer. Also on the disc is an AMOS
system font editor and a new system font. Try before you buy!
Chris Hurst
Banker is a collection of four programs. Sonic Blast - a simple .ABK
music player, Screen Packer - load an IFF picture and save it as a .ABK
file, SBV - a simple sprite bank viewer and Sample Ripper - take sample
banks and save them as binary files to load into Sample Bank Maker
(supplied with AMOS). Nice collection of small programs.
Boot Utilities
Andrew Elia
This is a collection of six boot utilities for virus protection. They
have all been written in AMOS and full instructions are included. You
will need a Virus program that saves bootblocks as files on discs before
these programs can analyse them.
Family History Database 1.01
This is a program that will be of use to those interested in geneology.
Now you can keep a record of your family tree on disc, and with this
latest version of Family History Database yu can print out your records.
There is also a 1mb database on the disc, look for PFDB. The previous
version APD132, has now been withdrawn.
Word Power V1.1
Steven Rennocks
This rogram will be very useful to people who need to check their
spelling before printing letters etc . Thereis a dictionary included
which has over 3700 words already entered, but these can be added to as
needed to produce an even better choice of words for the program to
check, any spell checker can only find mis-spelt words if it 'knows' the
word. The program can also analyse words and help you solve anagrams
and crosswords. There is a load/save facility for you to save your own
dictionary entries. Steven challenges users to send in larger
dictionaries and also foreign language dictonary files. Full documents
are on the disc. This is a shareware program.
Amos Compiler 1.36 Update
Europress Software
This disk will update your Compiler to match the latest Amos (1.36).
This disk is also updatable, should further versions become available.
This service costs 75p for disks supplied by Amos PDL. See also APD36,
AMOS 1.36 Update and APD466, AMOS PRO V1.12.
My Music Machine
Andy Paul
This is a program that allows the user to play tunes on your Amiga, just
for fun! The screen display is very good and is set out like your
average electronic keyboard. It has a good choice of instruments and
rhythms and you have quite a wide variety of options as the way the
program is set up - ie the rhythm volume and rate, whether or not you'd
like the note letters displayed on the keyboard display and even if
you'd like a finger to press the notes for you! The actual notes are
played using the Amiga's keyboard as with Sound Tracker, and as you do
so, the finger obediently moves up and down the keys. This is one for
the kids or musical novices to have a go with.
Easy Ramos Disk
With Europress' Permission
It has come to our notice that Easy Amos does not come with RAMOS which
means that if you write a program in Easy Amos, it cannot be made to run
independently of Easy Amos. This disk contains the Amos 1.34 Ramos
which we have tested with Easy Amos programs. If you name your file
AUTOEXEC.AMOS, then you need not alter the startup sequence on the Easy
Ramos disk. The only thing you will lose is Easy Amos' pretty file
requestor which reverts to the standard Amos one. A must for Easy
Amos'ers, remember, if you give a copy of Easy Amos away with your
program, it is piracy!!!! Full Docs included.
Tony Swanwick Utilities
Tony Swanwick
The utilities on this disk are supplied as both Compiled and source
programs which will work on Amos V1.3 and above. There are four
programs on the disk, all of which will be useful to programmers.
Appear.Amos - experiment with the appear command variables using the
interactive keypad. Vey professionally presented. FileEd.Amos- An Amos
clone of NewZap which lets you directly alter bites within a loaded
file. GrabBOB.Amos - As the name suggests you can grab Sprites and Bobs
from any IFF file and save them as an Amos Sprite Bank. Fully menu
driven with advanced features. GrabIFF.Amos - Save disk space by
cutting down your IFF file pictures to their minimum size by cutting a
rectangular section out of a larger screen and saving it.
M. Burbidge
This is an Art Package, in fact the title stands for The Amos Painting
Package. According to the disk label it does.... sketch, linedraw,
ray, circle, ellipse, filled circle, filled ellipse, triangle, filled
triangle, parallelogram, filled parallelogram, box, filled box, cut,
paste, spray, mix, text, colourfill, cycle and grid. Yes all that and
more was on the label! The disk also contains AmPP0.9 Convformat.
Sourcecode included.
Slideshow Constuction V2
John Kinsella
This handy ute will allow you to put together a slideshow of IFF
screens. It will even allow you to use several disks. Full
instructions and sample pics on the disk.
U-tilities #1
Tony Swanwick
This disk contains two very useful utilities - U-File and U-Zone.
U-File is a highly interactive file byte editor which is packed full of
features for modifying any Amiga-Dos file. U-Zone this is a Zone
grabber which is easy to use. You only have to load an .iff picture and
draw in the zones with the mouse pointer, the data is then saved out as
an ascii file. Full docs are on the disk, in fact full manuals are on
the disk, nothing has been left to doubt on this very professionally
presented disk.
Volber's Utes
Volber Stepprath
Volber has sent in useful disks in the past, this is his best yet! It
has a cli type program, AmosCopy which will do your file and disk
copying, Q4mat which is a Quick Format utility and a directory full of
useful Amos Tips. This disk is a MUST.
Amos Pro V1.12 Update
Amos Pro is now on its second update at version V1.12. It was found
that some machines were locking up the system with V1.11, but apparently
it is now OK. If you have not updated Pro at all since you bought it,
it is vital that you do so as lots of bugs have been fixed. Hard drive
users will have to update on floppy and thehn put the new version back
onto HD.
Grab V3
David May
This disk has a Compiled as well as a source version of this very good
Sprite/icon grabber. It will cut out sprites from an .iff screen for
you to save as a bank. Other features include cut and paste and delete
bank. Sample .iff screen and demo pacman game included for you to use.
Amos C.A.T. V3.7
Philip Richmond
This program's full title is Amos Creative Adventure Toolkit. This
Version, 3.7, needs Amos to run, while the latest version available from
Deja Vu Software is a stand alone program which can be used by anyone
with an Amiga. Basically, this program will allow you to create
graphical or text adventures. If your coding ability is limited, but
you long to write an adventure, text or graphical, then this is a
program which will allow you to do so. An example of an adventure
written with CAT is Gory Story, APD418, which was written by Phil to
show what Amos CAT could do. Well recommended, info on Licenseware
version is included on the disk.
Font X
Neil Wright
This program will allow you to design and edit fonts using a very
friendly user interface. Neat presentation for what I feel will be a
very useful utility.
Disk Register V1.20
Pal Loberg
This is a very nice looking database which stores all the information
about your collection of disks. Well laid out and easy to use. This
program comes from Norway and includes full instructions.
tele title 2 (lowres)
Tom Laird
This is a video titling program which was written to add the finishing
touches to a wedding video, but by altering the text and graphics, you
can adapt it to any event. There are ample instructions on the disk and
even pictures of how to connect up all your electrical equipment! I
think that this will be very interesting to anyone who wants to dabble
in video productions.
Disk Filer
From Australia
This is a database which will keep a record of your disks.
Programmers WB Tool
From Australia
A disk which could be useful for Amos programmers.
Family History Database
Michael Tate
This is the latest PD version (v2.2f) of this popular database which
will keep the records of your ancestors in a tidy form.
Liberator Extras
Donald Cameron
This disk is a companion to the Liberator extension and so you will need
this extension to make use of it..
Alex Magney
This program needs a midi interface and midi instrument to work, so, we
have not been able to test itfor ourselves, although we are waiting for
a report from some one who has the right hardware. It was written for
an A level Project, hopefully it will help Alex to get a good grade!
All I can say about the program is that when it loads, you get a screen
where you can set your preferences for your keyboard. Apparently, the
graphics change when you select different voices on the midi instrument.
More about this program as soon as we get it!
J Houseley
This is a new fractal generator which will produce patterns which could
be used as backdrops etc. It has many options so that you can configure
it to produce patterns in different ways and a palette changer so that
you can create subtle pictures in hues of the same colour or mind
blowing flourescent patterns! Also on the disk is a program which will
catalogue the contents of a disk and save them to disk to be used as a
quick reference. The catalogue created can then be viewed fron an icon
in Workbench. An example is on the disk. To fill up the disk, there is
also a font reader which will list all the fonts available in the
presently assigned workbench source. A good value disk.
Paul Gumsley
This is the PD issue of one of the latest Amos Magazines. Try it out,
then if you are a member of Totally Amos, you will be able to claim a
discount on future issues.
Includes lots of articles, hints, tips and reviews etc.
============== COMPILED & NON-AMOS ANIMS & DEMOS=================
Fillet The Fish
This is a very funny cartoon on a disc featuring Fillet the Fish. I
won't give the story away as it would spoil it. The way this disc has
been produced is very good and the animation is brilliant. Quite a long
story. There is also a cameo appearance by Puggs (from the other
cartoon-on-disc Puggs In Space).
Puggs In Space
This is extremely funny. It is basically an animated cartoon on a disc
but is very, very, very long! It follows the adventures of Puggs who
lands on Earth and gets in all sorts of trouble. The animation is
superb (especially when he electrocutes himself). This disc is so good
you will want to play it over and over again.
3D Demo
A 1 megabyte Real 3D demo (ray traced in HAM mode) featuring the words
Real Pinball and some balls bobbing up and down in water. The animation
and the effect achieved in it are very impressive.
Harlequin Demo
Two versions of this demo are on the disc - a 1 megabyte version and a
1/2 megabyte version. Basically it is the word Harlequin on the screen
many times in different colours and the screen rotates. Not extremely
Virtual Worlds
This is a very nice 3D demo featuuring 3D spheres. Very smooth vectors
with good, realistic movements. Includes a 3D Poi-Poi demo (remember
the demo). 2nd part is a story with fantastic graphics and 3D effects.
Very long demo with nice graphics and music.
The Punishment
This Syntex demo has been around for a while, so I hear, and now it's
here for you all. It is, of course of a very high standard and features
superb animations and effects. A must for Syntex Fans. Written with
Amos, no source.
Megademo 7
Please note, this is a 3 disk production, you must order GPD137 & 138
as well. This Demo is in this General section as it does not contain
source code although it was written with Amos. Fanatix have provided a
wealth of demos showing lots of effects from scrollers to real time
plasma screens. Choice of which to view is made by moving the joystick
up and down the list. If you have just 1 meg of memory, then you must
disable your second drive, if you have one. For those with 2+ meg, 2nd
drive is accepted.
Electronic Cad Demo
Derek Pell
This demo replaces all previous E-cad and Protyper demos. It contains
the new price list.
Jamez Newcombe
This is a light show demo which is best viewed in the dark to capture
the best effect. It does come with a health warning, serious, the
flashing lights can trigger fits in people who are affected by bright
lights. No source, but a very effective display nevertheless, from the
author of Cyad and Cyadonia.
System Disorder
This is the latest demo from FANATIX. All the coding was done by Jag.
It is, as usual, of a high standard and contains some interesting
routines for you to look at and try to emulate. The inter-section
screen rolls on and off and the commentary is in the form of a circle
scroll. There are yin yangs flying around, a wavy rotating bar , ghost
vectors, 3-D filled vectors, (no Amos 3-D) more bobs and an interesting
scroll effect. As well as this there is a coppersplit bob and a
transparent light sourced cube. All this is topped off by the credits
and messages. By the way, it's reset protected, so you have to turn off
your Amiga when you've finished watching the demo! Good value for money
- lots of things to watch - and all on one disk!
Fumble Demo
Frederic Calendini
This is the first demo from a new French demo crew. They have lots to
look at in this demo which is really very good. The action is smooth
and there are plenty of routines which British crews will try to beat,
I'm sure! My Amiga has 2 meg, but I still had to disable Df1: to get
this to run! Should not be a problem on 600's or Plus's.
Wonderland Demo
A new demo from Paul Harthen. A great demo to get you thinking "How did
he do that?"
Vectors R Us Christmas Pack
This is the final demo from Fanatix. This is a superb demo from the
boys. It is really smooth and has some fantastic effects for you to
look and marvel at. We#re sorry to see the end of Fanatix, but wish
them luck in the future.
Grafic Reality
A new demo from Grafic reality. It's nicely done with some interesting
effects which may not be original, but nevertheless are worth looking
The Intruder
This is a 2 disk demo from Syntex sent to us by a French PD Library.
Syntex have apparently turned to Assembler for most of their recent
demos, which could explain why we don't get them direct any more. Kill
df1: to run this demo.
Mutants Dreams
A single disk demo from the Famous French crew.
We Are The Lamers
Good demo from Syntex, nevertheless a mickey take of 'lesser' demo
Megademo 8
Fanatix have revived themselves and are now back in action on the Amos
Demo scene! This is their comeback production and contains lots of
routines which you can try to emulate in your own demos. THIS IS A 2
DISK DEMO, ORDER GPD207 AND 208 (4.00p)
Substance Demo
This demo was produced by Shockwave as a Fanatix release. It has the
usual high standard of effects expected from this group. Look out for
Nick's routines in TA12 and onwards!
This is the first demo from Karl Roberts, Icky. and contains a wealth
of new effects for you to look at. I'm told that if you would like to
know how a particular routine was created, then all you have to do is
contact Karl at the address on the disk and he will help out. This disk
is very full!
Demos & Game
From Australia
Headstrong Demo, Invoice Demo, Pacman. Two demos and a game.
Classified Demo
French Demo, very stylish demo from this French group which has
impressed Cubic enough to write a review of it for Totally Amos Issue
Another Boring Year
Syntex are still alive and producing Demos! This one is as impressive as
ever, but has everyone wondering if it is done in pure Amos!
Bill Tribble
The program on this disk is properly named Bill's Magic Colour Cycler.
It's a series of coloured patterns which change and gyrate in the form
of a slideshow. It's something you could use as disco lights! There
are options to adjust brightness etc to make it blend in with your
colour scheme if you so wish. The comment on the disk label says `Don't
leave earth without it!' - As if I would!
========== EDUCATIONAL - COMPILED AMOS & NON-AMOS ============
Education 1
There are 5 programs on this disc. GERMAN - a program designed to teach
the basics of the German language, SPTOY - a program that lets you play
around with the Amiga's voice synthesiser, LEX - performs analysis of
text files in various ways, TUTOR - a program to help you remember words
and phrases etc. and STUDY - a card file program to help you remember
questions and answers. Plus users please note:- Load Via workbench.
Education 2
Another 5 education programs. CAPITALS - helps you remember place names
in America!, GLOBE - creates and spins a globe on screen, ELEMENTS -
information on the periodic table of elements, DRAWMAP - draws world
maps and globes and GEOTIME - shows different times in varying parts of
the world. Plus users please note:- Load Via workbench.
Education 3
There are an amazing 9 programs on this disc. EVO - displays
information and maps on the evolution of man, FORMULA - creates 3D
graphs from formula that you put in, CLOUD - creates 'fractal surfaces',
EVOLUTION - shows bug evolution and adaption, FUNC2D - draws graphs from
equasions, WORM - displays worms on the screen moving around!, UNITS -
convert one unit into another, CALCKEY - pop-up screen calculator, CALC
- pop-up scientific calculator. Plus users please note:- Load Via
Education 4
Four more education/utility programs. THE WEATHER - calculates
sunrise/sunset and forecasts the weather, GRAVSIM - simulates planets
spinning, GRAVITY WELL - simulates the motion of 20 bodies in Newton's
universe and AIRFOIL - calculates and simulates air flow over objects.
Plus users please note:- Load Via workbench.
Education 5
Another 5 top quality programs. WORLD DATA BANK - calculates and
displays world maps with countries etc., PLOT - displays 3D graphs in
multi-colour, WAVEMAKER - generates sinewaves etc., CALENDAR - makes
calendars for any year - prints out also, SHERLOCK - examines text files
and calculates the probability that they are by the same author. Plus
users please note:- Load Via workbench.
Paul Dodd
This is a kiddies art package giving plenty of colours and facilities
for kids to draw and colour pictures. There is speech throughout
telling the child what colour he/she has selected and what tool they are
using. This proram is Shareware.
Dynamite Sums/ Amos Base
From Australia
Complete the sums before the dynamite explodes! The second prog on the
disk is a database.
Michael J Wilson
This is a very nice shareware disk which will inform you about Roman
life. This disk deals with Architecture and entertainment and is packed
with facts and pictures. It is very informative and if you choose to
register you will get the full version which includes a self test
This is a very interesting way of learning History.
There are two versions of this Jeff Minter game on the disc - a 1
megabyte version and a 1/2 megabyte version. You basically must control
your Llama and shoot at everything that appears to gain access to the
next level. You can collect goats for extra power. Nice game with lots
of flashing colours.
This disc contains a wide selection of programs: Biorhythm - life cycle
program, Starchart - calculates star positions in the sky, Conquest -
star wars game, Shanghai - old Chinese tiles game, Cycles - light cycles
game, Othello - board game, Rock Slide - Boulderdash style game and Life
3D - simulates living cells. Plus users please note:- Load Via
Four games on this disc: Peter's Quest - A fairly good platform game
with sampled sound and nice large graphics, Shoot Out - High speed
shoot-em-up, YachtC - computer version of the popular game and TrainSet
- build a train track and watch the trains go round! Plus users please
note:-All but train set will load from the Cli.
Another 5 different games on this dsic: Billiards - simple version of
billiards, Drip - fantastic graphics and sound in a Pipe Mania style
game, Chess - a good version of chess (play against the computer),
Nakamoto - simple platform game, Tontestel - strange ice-skating Gnomes
game. Plus users please note:-Billiards, Drip and nakamoto will run
from workbench.
Seven Tiles
Alpha Flight
This is a game not unlike the famous SpeedBall game. The game features
great graphics and music and fantastic, fast gameplay. If you are into
games then theis disc is a must as this is a top quality Public Domain
Star Trek Game
Tobias Richter
Please order disk DV14 as well as this is a two disc set. This is the
best Star Trek game to appear in the Public Domain. It features
fantastic gameplay, great sampled sounds and brilliant graphics. If you
are a Trekkie or like space games then get this. You won't be
Frantic Freddy
Very nice platform game. Guide Freddy, helping him to collect the pies
but you must avoid the baddies at all costs. Nice graphics and music
make this a must to add to your PD games collection.
This is a very good role playing game which is set in variable terrain
between warring robots. It is a complex game and features lots of
possibilities for different settings. If you like role playing games
then I am sure you will enjoy playing this game.
This disc contains Blizzard and some small pieces of music. Blizzard is
a very fast horizontal shoot-em-up not too different from Uridium (that
brings back memories). The music on the disc is a collection of small
pieces but are very good never the less. There are 9 in all. Plus
users please note:- Type exec start from Cli.
Wraithed 1
This disc contains two versions of Quiz Master, Genius 1 and Genius 2
editions. Quiz Master is a simple quiz game like the ones found in Pubs
etc. Also on the disc is a fairly amuzing story about Crumpet the
Three games on this disc: PACMAN87 - not a bad version of PacMan,
RETALIATOR - a Shoot Em Up Construction Kit game (blast everything) nice
graphics, SORRY! - computer version of the board game. Plus users
please note:- Retaliator will load from workbench.
This is a very complicated role playing game that is extremely well
presented but takes ages to complete. You start off by building your
character then wander around a village buying things and then make your
way into the caverns. Very good game.
Golden Fleece
Jim Macbrayne
This is a fantastic text only adventure. Everything has had so much
detail put into it including the parser which is very good. If you have
ever played one of Jim's adventures you will know that there is no need
for graphics as everything is described so well and in so much detail.
If you are an adventure buff then this is for you. Plus users please
note:- Use from workbench, will work with perseverance.
Holy Grail
Jum Macbrayne
This is another top quality adventure by Jim MacBrayne. This time the
search is on for the Holy Grail. Again there is no need for graphics as
everything is described so well in the text. The game is extremely
atmospheric and the humour in places is very good. Again this is a must
for adventure fans everywhere! Plus users please note:- Will work from
workbench with perseverance
Now here's a game based on an old idea but with a modern twist. The
game is basically a BoulderDash clone but instead of collecting diamonds
you must collect bottles of your favourite tipple! The games music and
graphics are superb and the gameplay itself is lightning fast. There
are lots and lots of levels to keep you amused for ages. Game fan?
This is a must!
This disc contains the Colossus adventure and a very complex adventure
writer that is in no way suited to people not suited to the Amiga or
adventures. It is not very easy to use. The disc also includes a text
adventure called World.
Very good BreakOut game with all the modern tweaks such as expandable
bat, lasers, slow up etc. as well as some pitfalls such as compress bat
or explode! The game is very well presented with good music and
graphics. I know many versions of BreakOut have been programmed but
this one stands out from the rest.
Chinese Checkers
This is a brilliant computerised version of the old Chinese Checkers
board game. Basically the board is a six pointed star and you have to
move your checkers over to the opposite side of the board first. Very
enjoyable game to either play against the computer or against 5 other
Board Games
There are three popular board games that have been converted to the
Amiga. The games are Klondike, Cleudo and Monopoly. All the games are
very good copies of their board game counterparts. Plus users please
note:- Cludeo works from the Cli others need Amiga basic.
Necronom Demo
The disc contains a rolling demo of the forthcoming game by Linel. The
demo features brilliant sound and graphics showing how good the
scrolling shoot em up will be and it does look impressive. Try before
you buy!
StarFleet is a simple game written with the Shoot Em Up Construction
Kit. It is basically a simple blast featuring some quite good graphics
but the game is not technically amazing!
Very professionally presented disc featuring Mayhem. Mayhem is a flip
screen game in which you must guide your ship safely through caverns,
deactivating doors on your way etc. The graphics and sound are very
good. Also on the disc is a vector demo and instructions on playing the
Five great games on this disc. Breaker - another Breakout clone but
this time with a nice level editor, Welltrix - this is a variation on
the popular game Tetris but this time in 3D, China Challenge - remove
all the tiles by matching pairs, Mechanoid - this is a spoof version of
asteroids in which you shoot faces and Quattro - a fairly nice version
of Tetris.
This disc contains three Shoot Em Up Construction Kit games. WolfBane -
space shoot-em-up, 109 - World War II shoot-em-up, Death - another space
shoot-em-up. It must be said that the quality of these games is not
very good as SEUCK was not a very good package in the first place!
Five classic games have been converted to the Amiga to make up this
disc. The games are Cleudo, Othello, Klondike, Cribbage and Canfield.
Quite a good collection of games.
Wizzy's Quest
Whizzy's quest is a very proffessional platform game featuring nice
graphics, animation and sound. The game is very nice to play and is
full of humour. The disc is worth it for this game alone but there is
also a graphical adventure called Castle Of Doom on the disc which isn't
There are two games on this disc. Metagalactic Llamas, a conversion of
a Jeff Minter game, is a strange game where you have to shoot spiders
coming down from the top of the screen with your Llama! Paranoid is yet
another Breakout game (when will it all end!) with a level editor. This
is extremely fast.
This is a very old role playing game and the graphics aren't up to much
but if you are a fan of role playing games then you will love it as it
is very in-depth. I have been playing it for ages and there are lots of
places to explore. Even though this is old it is still very enjoyable.
There are nine (yes 9) games crammed onto this disc. The games are
Number Fumbler, LadyBug, Bug, Paccy, Galaxians, Shootout, Tetris
Metallica, Pharaohs Curse and Cosmoroids. Most of the games are very
well presented and all of them are very enjoyable. This is an essential
games disc.
Three well presented old classic games on one disc all selectable from a
novel menu. The games are: REBOUND - a BreakOut game (how original)
with a level editor (played horizonally instead of vertically which
makes a change, INVADERS - a nice game in the style of defender on the
old Atari console and GRIDRUNNER - another nice version of a classic
game. Very fast. Good games disc.
Insiders Club
This is a Stockmarket game in which you have to make money and control
companies. If money allows you can also visit the Insiders Club to gain
'inside' information to help you. The game is Shareware and full
instructions are included on the disc. Quite a good game. Plus users
please note: Will load from workbench.
Disc containing four games: WordPuzzle - word search game with lots of
different searches to be completed, AirAce - well presented
Shoot-Em-Up-Construction-Kit game with nice graphics, Mosaic - tile game
in which you have to aim to connect colours as much as possible and
StopWatch - a timer with lap facility etc.
War Game
This War Game simulates the Napoleonic War. There are no graphics but
the game is highly detailed and is quite complex. Good game but would
take a long time to complete.
8 games on this packed disc. Jumpy - Platform game with level editor,
King - card game, Raps - board game, FiveInALine-a Connect4 variant,
CRobots - a game based on 'C' programming, Death - shoot-em-up, SB - a
version of breakout and Tiny! - a small screened workbench version of
This disc contains 3 different card games. The games are Harp, Plait
and Queens and are very well presented and easy to play. There is also
a game called push on this disc which is not too unlike Pukadu.
Block It!
A weird game this one. You control a little character and you have to
shoot different type of blocks at a square made up of these blocks,
getting rid of the same block type! Sounds simple eh? Well it is but
the game is extremely playable and very addictive. Nice presentation
Eight nice games on this disc: Train Set - Build a track and watch the
trains go round, Yawn! - Put numbered tiles into the correct order,
World - Text adventure, Montana - Solitare card game, AmigaWorm - Nicely
presented version of a classic game, Pipeline - Like 'Pipemania' let the
oil flow through the pipes, Bounce - Strange game which involves
bouncing into crystals and Mines - get through a minefield by using
Eleven games on one disc (yes 11!): Drip - fantastic game of rusting
pipes, Bally - color in sections of the screen, YahZee - computer
version of the classic game, TicTacToe - simple O's and X's game, Stepz
- logic game involving moving arrows around, Amoeba - great version of
invaders, Othello - good version of the old counters swapping game, Tron
- light cycles, Chess - don't think this needs explaining, Tiles - good
version of Shanghai and Daleks - simple game of avoiding Daleks!
Bits & Bats
A bit of a mixed bag this disc. WonderSound - harmonic instrument
design tool, Swish - makes the screen float!, AmigaTration - match the
cards in this Amiga version of Concentration, Conquest - war simulator
similar to Risk, CheatSheet - lots and lots of game cheats, SolitareX -
card game of Solitare, Memmon - shows memory available. Nice collection
of programs.
Larn 12.06
This is another old role playing game played and looking much the same
as Hack. The graphics aren't too brilliant but the game is large and
complex and allows for hours of playing. If you like games like Hack
and Moria then you will probably love playing this game.
Assassins 6
A nice collection of four games: Downhill Challenge - downhill ski
game, PacMan87 - early version of Pacman, MetaGalactic Llamas - strange
Llama shooting game, Welltrix - variation along the Tetris theme.
Although most of the games don't have stunning graphics they are all
highly addictive.
Assassins 2
Six top quality games all squeezed onto one disc! Yes it's true! Girl
Action - version of Galaxians, Missile Command - nice version of the
classic, Maze Game - guide yourself through a 3D maze, Invaders - need I
say anything?, Bally2 - sequel to the screen painting game and Think
Ahead - a logic tile game. Great presentation throughout, lots of fun.
Assassins 1
Five more games brought to you by Assassins. Tanx - aim your missile
and destroy the opponents tank, Rollerpede - very nice version of the
classic Centepede, Amigoids - good version of Asteroids, Cave Runner -
very fast Rockford type game and Avatris - three people can play Tetris
at once with this game!
Assassins 5
There are three Shoot Em Up Construction Kit games on this disc so all
the gameplay is basically the same. The games are Go Looly - a cute
Shoot-Em-Up, Retaliator - War plane Shoot-Em-Up and Raid - a helicopter
blast. The graphics, however, on all the games are very good.
Assassins 7
Another four top quality PD games for you to play. Destination Moonbase
- moon landing game (difficult), Trix - colour in parts of the screen to
advance to the next level, Nightworks - a Fruit Machine simulator, Claus
Runner - a veriation along the Frogger theme.
Assassins 8
Yet more PD games for you to play and enjoy. Air Ace 2 - a Shoot Em Up
Construction Kit game with nice graphics, H-Ball - another Breakout
clone (when will it end?), Number Fumbler - re-arrange the numbers in
the square into the correct order and Snake Pit - a centipede type game,
eat the mushrooms to get longer.
Lights Out
This game is similar to 'Master of the town'. You have to smash street
lights and windows to progress through the game.
This program generates crosswords automatically or you can create your
own via the menu. There is also an option to print out puzzles, you can
also save puzzle if one is too hard to complete in one session. There
is also a dictionary on disk.
Assassins 11
This disk contains 5 very good P.D. games. They are Dad,Connex, Towers
of Hanoi, Reversii and Trippin. Dad is a tile sliding game where you
have to move one large tile from one end of the grid to the other.
Connex is a four in a row type game. Towers is a logic game where you
move disks from the first to the last peg without putting a large disk
on top of a smaller one. Reversii is a traditional Othello type game.
Trippin is a pipe line type game where you connect electronic switches.
Assassins 12
There are four games for you to play. They are Car, Llamatron, Power
pong and Xfi. Car is a car racing game. Llamatron is the now famous
'Jeff Minter' classic blast'em game. Power Pong is a fast ping pong
game. Xfi is a tron clone where you control a line which you guide to a
target before your opponent reaches it.
Assassins 13
This disk contains six more P.D. games. They are Ball, Asteroids,
Twintris, Blockout, Squamble and Amigatration. Ball is a breakout type
game. Asteroids is a version of the classic asteroids game. Twintris
is a 2 player tetris type game. Blockout is a sideways breakout type
game. Squamble is a plane arcade game. Amigatration is a pairs type
game with several levels of complexity.
Assassins 14
There are two games on this disk. They are China challenge II and Amiga
columns. China challenge is a chinese puzzle game, good graphics.
Amiga columns is another tetris clone but this time you have to match
blocks of a pattern inside each block.
This game was written withthe '3D con kit'. It is a graphic adventure
where the aim is to disarm the warhead before the computer launches the
missile. Looks like a very good game.
Andy Whiteley
This is the pretiest Tetris clone I've seen. It's perfectly suited for
beginners and kids as it's not as fast as some other versions - well the
first three levels anyhow! The display shows a 3-towered castle, the
game drops shapes in the two gaps between these towers. In the single
player game, the second space gives game statistics, ie how many of each
shape has been given. The central tower shows the game score and lines
completed. At the top of this tower there are two tiny doors, one for
each player. A lttle man is shown here and if you pause the game he
leans against the doorpost and tosses a coin to amuse himself until play
restarts! A very nice touch. This game is written with Amos and
compiled. It is in this section as there was no room for source code on
the disk. Recommended.
This is a shareware version of the ever popular Invaders game. The
graphics are very nicely done and very colourful. This version would be
nice to add to a child's collection of classic games as it is possible
for even a novice like me to get a decent way into the game before
dying! This game was written with AMOS.
Operation Lemming V1.32
Chris Foote
This is a charity disk, all profits are sent to the RNIB. Blast the
little creatures off the screen just for fun!
J. R. Evans
This shareware game is a fast car race with a choice of courses. It's
fast and furious and has been tested by our own computer test driver who
thinks it's great. The display is 3-D and you feel as if your rocketing
through the fire and water as you try to complete the course.
Which Way Out
Mike Wellman
This game is for ONE MEG CHIP RAM OR MORE!!!!! It is a game written
using Aaron Fothergill's TOME and compiled. You have to travel around
on a scooter to complete the quest. The source-only version is
available in the APDL for those of you who own TOME.
G. Sparks
This game comes from Australia and was written using Amos and machine
code. It's a great game with Egyptian-style graphics, it's a sort of
4-way block-matching game where you have a pattern of tiles that you
have to eliminate by matching each one with the tile that appears on any
one of the four sides of the grid. The tiles are matched by pressing
Fire when the correct tiles are in line. This description doesn't do
justice to the game which is well recommended. Shareware.
NEEDS GPD133 as well. Fanatix have sent us their FIRST GAME. This is
a departure from the very popular demos which have been on the library
for over a year. It has been put into this section as it doesn't
contain the source code, but it was written with AMOS. This is a space
game which is very professionally produced. There is an excellent intro
which tells you the story before you are taken to the options. Here you
have the choice of 3 levels of play, the harder the option, the better
the reward on completing the game! It's a space game where you have a
different task to complete in each level before getting to your goal.
In level 1 you have to dodge the asteroids... wow, is it fast and
furious! I've not managed to get past this yet, but I'm sure the rest
is just as action packed. Well worth the price of two disks!
Amos Games Disk 1
Andy Platts
This is a games disk which contains six games, many of which will be
familiar to you. They include Glassback (a platform game) Snake Byte,
Minefield, Lightcycles & Life Expectancy. This is a shareware
production, well worth the registration fee.
Battle Beyond Infinity
Mark Potter
Mark has contributed much to the APDL. This is one of his latest games,
and is a space/strategy program. It can be played by 1-3 players who
must buy ships, position them and the choose which weapon to use to try
and blast his opponents away. The interesting feature here is that the
order of play is created randomly, so that player 1 does not have any
advantage over player 3 when the firing stage is reached. A good game
that must have taken a lot of planning. The author is willing to
customise the game to your requirements for a registration fee, details
are on the disk.
David Hilditch
This is an Amos version of the Lightcycles/tron games that were popular
a while back. This one caters for up to four players. Each 'race' has
four runs, after each of these you are taken to a shop where you can
spend your winnings on extra features like bombs, invisible trails etc.
There are five levels and after each race you are shown two score
tables, one shows how the bikers fared in that race, the second is the
overall championship table. Nice presentation of an old game.
Monstrattak V2
Raphael Borelli
This is a game, written with Amos, from France. Raphael kindly
translated the instructions in English for us. It is a sideways
scroller shoot'em up. Great graphics add to this excellently presented
game. It has 5 levels and an end of game animation. There are plenty
of control options - jumping to any level - the graphics are different
per level - fill up your energy meter - use shield etc. This is a great
addition to the library, the code is not provided as Raphael wishes to
do more to the game.
Superleague '93
Gary Pollock
Here we have a football management game where you can be the manager of
Falkirk or Man United. Buy and sell your players, pick your team and
sit back and read the commentary as the match gets under way. Make your
team the champs with this well presented game. (Compiled Amos)
Quiz Time
Gary Pollock
This is a collection of Quiz games done in the style of Pub Trivia
machines. The subjects are varied and the games play really well. This
is a very playable disk which is a good addition to any games
collection. (Compiled Amos)
Spaced Out
Sudden Impact
This is a sideways scrolling shoot'em up and is S.I.'s first game. It
is very playable. Shoot the aliens down to get onto the next level.
(Compiled Amos)
Paul Watson
This is a bomber type game with really souped up ideas. You are allowed
to choose your weapons and you will earn better weapons as you progress.
The graphics are lovely and the gameplay excellent. (Compiled Amos)
Games Disk
This disk contains 3 games - Arena, Card Sharp and Robot Sumo. Arena is
a space shoot'em up, Card Sharp is a card playing program and Robot Sumo
is a sumo wrestling game where robots battle to get theur opponent out
of the ring.
Spaced Out 2
Sudden Impact
This is a playable demo of a forthcomming release from SI. It's got
great promise and is very useable as it is. It looks nothing like
Spaced Out 1, although the gameplay is the same ie sideways scrolling
shoot'em up, but it looks so much better as it will be set in different
scenarios in different levels.
Roach Motel!
This game was sent to us from Playfield! which is an Amos newsletter in
Florida, USA. It was written for the magazine and this is an enhanced
version which spots PAL or NTSC and adjusts the screen depth
accordingly. The idea is to make the man walk around the platform
screens killing the bugs and collecting spray cans. There are various
other features like acid rain which kills you, and a magic toupe which
protects the wearer from some of the nasties! Good stuff, I hope to
form a link with this group to bring some American programs to you.
Assorted Games
Derby Day by Leslie Wigmore. This is a horse racing game where you
choose your horse, place your bet and watch the horses run. You start
with 10 pounds, if you are lucky, you end up rich, if not, it's best to
go home and try your luck another day. Drawmore by Cybornetics. Did
you ever play the kids' party game where 1 person draws the head then
folds the paper over, the next draws the body, the next the legs, then
you open up the paper to see the result? Well this is the electronic
version and it is good fun. There1s a mini art package to aid drawing,
and you can even print out the result. It's not exactly shareware as
Rob asks only for PD disks as payment, Well worth it! KI by S. Teague
this is a midi program which allows you to store the instruments from
your keyboard.
Lateral Quizzes 1 & 2
Dr John Foley
These 2 quizzes are compiled, parts 3,4 & 5 are in the APDsection (APD
475) If you liked Catchphrase on TV, then you will like these. Each
quiz can take about 30 minutes to complete, but you can choose to start
at a point 1/2 way through if you wish. Our kids love these disks, some
questions will beat an adult's warped sense of humour, but on the whole,
even a 10 year old can get a lot of fun solving the puzzles.
George's Quest For A Nose
Greg Malcolm
Shareware - only 2.50p for the map editor, which is well worth
registering for! The story behind this platform game is weird to say
the least, but it boils down tothe fact that there are people whose
noses have been turned into trumpets, due to being forced to watch too
much Coronation Street. George has escaped and has to find his way to
the only nose replaceent centre which is in Birmingham. It really is a
great game, I enjoyed it, and managed to get past the first level.
Joystick controlled. Well worth adding tando your game collection.
This is a good and fair shareware disk, so please support the
Ian Williams
Another value Shareware game a mere 2.50p for the full version! It's a
puzzle type game where you have a grid with bones, children and other
things scattered on it. The Gobblers are hungry beasts who gobble
anything they walk over, so your job is to protect the children and
guide the Gobblers to the bones. The Gobblers can only move in straight
lines and so you can force them to move towards the bones by taking away
squares. It's a bit difficult to explain, but believe me, it's a great
game. This version has 8 levels and if you enjoy it, then it is well
worth 2.50p for the ful version.
Heavy Battle Tank
Mark Potter
Another good game from Mark. This time we have a tank battle game where
you have to blast your enemy's position.
Wayne Morris
A very nicely presented game where you are a warship whose mission is to
clear the area of submarines. At the same time the enemy is bombarding
you with an air attack. Quite addictive and pleasant to play. The
number of Subs to bomb increases with each level.
ASI Vol 37
Klaktris, Pod, Packer and Ghostship
ASI Vol 38
One on One, Skyflyer 2, Baldy, Transplant
ASI Vol 39
Blue Moon, Cardsorama, Seahaven, Amiga Solitaire, Cribmaster, Klondike,
Blackjack, Spades, Streets & Alleys, Power Poker
ASI Vol 40
Puzzle 15, Gold, Rush Hour, Dumbell, Flying, Cobra, Bunny, Get My Goat,
Wordhai, Rabbit
ASI Vol 41
Pacman Deluxe, Leap II, Tractorbeam, Hellzone 1, Hellzone II.
ASI Vol 42
Galaga '92, Dogs in Space, Invader Alert, Our Catalogue (Assassins_)
ASI 43
Detothello, Roulette, Cross Maze, Interlock (AMOS), Leapfrog Puzz, G-Boy
ASI Vol 44
Galaxy '89, Mouse Impossable, Rollon, Rollon (Puzzle), Nibler,
ASI Vol 45
Ditris, The Brain 2.2, Teserae, B-castle, Parcheese, Kastle Kumquat
ASI Vol 46
Amiga-Q, Checkers, City, Ouch!, Isolation, Atom Smasher
ASI Vol 47
Elevation (AMOS), Furmyre, Crave (AMOS), Arena
ASI Vol 49
Crazy Sue 1, Crazy Sue II, Deathbringer in Space, Assault
ASI Vol 50
Euphorion, Roach Motel (AMOS), Balders Green
ASI Vol 51
Lamers, Fighting Warriors (AMOS), Shapes
ASI Vol 52
Rockslide, Mouthman, NU
ASI Vol 53
Supercube, Power wars, Mastermind, Velcro Grub, Venus Invaders, Quadung,
Splash, Kings
ASI Vol 54
Serene, Car Wars, Serene II
Allen Webb
If anyone has played 'Minesweeper' on the PC (Windows 3.1) then you will
know how addictive this game can be! This is a long overdue Amiga
version which plays really well and is just as addictive. Well
recommended, well presented version of the original game.
Games & Demos
The Games on this disk are:- Pyromania & Mean Genie by Frank Dudley,
Light Bikes by Aaron McCormick. The Demos, All by Derek Piper are
Colour Rave Demo, Funline Demo and Hardline Demo. In Pyromania, you
have to fly around lighting candles as they move around the screen. In
Mean Genie, you are on a magic carpet and have to bomb ghosts whilst
avoiding snakes. Light bikes is a 1 or 2 player version of the Tron
game. The Demos are all colourful and should give you some ideas to
Lateral Quizes 6-10
Dr John Foley
This disk contains the compiled versions of John the Doc's latest
quizes. These will keep you well amused on a rainy day! Suitable for
all ages!
Numtris Demo
This is an educational version of the now classic Tetris. As you might
have guessed, the game involves numbers. There are three difficulty
levels, level 1 isn't too bad, but Level 3 will tax everyone who hasn't
got a calculator for a brain! In this game you have to build up columns
of bricks each of which has a number to make up the target number at the
bottom of the screen. The hard part is remembering the existing totals
for each column so that you can out the next brick in the best place -
if you exceed the target number, then that colomn is 'dead' until a
'zap' brick comes along which will allow you to wipe out the whole
column. Getting the exact target number will give you a new number to
create. 500 and 1200 compatible- there are two speeds set and basically
whichever Amiga you choose will alter the speed. Shareware registration
will get you the full version, this one trips out before a level is
Compiled Amos Games
This disk contains programs which were sent in, or requested to be
distributed as compiled versions. Space invasion is from Kev Gallagher,
and is an Amos version of the classic game. Invaders is a slightly
different invaders game where the aliens move horizontally in single
rows while you zap them, this is by David Christian. Ben Addis sent us
in Amigaclock which is an alarm clock proggie - full explanation given.
Fabrizio Bazza gives us the last 2 progs on this disk. Mefistofele is a
card game and Nag is a snake in a maze game where the bad snkes are
hell-bent on eating you a segment at a time!
John Scott
This is a dungeon game where the aim is to free the princess from the
nasties who live underground. Easy to control with plenty of fighting
and treasures to find before you find the heroine. There is another
version of the game available which I'm told is a bit 'naughty' but not
offensive! See the docs for info!
Compiled Amos Games
Quasi, by Paul Young, is a hunchback game where Quasi Modo has to walk
along a wall collecting bonuses and avoiding hazards to ring the bell at
the other side of the screen. In the Target is a game from Italy. It
is a shoot'em up where you have to line up ships, planes etc in your gun
sights and shoot'em. Bonuses are also available in this game set on
three levels of ability. Works rather fast on a 1200. Suicide Mission
is from David Christian. Here you are a helicopter pilot trying to
shoot down the enemy and avoiding getting shot down yourself. The
source for this game is on an Amos progs disk.
Tetrix, Underground, XFI
From Australia
Tower II
From Australia
An excellent demo version of an isometric adventure games from
Australia. There is a fair bit of play in the demo version and it
includes some rather crude effects! Naughty, but funny!
Assorted programs
Akira Demo, Dogfight 1, Full View
Various Progs
From Aussie Collection
Picturesque, Revolution!, Robbie to the rescue 2. An Art package, and
two games.
Assorted Progs
Lottoadvantage, MazeGen Demo, People Squasher. Another Aussie proggie
to do with the national lottery, a maze generator and a gruesome game
where the idea is to squash pedestians as they walk along the street.
From Australia
Dithell In Space
Demo Version
Darren Ithell has sent us his Shareware game to distribute as PD demo.
The game and graphics are very impressive and the full version is well
worth the registration fee which is less than a fiver.
Animal Land 1
MD Wilson
This is an educational memory game with animals as its theme.
In the Target
Michele Berionne
This is a game from Italy where you have to shoot at targets using a
cross-hair gunsight. Not the greatest graphics, but the game is good as
a first effort.
Paul Young
This game is a very colourful platform game where you choose your level
from a rotating menu.
Necessary Roughness
This is a two disk American football management game written in Amos.
It looks very impressive, but as I don't have a clue about the game, I
find it hard to describe!
The Dragon Compilation
Michael Wilson
14 year old Michael has sent us in his first shareware game compilation
disk. It contains 3 games, Dragon Sim, which is a flight sim view
dogfight game where you, the `pilot' are seated on the back of a dragon
instead of inside a plane. Sewer is described as a mindless stress
reliever where you have to use your mouse by shooting the alien bugs as
they come along the sewerpipe. It might relieve your stress, but your
mouse will need a rest at a health farm to recover! Dragon 2 is an
isometric two player dogfight type game. Good fun for two players,
difficult for one!
Also on the disk are a couple of demos and vista pics.
Lee Bamber
This is a demo version of a Licenseware game distributed by F1
Licenseware of Devon. It is an Amos version of Megalomania and is
excellent. This demo version gives you 10 minutes to have a look at the
kingdoms and their stats and also to do battle with one neighbouring
Paul Young
A shareware game set in space where you have to shoot down the enemy
ships before they are close enough to damage you. It atarts of easy,
but gets faster and faster.
Paul Young
Another shareware game from Paul Young. In this one you are the pilot
of a fighter jet flying above the jungle. You have to shoot down the
enemy planes as they come towards you.
Mr Shark Goes Racing
This racing game won a prize at the 1994 FES show in London. It is a
good program and is a shareware demo with more tracks etc available for
a fee.
This is a platform game with a fishy theme. Jump & collect the items
while looking out for the baddies! Recommended.
Paul Overy
This is the best Amos racing game around to date and shows what can be
done with Amos using the Turbo extension. Well worth looking at if you
enjoy this type of game.
====================ALLSORTS OF MUSIC =======================
Classical Music 1
Rob Baxter
Rob Baxter presents music by J. S. Bach. Music on this disc is the
Brandenburg Concerto No.3 and No.4, Prelude and Fugue No.7 and Toccata
and Fugue in D minor. All the music has been produced with Sonix and
Synthia. If you like classical music then get this disc!
Classical Music 2
Rob Baxter
Yet more music by Rob Baxter. This time he presents 'Sinfonia Arrival
of the Queen of Sheba' and Allegro Deciso from Water Music by Handel,
Badinerie and Air (on a G String), Gavotte and Brandenburg Concerto No.5
by Bach and Canon and Gigue by Pachelbel.
Classical Music 3
Rob Baxter
More music by Rob Baxter this time by Debussy. Pieces on te disc are La
fille aux Cheveux de hir (Girl with the flaxen hair) and Arabesque No.
1. As always they are of a very high quality.
Classical Music 4
Rob Baxter
Please order disc DV10 when ordering as this is a two disc set. Rob
Baxter this time presents Vivaldi's complete Four Seasons on the Amiga.
The music has again been produced with Sonix and is extremely good.
Rob Baxter
Yet more classical music by Rob Baxter. This time the music is from
Mozart and the pieces on the disc are Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Allegro,
Romanze, Menuelto and Rondo and the Horn Concerto No.4 - Rondo. Very
Rsi Drums & Pipes
A very well presented disc of music and graphics. There are 8 songs on
this disc: Crosslock, Swift, Enola Gay, X.M.F.T., SewerSong, Peters
Friday, Saddam's Fun and Theme From Drums & Pipes. Another good music
disc to add to your collection.
Rhapsody In Blue
Rob Baxter
This is another excellent Rob Baxter version of a musical classic, this
time he has chosen George Gershwin's Rhapsody in blue. Very nice to
load, sit back and listen to.
Baby Sittin' Boogie
This disk contains two whole minutes of digitised music. Just put the
disk in the drive to hear this golden oldie.
I Got A Wife
Another record digitised and put on disk for your enjoyment.
Music Demo #1
Sudden Impact
This is a group new to the Amos scene. The five tracks are played from
a compiled player. There are 5 pieces of music to choose from all of
which are on the gentler side of computer music, I love it!
Music Demo 2
Sudden Impact
This is the second music demo and contains 4 upbeat tracks played from a
compiled player .
Music Demo 3
Sudden Impact
This is the third music demo containing a further 5 tracks from Sudden
Impact. The styles of music on this demo are varied.
From Australia
A disk of music for you to listen and use from the Aussie Amos club
==================== GENERAL UTILITIES ====================
Very handy disc for creating and manipulating WorkBench icons. Tools
included on the disc help you to draw icons and turn IFF pictures into
them. There is also a nice selection of icons on the disc for you to
use. Very useful.
North 'c' Compiler
This is a Public Domain version of C. I can not write in C so can not
say much apart from the fact that this disc is not for people who want
to learn about C. This disc is only for people who know how to program
in C.
Master Virus Kill
This virus killer does absolutely everything. It will check hard disks,
check for viruses on files, copy bootblocks etc. It is the only virus
killer you will need.
Disc crammed full with the most useful utilities: 3RD Day (pic
grabber), A500 Test, Boot Any Drive, BootGirl II, Disk Salve, DosHelp,
Emulator, Mem Check, Menu Maker, NewZap 3.25, Packer, ST_Utility,
Undelete and Virus Expert.
Med V3.0
The latest Public Domain version of the best music editor around. This
program is a little gem to use and included on the disc are some
samples, sound and example music files for you to play around with. If
you want a music editor then this is the one for you! Plus users please
note:- Will load from workbench.
Messysid 2.1
SID is a CLI alternative. Basically it allows most operation to be
performed without the use of the keyboard, just by using the mouse by
pointing and clicking. It also contains lots of commands that are
normally not available in the CLI such as ARCing etc. This version has
been coupled with MessyDOS to allow you to use MS-DOS format discs in
SID so you can read text files, copy files etc. to and from MS-DOS
discs. This is a very nice program and if you want to make your life
easier I suggest you buy it! This is the latest version of this very
useful program.
This is an improved version of workbench that includes options such as
iconising windows, better and more comprehensive menus along with a host
of other options. Also included on the disc are some nice utilities.
Speccy Emulator
What can I say? All of you who have been dying to turn your Amiga into
the height of modern technology now is your chance. I must admit though
it is a good program and emulates the Spectrum very well. Also on the
disc is a very nice disc copy program by D-Mob called D-Copy. There are
lots of different copy modes.
Sys Checker
This disc contains a full system checker to check your computers memory,
disc drives, audio capabilities, graphics and clock etc. This could be
quite a useful program to check to see if everything is in proper
working order.
Ham Lab
Dreamer Of Whizzcat
The program on this disc converts IFF-ILBM pictures from any computer to
the Amiga. This is a pre-release version and some options have been
disabled. The program is Shareware and you are asked for a small
donation and in return you will receive the full version.
This disc contains many picture convertors from one format to another
for example from Commodore 64 to IFF, IBM to IFF, ST to IFF and also GIF
convertors. The disc also boots up into MessyDOS allowing you to access
MS-DOS format discs.
Beginners Bench
The disc boots up into a modified WorkBench environment with better
menus containing lots of useful utilities for example Perfect Sound,
Power Packer, Set Key and Tetra Copy to name but a few. The disc also
contains virus killers and document files for some of the programs.
Very useful.
A utility disc containing XOPER - a system tracker, MANDEL MOUNTAINS - a
3D fractal program, BOOT BLOBK CHAMP, TEXTRA - text file editor, BEZSURF
VIRUSKILLER, MACH - speeds up the mouse, GFXmem - displays memory in the
form of bars + others. All programs have documentation and most are
very useful.
Text Programs
Lots of text manipulation programs on this disc. There are spell
checkers, mail managers, mail mergers and house keeping programs. Quite
a useful disc.
Lots of utilities on this disc, mostly aimed towards graphics.
Utilities are Filemaster, RRP, TDraw, Virus Check, Fix-Disc, TextPaint,
LoadImage, Disc-Opti, Image_Ed, MyMenu, Mandels, Dope Intro Maker and
Rainbow Writer. Good selection of utilites.
This is a complete Ray-Tracing package containing scene editor, ray
tracer and animation programs for Public Domain release. On the disc
are full instructions and some examples of what can be produced. This
program is a lot easier to use than other commercially available
products and results are brilliant especially considering this is a PD
Crossword Creator
Brian Moats
Lots of puzzles are already included on this disc in varying grid sizes.
Puzzles can be loaded, saved, printed or conerted to IFF pictures.
There are lots of options to help you including renumbering, clear
letters etc. If you like creating crosswords then you will love this
Slideshow Kit
Shareware program. Creates 'scripts' for displaying pictures. Includes
a variety of screen wipes. The actual program is icon driven and after
reading the instructions you will find the program a joy to use.
Vector Designer
TSB - The Special Brothers
Very impressive 3D vector creator bt it must be said that this program
is not for novices as it is very complex to operate. Includes many
options for example 3D filled vectors and bob vectors. Full
instructions are included which help alot. Also included on the disc
are demos of what has been created and some sample objects. Results are
very good.
C64 Emulator
For those of you who have been dying to turn your Amiga into a Commodore
64 here is the program to do it. Not much can be said about it apart
from it emulates the C64 very well and I suppose is a nice novelty
Mixed Utils
Approximately 30 utilites on this disc most of which include
documentation. Highlights on the disc includes: Diskmaster 3.0, Qed
0.19, PowerPacker 2.3b, Diskopti 1.2, Coot Block Champ 3 and TetraCopy
(copy a disc and play Tetris at the same time).
Intercostal Utils
Another collection of around 30 utilities again most of then with
documentation. Highlights on this disc include: Red Sector Demo Maker,
Semtex Utility Boot, Setkey 2.0 and TwilightCopy 1.0.
600 Letters
This disc contains 600 different business letters covering such topics
as Legal, Accounting and Sales etc. All can be loaded into your
favourite word processor and amended. Useful if you run a small
This is a different Workbench which works some ten times faster than
normal and does not require the boot disc to be left in the drive once
Workbench is loaded. Quite a useful disc.
Amivision Utils 9
Yet another LARGE collection of utilities this time without the
documentation. There are, however, about 48 utilities on this disc.
Highlights are: BurstNibbler, Master Cruncher 1.1, IFF Convertor,
Showiz and Boot Saver 1.0.
Super 'c' Tools
This is a very large collection of utilities all on a bootable Workbench
disc. None of the utilities have icons and must therefore be run from
the CLI. There is a certain amount of documentation on the disc and
also a list of all the tools on it. All the normal CLI commands are
also included so you can use it as a work disk. Nice collection of
small programs.
Windows Bench
A nice program this. Once loaded yo will have the look of an operating
system more akin to the IBM Windows software but will operate the same
as a normal Amiga. Also included on the two discs are many utilities
and their documentations. If you are interested in a new look or just
want some nice utilities then get these discs.
an IBM Emultor which resembles the IBM very well and you can load and
use IBM programs. Full instructions are included on the disc.
Asi Tools
This is a disk full of utilities put together by the Assassins team.
The programs are varied and include such things as, Text engine (a very
good text editor), calendar factory and loan calculator. Full Docs are
supplied on disk.
Crunch And Copy II
This is a disk full of crunchers & copiers for you to use, a very good
value for money disk!
Text Engine V1.3
This is a very classy looking word processor/text editor, which is very
easy to use. The options are called from the top menu bar with icons
for the most often used functions. You can change the text style,
define macros, use word wrap and even count the words in your document,
plus many more features. VERY good value for money.
Text Plus
This is a word processor with many features including justify, centre,
mark block, etc etc. The program is Shareware as the annoying requester
keeps on reminding you! Useful program if you need to write and print
letters or a book, but cannot afford a full-price processor.
Prototyper V1.1
Derek Pell
Prototyper is an electronic CAD tool specially designed for defining
'Vero' strip board layouts similar to those found in electronic
magazines. Protyper is icon and menu driven making it very easy to use.
The program uses a library of component packages which are pasted on a
section of vero board of 38 matrix hole down and 63 across maximum. The
program also offers several powerful editing features that pen, paper
and rubber could never compete with, making it an essential tool for any
Amiga owner who dabbles in electronics. This is a Private-ware program.
The full version is available from the author, who is also the author of
Electro CAD. Full details on disc. (Thanks to Derek for providing the
description for this program)
Amivision Utilities 10
This is another disk full of utilities from Amivision with a couple of
games thrown in to keep you amused.
Sinclair Pic Converter
Ramage Software
This Shareware program allows you to convert pictures from Sinclair to
Amiga format. Nicely presented program.
Zip V1.0
Ramage Software
This shareware program is a picture ripper. Nicely presented and well
The New Superkillers
This is disk contains virus killers that will ensure that your disc
collection stays free from the latest virus problems. This version
updated January 1993.
Amiga Fox
This is a DTP package which will allow you to try out Desk Top
Publishing without robbing the bank! It has full text and graphics
editing facilties and comes complete with full manual on the disc.
Hints Disc
This is an adventurer's hints disk. Read the file wiith an Ascii reader
to learn how to access these hints. You can also use the hint maker to
write hints for other people.
Needs GPD124. This is a data base of who did what and when in just
about all the cult Sci-Fi programs ever made. It includes Dr. Who,
Saphire and Steel, Blakes S7 etc.
Jam Disk 2
This is the famous Printer Driver colection as released by JAM magazine.
Very useful and is the disc recommended by many computer magazines for
those of you having trouble finding the right driver for your printer.
Contains Canon48 - the driver needed to get the most from the Canon
BJ10-e series.
Bhagavad Gita
Known Only To Krishna
This contains the complete book Bhagavad Gita which I assume is the book
used by the followers of Krishna. It also contains the addresses of
centres around the world.
Super Sound II
David O'Reilly
This is a PD version of a really great sound sample editor. It does
everything you'd find in a full priced package, and it's really easy to
use. You can mess about with sounds to your heart's content, changing
the octave, cutting bits out, fading in and out, brightening the sample,
making it metallic, and lots more besides. It does the whole job bar
making the coffee. A good way into the world of Sound Editing.
Copper Colourz V2.3
This is a new Shareware Copper Editor which the author says is set to
rival Rainbow Warrior. It looks good and is easy to use with very many
extra features. This is the latest version of Yazoo's program, updated
July 1992. This program was written and compiled using AMOS.
New Canon Printer Drivers
This is an official drivers disk from Canon. Load via Workbench.
Canon Bubblejet Drivers
This official Canon drivers disk contains drivers for Bubble Jet
printers. Load via Workbench.
daniel fowler
This is a disk catalogue program which was written using Ncommand to
create its interface. The style is WB 2, and it looks very efficient.
This program is shareware and your registration fee gets you a much
improved version with enhanced features. This is a very user friendly
way to store the details of your disk collection, and will show you what
can be achieved with NCommand.
Harbinder Singh Ghag
This is a text editor that will give you all the features of a
commercial text editor. It's been tested and works really well, just
the thoing you need to write into the APDL or to TA! It saves as a
TurboText file or as Ascii which will load into other
processors/editors. Well recommended.
Paul Berkey
This is a disk full of proggies written in Amos which was reviewed in
Amiga Computing a couple of months ago. It has now reached us and is
available for your use. Picturesque is a shareware art package which
you can use just as you would DPaint. For a registration fee of ten
pounds you will get a version that you can run at the same time as Amos
so that you can flip from one to the other. AAlso on the disk is an
early version of Daisy Paint which is a paint & draw program for the
younger artist and a Smiley slide puzzle game. The programs are all
well presented and worth having. Full docs are on the disk, as is the
source code for the Smiley puzzle.
Assorted Programs
Volker Stepprath
This is in the utilities section as 3 of the 4 programs are utilities,
the last is a game. The utes are as follows:- NotizBlock - this is a
calendar/diary program which will allow you to enter appointments for
any hour of any day. It looks great and will be a useful addition to
your collection. AIFFPaint is an art package, again nicely done, Ambos
V1.29 is an upgrade of an earlier release, it's a Cli mask. If you want
some entertainment, then have a go at Magic Turn which is a strategic
puzzle game, which will get your greycells working! Docs are provided
in English and German.
Account Master V2.0
Martin Platt
This program will keep your home accounts in order. You enter in the
transactions and the program will sort out the balance for you. You can
even put thing in in advance so that you do not forget them, then
activate the transaction at the right time. A very handy well presented
program which will be of great use to those of us who can't wait for the
monthly or quarterly statement! Sorry, it cannot arrange overdrafts or
hack into your local bank! Well recommended.
From Australia
A disk of fonts to add to your collection.
Printer Utes & .iff Fonts
From Australia
Useful printer utils and some fonts to add to your collection.
Assorted Progs
This disk contains three very different programs. Stuart Taylor sent in
'TABMASTER' which is a guitar program which if you enter a musical note,
will tell you where to play it on the guitar. It can be set so that the
note is shown on any of the 6 strings. John Kinsella gives us 'HECTIC
II ' which is an addictive puzzle game for 1 or 2 players. The playing
screen is a grid containing red and green numbers, 1 player can only
move horizontally, the other vertically. If you click on a green
square, the number is added to your score, a red square deducts from the
score. It's hard to explain, but it's a great game! Last but not
least, My Dairy is presented by David Meager, age 13. It's a well
presented program which you use to make notes as you would in a diary.
This is a good VFM (Value For Money) disk.
AddressPrint V3
Paul Lathwell
This program will run on 1/2 meg machines, but only just, but if you are
reading this, you must have 1 meg anyway! This ute will take in
addresses from a database and use the information to print address
bels. There is a second version on the disk which is specifically for
Star printers.
Troni-cad V1 Demo
This demo program was sent into us from France to show what the full
version can do. It allows you to design electrical curcuit diagrams and
print out the results. The output is very professional. the program is
easy to use and would be useful to anyone who needs decent diagrams of
this type.
Gaters Gallery
This is a tutorial disk for DPaint. Gator is German and so the disk is
bilingual. The English is very good and although quaint in places
presents no problems. The tutorial uses DPaint 3, mainly because v4 was
bugged when it was produced. Gator deals mainly with the creation of
logos for demos, but I am sure that there are verry many handy hints on
the disk which will be of great use to all potential artists. The
picture screens are .iff, so can be loaded into Dpaint and played around
with. This disk comes highly recommended by Peter Paton, a Totally Amos
member, who sent it into us.
Guitar Tuner Utility
Lee Gillett
Another guitar utility to add to your collection, this program helps you
to tune up your guitar properly with on screen diagrams and sounds.
Very stylishly presented by Lee. This is shareware, the registration is
a mere 2 quid and for that you will get a voucher which will give you 2
quid off the professional guitar video produced by Lee. Full details
are available in the ads on this disk. Lee sent us a copy of his video
and it was dutifully tried out by our 10 year old who has a small
knowledge of guitar playing and she found it extremly useful. All the
chord for the song are shown before you start a song then you can play
along with the video as it shows each chord change and the song is sung.
The disk is well recommended, the video also, although you will have to
send to Lee for that!
Cool Copier
Someone In Australia!
This is a very good disk copier which was sent to us from Australia a
while back. A useful addition to your utilities if you do not have a
disk copier.
Tele Titler 2
The lowres version of this program can be found in the APD section. It
is, as the name suggests, a titling utility which has loads of features.
Kieran Miller
This program was written with Amos Pro and is a version of the Logo
language used by schools etc. There are ful instructions on the disk and
a Help facility which can be called up at any time. I haven't had time
to put this to much of a test yet, but what I've seen, looks good!
Ben Ashley
Ben has decided that this proggie is to be PD after holding onto it for
ages! It's an Ansi writer. If you do not know what this is, it is a
utility which allows you to `paint' using characters from the keyboard
to create coloured messages/pictures such are seen on Bulletin boards
etc. It's easy to use and useful for those wanting to design messages.
ZOG-Fonts 1
J Auslebrook
Demo showing big Fonts for Ctext, available as shareware
View Tools
Paul Compton
Utilities disk which allows you to view lots of things! Programs are
called Viewdisk, Viewphone, Viewtree and convert.Disk comes with full
docs and Hard drive versions.
Assorted Compiled Programs
Various programs from the USA plus EasyBase and Text Convertor
ASI Virus Killers
Thanks to Brian of Vally PD for supplying me with a disk of Virus
Killers which work on the A1200! Several Killers plus full docs.
Sonic Drum Kit v1.5
Malcolm Lavery
This is a demo version of a tracker-type program for budding
percussionists. There arre four tracks which can be filled with beats
from various effects situated at the top of the screen in your drum kit.
You can cut and paste rythms, change instruments and load in a couple of
previously saved scores to hear what this program can do.In the full
version, available from Malcolm for a fiver, there is a choice of kit
which will make things even more fun! There are lots of facilities,
some of which have been disables in this version, but there are plenty
here to give you an excellent idea of how much fun you can have. This
program is very well presented and is easy to use and does what it says
it will! Have all the fun of being the next Phil Collins without the
expense of a full drum kit!